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30th Wedding Anniversary Wishes for Lovers


30th Wedding Anniversary Wishes


30th Wedding Anniversary Wishes: Thinking about what to say in your 30th wedding anniversary wishes? See our best tips that will help you create your anniversary message.

30th Wedding Anniversary Wishes for Lovers

• You are an amazing wife, lover, friend. You’re an inspiration to everyone around you; you’re a wonderful mother to our three children and we are thankful that God placed you in our lives. Our love for each other grows year after year and is an amazing blessing. Happy 30th wedding anniversary!


• You are my soul mate! I can’t imagine life without you, and I am so glad to get to spend it with you. I cherish every moment we get to be together and feel so lucky that I get to share the rest of my life with you. I hope this letter tells you just a little bit of how much I appreciate you, and how happy you make me. I love you with all of my heart.


• You have no idea how much I love you. You’re everything I could have ever asked for in a life partner, and I’m so happy to have found you. We’ve been through the best and worst of times together, and we’ve made it through together every time. Here’s to 30 more years of happiness and many, many more after that.


• Yes, 30 years have passed since you left my heart. But we’ve always been one and I will always love you for the rest of my life. You are my one true love.


• Thirty years have gone by much too quickly. I want you to know that I will love you forever. Every day, every hour, and especially every minute I am blessed to be your wife.


• I knew the moment I first met you that there was something special about you. You were different and I wanted to know everything about you. We’ve made a lot of memories over the years starting with our dating years, the proposal, marriage, and 3 beautiful children. The best is still yet to come and I can’t wait to continue this wonderful journey with you!


• If I could start all over again, I wouldn’t change a single thing. Our marriage is more precious and special now than it was 30 years ago. We’ve survived triumphs and tribulations together, and we will continue to do so as long as we have faith in one another. This is one journey that I don’t want to end!


• You are the love of my life, my best friend! The day I met you was a dream come true! I hope your 30th wedding anniversary is filled with many more years of happiness, laughter, and good times. I love you so much!


• You are my best friend and my soul mate. I can’t believe you made it 30 years. I am so happy to be married to you for every little bit of it. For the last 3 decades, you have been the one constant in my life that has made me feel secure. You have always had my back, from the moment we met. You were the one to hold me together when I was falling apart and show me what true love is.


• 30 years…who would have thought a thousand hugs, thousands of laughs, and millions of kisses would be so rewarding. We’ve been through thick and thin and I wouldn’t change anything for the world. I love you with my heart, soul, and body. You make me complete and there is no one else I would rather spend my life with.


• I remember how nervous I was on my wedding day. I didn’t know if you would think I was beautiful and I didn’t know if I belonged by your side. But now, 30 years later, I am still as in love with you as I was when we said our vows.


• Your love is the air that I breathe, the water that I drink, and the food on which I live. You are my soul mate and my partner in life’s adventures. I promise to be loyal to you in sickness and in health. We will face the challenges of life together, comfort each other and uphold our vows until death do us part.


• THANK YOU for being the best husband, father, and friend that I could ask for. I’ve loved you since we were just teenagers and married you in our young twenties….getting old with you is something to look forward to!


• I married the most incredible man and you have been the best husband, father, and grandfather to our children. I could not ask for anything more than what we already have. You are a great man who has brought me so much joy in my life. I love you with all my heart!


• We have spent 30 years together. I didn’t want to do it without you. You are my soul mate, my best friend, my lover. I love you so much! With all the love in the world… Happy anniversary sweetheart!


• As we enter our 30th year of marriage, I fall more and more in love with you every day. Our love matures and grows stronger as each year passes by. There is no one else in the world that I would ever want to spend my life with. You make life worth living, an incredible husband and Father. I am so lucky to have had you by my side for this long and will be so lucky if I spend the rest of my life with you.


• From the day I would walk down the aisle to be with you, I knew I would love you forever. There are no words to explain how happy I am to call you my husband, and be able to share all of life’s milestones with you. You are my soul in the body, and nothing has been more right for me. A thousand thanks to you for everything you have given me, and for being always a wonderful husband!


• You are my soul mate, my best friend, the one I want to grow old with, and the one I want to spend all of eternity with. Thank you for giving me 30 years of your love, I hope to give you another 30 or 300.


• 30 years! I know we’ll make it another 30 and then some. I can’t wait to be married to you forever. I love you, sweetheart.


30th Wedding Anniversary Wishes
30th Wedding Anniversary Wishes

Parents 30th Wedding Anniversary

• I read this quote the other day and I’m so glad that we have found a way to make 30 such a sweet number. 3 decades –It’s amazing how far we have come. Life isn’t always easy, but together we make it special and more than I can fathom.


• I am so thankful for you. From the moment I first saw you, I have thanked my lucky stars for bringing you into my life. You fill me with joy. The time we spend together warms my soul and gives me hope for tomorrow. 30 years later and these feelings are stronger than ever.


• We have traveled this wonderful road together for 30 years now. I look at you and smile knowing how lucky I am to be in love with you. You are everything I could ever want and more! To my love, happy 30th wedding anniversary!


• Hi honey, it’s our 30th anniversary today and it seems like 30 years was only one second. I love you and am happy to have you in my life. There are many memories about our trip, to the seaside during these 30 years as we were together. I miss you a lot as well as miss our first kiss. You are my best friend, the man who leads me with your wise advice. Thank you so much for everything that you do for me every day.


• Oh, my dear husband, so many wonderful years have passed and I’ve grown to love you more. Our past is full of memories that never fade, and the many years ahead are for us to make more. I wish you a very happy 30th anniversary and look forward to many more.


• Thanks for being married to me for 30 years. I couldn’t imagine being married to anyone else. Thanks for all the late nights with the kids, putting up with my crap, and keeping me grounded. All I can say is that I am really glad I found you. Happy 30th Anniversary! Ahhh.


• Every day with you is more wonderful than the last. Making it to 30 years of marriage has been wonderful – and I look forward to seeing what the next 30 will bring us. I love you!


• Marrying you made me the happiest man on earth. Thank you for making me a better person and showing me what unconditional love is all about. I cherish you, my sweet wife!


• I have been married to you for 30 years and loved you for more than 30 before that. I look back on our story time and again, wondering how I got so lucky. You are an amazing husband and father, but the thing I love most about you is your heart. You have the biggest kindest heart of anyone I have ever known and it doesn’t stop beating for anyone. You built a home around your heart and I found it on my way up.


• We’ve made it to 30 years! My heart is full, my eyes are teary and my hands are full of love. Other people say your wedding day goes by in a flash, but it feels like a lifetime to me. Every day I wake up next to you I can’t help but smile.


• Thirty years married and I can’t believe how much I love you. You bring happiness with every touch, every kiss, and every hug. Every day I thank my lucky stars that you are mine. When we first met I knew there was something special and now after 30 years of marriage I know it was a lucky day the day we said: “I do!” Love you so much!


• I’ve always pictured us growing old together, and thought how lucky we were to still be as close as we were when we first got married. Happy 30 years my darling. I love you.


• Thirty years ago we stood in front of our friends and family and promised to love and cherish each other through good times, and bad. I want you to know that no matter what the future holds, we will make it together. I look forward to spending the next thirty years making us stronger, richer, and more beautiful. Happy anniversary!


• Thirty years ago I said “I do”, and so began a journey of love, friendship, support, compromise, hard work, and a whole lot of laughs. You have made my life a joy and taught me how to find happiness in the smallest of things. Love you, sweetheart!


• We have been married for 30 years! I never imagined that life after the wedding would be this awesome. I thought it was going to be all downhill from there, but you just kept impressing me over and over again. Here’s to another 30 years of making each other laugh, loving each other more, and overcoming every obstacle thrown our way.


• We’ve come a long way baby! I love you so much and I am truly blessed to have you in my life. I treasure every moment that I get to spend with you, they just get better and better as the years go on. You are a rock star and a gift from God!


• Happy 30th anniversary to the love of my life! 30 years! I cannot believe it has been 30 years. In these years I have seen you through ups and downs, laughter and tears. These past three decades have blessed me with the most amazing man, the best father, the best friend anyone could ever ask for. Thank you for all that you do, for everything you are to me and our family. You are my best friend. Happy anniversary.


• We made it 30 years! You are the most incredible person in my life. I wouldn’t want to spend it with anyone else. I’m so lucky to have you and I can’t wait for the next 30 years! I love you!


• My husband, My love. I am so glad we have been together for these 30 years. You have always been the only one for me and I can’t imagine my life without you. I know we will be together forever because our love is stronger than most and can overcome any obstacle. Happy Anniversary!

• Our love has kept us strong through the good times and the bad. I look forward to celebrating the next 30 years with you!


• Thirty years together have been the best years of my life. I am so lucky to still have you by my side. That first date was the best night of my life, and every day since is better than the last. I love you more than words could ever express and nothing could prepare me for your smile or that laugh of yours. You are the most amazing man I know, and I can’t wait for many more years to come.


• 30 years. 30 years of challenges, trials, and triumphs. 30 years of love. Yeah, I know it’s been a long time, and sometimes life can be scary. But we’ve made it through the tough times together and we look back at the memories with happiness instead of sorrow. No one else could make me smile like you do or understand the way you do.


30th Wedding Anniversary Quotes for Friends

• I love you more and more each day. It is amazing how much we have grown together and how our love has flourished and deepened. You are my best friend; the one person I want to spend forever with. Thirty years and all I think about is how you are the one for me. We have grown together in every way and I know our paths still run deep. You are my soul mate!


• Today on our 30th wedding anniversary we stand stronger than ever. We have been married longer than anyone else in our family, with eleven wonderful children to show for it.


• Thirty years ago, you made me the happiest girl in the world. I love you so much and am so glad we are still together. We’ve been through a lot, but nothing could ever separate us. You are my best friend and my soulmate for life. Our love keeps growing more and more every day. I can’t wait to see what the next 30 years bring!


• We have had some amazing 30 years of marriage. We have had our ups and downs, but in the end, we’ve always made it through. Life has been pretty awesome with you as my husband, but I love you, even more, today than I did the day that we wed. You are a blessing in my life and the best gift that anyone could ask for.


• You’re my happily ever after. You’re my dream come true. I love you so much and I wish you 30 more years of good health, wealth, happiness, and love.


• Thirty years ago today, we celebrated our first date. We have been through it all together – from the births of our children to the loss of our parents and in-laws, to financial ups and downs. And although we still have a lot of living to do, we look forward to celebrating many more happy days to come! Happy 30th anniversary!


• A special message for a special man on a very special day. I hope this message reminds you of that which you already know, that you are the love of my life, the one person in this world that makes me truly happy. Your soul is a perfect counterpart to my heart and your smile is a treasure beyond price.


• I will always love you. I will always be there for you. I have loved no one else! You might not believe me, but it is true. I will forever and always be by your side through everything life throws at us. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me!


• Happy 30th anniversary! There has never been another love so strong and so passionate. I am so happy to be spending this marriage with you, to have developed this wonderful union of souls that makes us a family. I have no doubt this will last another 30 years (and many decades after that) – our love is that strong.


• You are the love of my life and I cherish every moment with you. 3 decades together is truly amazing. We’ve come so far, but we still have the rest of our lives to look forward to. I have loved you since the moment I laid eyes on you and I always will. 30 years and countless kisses! Happy 30th anniversary!


• Today is a special day as it marks 30 years of marriage for you and me. I want to thank you for being the perfect husband, father, and friend. I can’t imagine my life without you in it. You are the love of my life and today I want you to know just how much I adore, respect, and cherish you!


• Thirty years ago you walked into my life and captured my heart. I’m still madly in love with you after all these years. Just the thought of having you in my life brings such joy to my heart. You have been my partner in crime, best friend, lover, and soul mate. I can’t wait for our next decade together.


• To the most wonderful man I have ever met, you make me smile every day. It is because of you that I can go through any situation. I know that we will grow old together with many happy years to come. I can’t wait to see what our future has in store for us. May God bless us for many more years!


• I wanted to tell you how much you mean to me. Our life together has been quite the journey. You are a blessing from above and I love you so very much! I appreciate all the time we’ve spent together, we’ve created some truly wonderful memories. I just want you to know that I am eternally grateful for you – thank you for choosing me! You will always be my other half and I love you forever.


• As the years go by the love we share grows even stronger and more meaningful. I am grateful to have found you and to have your love in my life. You are a wonderful husband and father. I am happy to spend this Anniversary with you. There is no one else I would rather be spending this special day with.


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