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40th Wedding Anniversary Wishes and Quotes


40th Wedding Anniversary Wishes


40th Wedding Anniversary Wishes: If you are looking for some great anniversary messages for a 40th wedding anniversary, you have come to the right place. We have prepared an amazing collection of top anniversary messages that will help you select the perfect one for your own needs.



40th Wedding Anniversary Wishes

• If I had known one day we would be this close, I would have wooed you sooner. I love you so much and I’m glad that we’ve found each other and fell in love. My life was empty before I met you; now it’s full of everything beautiful. I can’t wait to spend our next 40 years together and beyond!


• I love you with all my heart. Words cannot describe how many wonderful memories and moments we have shared in the past 40+ years. We have traveled on countless journeys, hiked trails of unknown peaks, shared so many restaurants and cafes around the world. You are my best friend, guide, and lover. You are the love of my life and I can’t wait for the next 40 years!


• We’ve made it to 40 years! That’s pretty incredible if you ask me. I can’t wait to spend the next 20 with you. Happy Anniversary!


• Today marks our 40th wedding anniversary! Forty years seems like such a short time. I’ve loved you for so many more. I have always loved you. I will continue to love you until the end of time. Our friendship has grown and blossomed into the most amazing love story and I know it will last forever. You are my best friend, my soul mate, and my everything!


• My love, we have been through so much together over the 40 years, but when I wake up next to you every day, I know that it was all worth it. Looking forward to spending 40 more years with you.


• We’ve come a long way, haven’t we? We may have had our share of ups and downs, but how lucky am I to have someone like you standing by my side for 40 years. Happy 40th Anniversary!


• Our forty years of marriage have brought us happiness, love and so many memories that words cannot describe. I love you more today than ever before and will always love you.


• We certainly have lovingly lived our life. I can feel it every day I look into your eyes. We are both so thankful that we found each other to share the next 40 years! Love you always.


• I’ve loved you since I was a little girl, and now that we are married it makes me so happy that we found each other, through all of the change. I thank the Good Lord above for bringing us together on this day 40 years ago. We will be celebrating many more anniversaries to come. You are my dream come true.


• Your love has helped me to be a better person. I’m so thankful you crossed my path because I wouldn’t want to spend another moment of my life without you. You’ve taught me the true meaning of “perfect love” and for that, I am forever grateful. I can’t wait to spend the next 40 years with you!


• 40 years of marriage, we have come a long way, my love. I remember holding hands as we walked into the church to get married. Our vows were simple and yet, as we spoke them, our heart’s echoed the same message. We promise to share our lives through good times and bad. To love and cherish one another for all eternity. I wouldn’t choose anyone else in this world to spend my life with.


• It’s hard to believe that 40 years ago I was lucky enough to marry the love of my life. If someone had told me at 20 when we married that I would still be smitten with you at 60, I would not have believed them. But here we are and after all these years I am still madly in love with you.


• When we married forty years ago, we had no way of knowing the happiness that would follow. Every day I see you together I’m so pleased that we made this commitment to each other. Thanks for being such a great husband and helping me do what I want to do with my life – be your wife!


• You are my heart, my soul. I can’t thank you enough for all the love you’ve given me and for making me the happiest woman alive. I look forward to many more years of walking hand in hand together, growing old, crazy trips, memories to last a lifetime, and raising our beautiful family. You make every day so much brighter and I love you with all that I am!


• My mind is always consumed by thoughts of you. You are my heart, my soul, and the love of my life. I only want you and could never be with another. You are the world to me.


• You stole my heart the minute I first saw you. I never thought I would find someone like you and be so happy. The way you make me feel can’t be described in words. We have been through some hard times but each day I learn to love you more. Thank you for showing me how wonderful love can be! You are the best thing that ever happened to me. I cherish every moment with you and wish we could spend many more together.


• Ever since the day you opened your eyes to see me, you have been my one true love. I didn’t know what to do, so I just stared at you but you were too young to even notice you had another human in your life. I had always hoped that one day I would meet someone who would be my soul mate and I did but then I got worried that this person was born yet.


• Congratulations on your fortieth wedding anniversary. To be married for forty years is a tremendous accomplishment. You have lived through everything from old cars to new ones, to the discovery of the Internet. You two must have had many interesting times together. For your fortieth anniversary, I would like to give you both my best wishes for many more years together.


• What started as two strangers grew into two best friends, then two lovers and now we are celebrating 40 years of marriage. You are my soul mate, my other half. I love you with all my heart!


• Thank you for the last 40 years of love and laughter. We have had our good times and we have had our bad times, but we made it through together. You are my best friend, my true love, my soul mate, and the one I want to grow old with.


• All the years that have passed have been filled with much happiness. The many years of our marriage should not go unnoticed because they are the most beautiful and strongest years anyone could wish for. We fought through the hard times together, we loved through the good times together. Those are times I will always cherish.


• In the depths of my heart, I love you more and more each day. I hope that your 40 years together will be the start of a long life of love. I am so lucky to have found you!

• Marriage is a lifelong romance. It’s full of twists and turns, ups and downs, laughter, and tears. But when two people love each other enough, they can make it work. That’s because love grows over time. The first blush may have faded, but the love beneath only becomes more refined and powerful.


• You are my partner, my best friend my everything! I love you so much and can’t wait to spend our 40th anniversary together.


40th Wedding Anniversary Wishes
40th Wedding Anniversary Wishes

Happy 40th Anniversary Wishes

• 40 years together may sound like a long time, but it’s only a moment in our lives. We have had so many good times and so many wonderful memories. Time has always seemed to fly by so quickly, we have enjoyed every second of our life together. I know our anniversary is coming to an end, but all it means for me is the beginning of our next 40 years!


• I remember the night as if it were yesterday… I knew from that moment you would be my wife… Our wedding day, the vows we said, the warm summer air, holding hands as we walked from our family and friends…


• Having you as my wife is a blessing. You are the love of my life and I just don’t know what I would do without you. Thank you for being in my life and sharing everything with me. No matter what, always know that I will love you until the day that we die!


• As we move forward into yet another year, I want you to remember that for every year in the past, there was a reason why that year was so special. And for every year in the future, there will also be reasons why those years are so special. In each of these years, as with all those in the past, my love for you has grown stronger and deeper. It is because you are here with me today that I have experienced such joy and happiness.


• We could not have made it this far without you. You have made my life so much better and more complete. To be able to cross that bridge every day means so much to me. I am amazed at who we have become AND how much love we have for one another. We are amazing and I cannot wait to see what the future holds for us. We may be growing old together, but we will never grow old in love.


• I first saw you across the crowded room and knew(if only for a moment)that it would take my entire life to love anyone as much as I loved you in that one moment. The years may have passed since then, but the feelings haven’t changed a bit. You are still the center of my universe and hold my heart in your hands. I look forward to spending each day with you for decades and decades to come. Happy 40th wedding anniversary love!


• Forty years is a long time to love and be loved in return. I can only imagine how that time will feel like when I’m married that long to the person that I will love. Thank you for helping me to get to this day, and I hope we both continue for another 40!


• After forty years you are still my best friend. I still want to spend every waking moment with you because I believe we were made for each other. It’s hard to believe that I know your smile, your laugh, your touch, and your smell so well. I love you more as each year passes.


• I love you more today than ever before. The love I feel for you grows every day and every moment that passes solidifies my feelings. You have given me your heart, and now it forever belongs to me. I will cherish it for all the days of my life. I look forward to growing old with you and hopefully sharing a lifetime of happiness. You are my best friend, my soul mate, and my lover… and I will never let you go.


• You’ve been my partner in life for forty years! I cannot imagine a day without you by my side. I could never love anyone else as I love you. Your love is the foundation of my life and I want to keep loving you forever.


• After almost forty years of marriage, there’s only one thing I know for certain. You are the one who keeps me going, the only woman that makes my life complete. I love you with all my heart and soul, and even though I promised never to say it again, I want to say one more time how much you mean to me: Always and forever.


• When you asked me to marry you, my heart skipped a beat. I knew then that my life would never be the same. You are forever in my heart and together we make one big team. I love you with all my heart, always have, always will.


• I love you. I know my words may seem like just words, but I love you more than words can say. We’re entering our 40th year of marriage and it’s only getting better. You are the best husband a woman could ask for.


• Four decades…so many ups and downs, smiles and tears, laughter and sorrows…we’ve seen it all through the years. And we made it work. It was never easy, no, never straightforward, but you know what? It was worth it! We are stronger now than when we started our lives together. If it wasn’t for you I wouldn’t have made it to today. I love you and I always will. Happy anniversary!


• This card is for you, to say how amazing you are! Thank you for sticking with me through thick and thin, through good times and bad. We have been together for so long that it feels like forever. We have loved, laughed, and cried together through the years. I truly think that we were meant to be together because not all couples can last as long as we have. I cannot wait for many more years of laughs, kisses, cuddles, and love!


• We held each other close and promised to love and honor each other for better or worse, richer or poorer, in sickness and health. And remember what I read that day? True love doesn’t mean being inseparable; it means being separated and nothing changes. Congratulations on your 40th wedding anniversary, I hope you stay married for the next 40 years!


40th Wedding Anniversary Poems

• Mommy and daddy have been married for 40 years! We love them so much, and we hope that they will continue to grow old together. We love you both so much and want you to know how happy you make us.


• My husband, my best friend. You are there for me every moment, through the good and bad. Your love is unconditional and I can’t thank you enough. You truly are my rock! You make me a better person knowing that I have your unwavering support. I love you with all of my heart!! Congratulations on your 40th anniversary!


• May your wedding anniversary be the happiest of many. You have brought immense joy to one another and deserve every happiness you get from this day forward. Congratulations on reaching this milestone!


• Happy Anniversary! Forty years of Love and Happiness! We have had so many wonderful years. Can‘t wait to see what the next forty have in store for us. Love you, Our Past, Our Present, and Forever our Future. Love Always – you and me.


• Where did the time go? We’re so blessed to have enjoyed 40 years of marriage. Not a day goes by that I don’t think about how happy you make me; how much I love you, and how lucky I am to have such a wonderful wonderful wife. We have experienced so many wonderful things together and every single one has been made even better because we have each other. You are my best friend and the love of my life.


• You are my husband, my best friend, my lover…my life support. And no one could ever take your place. We’ve shared happy times and through it all, we’ve helped each other to grow. I love you now, I have always loved you and I will love you forever.


• Today marks your 40th Wedding Anniversary but it seems like just yesterday that those two crazy kids walked down the aisle to their happily ever after. You’ve made each other so happy over the years and you both continue to inspire us with your love every day. We wish you another 40 years of laughter, love, and happiness!


• This day marks our 40th wedding anniversary. I remember the day we met and fell in love. I’ve never had as much love for someone as I do for you. You make me laugh, smile, and just feel secure. Through all these years together your love has grown and been unwavering. I am so glad to be married to you and can’t wait to spend many more years together! I love you!


• What an amazing journey we have been on for 40 years. All the adventures and times spent together, all the love and laughter that has been shared. I love you so much more than you will ever know and my heart is so full of gratitude for having you by my side. It’s hard to believe that it’s been so long, but I wouldn’t give up one single day of our time together!


• Thank you for loving me, supporting me, and encouraging me over the past 40 years. Without you, I wouldn’t have done so much and experienced so much. Your love shines a light in my soul that makes me feel as if I can get through anything life throws my way. Thank you for being my best friend and the most wonderful husband a girl could ever ask for!


• Our marriage has brought much joy and happiness and laughter. 40 years, it’s been quite a journey! But my love for you has never diminished. I want to give you so many wonderful things. I hope that I have given you the greatest gift of all—happiness. Sorry about the sweet nothings written on the mirror…I couldn’t help myself!


• Although forty years have passed, neither of us seems to have aged as much as you would think. The years have been kind to you and I am happy that we are still going strong. Hopefully, there are many more years of happiness in our future, with each other, our children, and our grandkids. I love you!!!

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