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70+ Baby Arrival Announcement Messages Quotes

Baby Arrival Announcement Messages: Baby news is one of the most adorable pieces of news that you can present to your friends and family. There’s no better way to spread the news than by announcing it in a unique and friendly way. You can announce your pregnancy to your loved ones by sending them some baby arrival announcements quotes which are now quite popular in recent times.


Baby Arrival Announcement Messages Quotes

I am overjoyed to let you know that you are going to be a mom! You deserve the very best in life, and I am so glad I can provide that for you. You can start getting ready anytime now because I’ll be there every step of the way. I love you, babe, with all my heart.

As we welcome our new baby boy into the world we want to give a heartfelt thank you to the wonderful people who helped make this possible: God, for creating us and giving us such a unique and precious angel; our family and friends for their continuous love and support. You are already loved so much! Congratulations!

Our baby is here! With you, by my side, I feel like we can do anything. You’re the strongest person I know, and I can’t wait to see what our life will bring together. Our love is bigger than the day we began, thank you for being with me.

We are happy to announce the arrival of our child. We are excited to share this new chapter in our lives. Our hearts are so full of love and hope…… Congratulations!

Welcome to the world little one! I can’t wait to watch you grow into a beautiful young woman. You have so much love surrounding you, I hope that it makes you strong. I love you already and will love you forever.

Oh, the boy is it finally happened! The time came and you were born, my baby boy. I couldn’t be happier or happier than I am now, and I wouldn’t trade this moment for the world. You are perfect in every way, and I love you. Welcome to the world!

I am so excited to welcome this new little person into our family! You will be so loved. I can’t wait to hold you and love you, smell your skin and see your face. I know you are going to be the best baby ever!

Welcome to the world, sweet baby boy! You make our world shine so bright that we wish we could fit you in our pocket to take you with us everywhere. We love you so much and can’t wait to come to meet you!

our family has grown and we are beyond excited! We have a little girl! She is here, healthy, perfect, and beautiful. Thank you for the love and support! We can’t wait to meet her!

I can’t believe how close I am to meeting our baby. Seeing your stomach growing every day, seeing your happy and healthy face makes me the happiest Daddy. I can’t wait to meet our baby and kiss you!

‘I just wanted to say that we are all very happy for you and your family. We pray that God will bless you with happiness, good health, and lots of love! Take care!’

We are so happy to welcome into the world our darling baby daughter Daria. Her loving and cherishing family is so happy to have her as a part of their family. We love you and can’t wait until you come home!

I’m going to keep this short and simple. We love you! Our family is complete, what a wonderful feeling. We are so thankful we get to bring another child into this world, especially one as special as you! This is an exciting new chapter in our lives and we can’t wait to see what the future brings!

It is with great pride, excitement, and delight that we are thrilled to inform you of the arrival of our little boy. Both mummy and baby are doing well and we thank you for your continued support during this time.

Low and behold, you are my parents’ first grandchild. I am so excited to welcome you into this world, and I know that you will bring us all so much joy. We can’t wait to see you and hold you in our arms for the first time. You are such an incredible gift to us all.

I am so excited that you are going to be a dad again! I am looking forward to meeting this little one and helping out however I can. Congratulations!

You are a gift from heaven. So pure and beautiful, so much dazzle and grace, love, and joy. To know your mommy is one of the greatest blessings I have known in my life.

Congratulations! And now that you’re a little family, we can’t help but want to shower you with love and all the best things life has to offer, from our continued support to the cute outfits we’ll think of for your growing little one – all topped with a huge amount of love, kisses, and hugs.

The day has come. You’re finally here. We’re going to have so much fun with you! You’ll always be loved by all of us and we can’t wait to spend forever with you. You are so beautiful and perfect in every way. We’re going to love watching you grow up. Forever is only the beginning

We can’t stop smiling. Our lives are better than we ever imagined. We are in love and so proud to have our new baby!

I can’t believe we are about to have a baby! I am so excited about what the future holds for us. This is such an amazing time and I have you to thank for it. You are going to be the best dad in the world. I love you so much and I can’t wait to see how our little miracle works into our amazing life together.

look what finally arrived! She is perfect and precious in every way. I thought you’d like to know that she came into this world at 12:11 p.m. I can’t stop staring at her as she sleeps in my arms — it’s amazing how much beauty one little person can bring into the world.

Good friends are hard to come by, so cherish them. I want you to know how much I love and appreciate you, and I will always be here for you. Congratulations! You are going to be such an awesome dad!

I am so thankful to have you in my life. You are a blessing I wasn’t expecting. I love you and can’t wait to see the amazing person you will become.

Can’t believe the day is here. We’re so excited for you to join us! We love you already!

We are so excited to meet you. You already bring so much love and joy to our lives and we just can’t wait to meet you. We cant wait to hear your first cries and watch you take your first steps. We love you already and can’t wait for the most exciting day of our life. We cant wait to see YOU.

It’s a beautiful moment when you realize that someone is your best friend and is in love with you. You make my life complete, I adore every single ounce of you. I can’t wait to see where our lives take us, just know that I will always be there for you and baby.

We are so happy to announce the new arrival of our newborn son. We can’t wait to hold him in our arms and cherish this wonderful moment. Welcome to the world little one.

I am very happy to meet you, baby. You are adorable and I love you. I hope that the two of us will spend many years happily together!

We have some big news! We are having a baby! Our family is so excited to welcome another baby. We love you and can’t wait to cuddle with you soon!

We are going to share in one of life’s greatest joys and say a HUGE hello to a new member of our family. I love you, baby!

We can’t wait to meet you in a few weeks. Mommy loves your daddy so much, and I want you to know how lucky you are to have such a thoughtful man for a dad. He has been the father figure that I never had, and I’m extremely proud to be his wife and give him our beautiful son.

My darling, I hope you are feeling better. How is the baby doing? I can’t wait to see you both. I wish you all of my love and luck with the birth. Sending a kiss your way!

We’re expecting our first child! The doctor says we’re having a baby girl! We are so incredibly happy, we can’t wait to meet you. Love, Mommy, Daddy

Future Baby- As soon as I found out you were on the way I couldn’t stop smiling. You are the best gift anyone could have given me and I am so happy to welcome you into our family. I can’t wait to be a daddy!

Congratulations and best wishes to you both on the birth of your new baby. On behalf of the whole family, I want to extend our heartfelt congratulations on this special occasion. May your gift from God bring happiness, health, joy, and love into your lives and grow up surrounded by a lot of love. Warmest greetings to the new parents!

You did it! You made a BIG decision and soon you will be a big sister. You have been so patient throughout my pregnancy and I’m going to need your support now more than ever. I’m so excited to meet our new baby, I’ve always wanted one.

You were on my mind every step I took, every breakthrough I was making. When the test was positive, I wanted to call you immediately. I hope you will be as excited about our new baby as I am!

Congratulations! You’re having a baby. With all my love and support, I wish you the best, joy, and happiness in your new life as a parent.

A fresh new little bundle has joined our family and we couldn’t be happier! Just wanted to share the good news. We are all so in love with her already and can’t wait to watch her grow. There aren’t words to express how much we love you.

We are thrilled and excited to announce that we are pregnant. We want to thank all of our family for their love and support. This is such a special time in our lives and we can’t wait to meet our new little blessing!

We have great news! We are having a baby! You will be an amazing father…I love you so much and can’t wait to see our baby!

Anyone who knows us knows our passion and love for animals. So when we found out that we were expecting our first child, we knew immediately what her name would be. This baby girl will have a dog’s heart, loving and loyal, loyal to a fault.

I can’t believe how much I love you. I knew I loved you before, but now it is even more than that. You are such an amazing father and husband. Seeing you holding our daughter in your arms just made me melt at the sight of pure joy. Thank you for being our hero, daddy! We love you so much!

I think the world of you. I can’t wait to see you, meet you and be with you. I’m thrilled to be a part of your life.

You are a wonderful baby. I can’t wait to cuddle you and kiss you. You will be loved more than anything in the world. Mommy loves the baby so much!

We are so happy to announce the birth of our little miracle baby! You are the best son we could have asked for. We love you so much already, and can’t even imagine what life would be like without you in it.

Well little one, we are so excited to welcome you into the world! We are so lucky to have you and can’t wait to spend a lifetime loving you. The instant I saw your little face on that ultrasound, I knew my life would never be the same.

You were worth waiting for! You were worth all the tears, the sleepless nights, and the fear that you wouldn’t come. We are so happy you are finally here!

Our family is growing! We are so happy to announce that we have a baby on the way. We would like to invite all of you to celebrate over some cake, so get your butts to the party. We hope everyone can make it.

We are so happy to tell you that we are finally going to meet our baby. We want you to be the first to know. Your friendship is more than we could ever imagine and we hope you will play an important part in our baby’s life. We can’t wait to see you in a couple of months.

Hello babies! I hope you’re doing great, I know mama is. You are already the most special beings I have ever known. I can’t wait to meet you and fall in love over and over again forever. Your daddy and I love you more than you could imagine.

Baby, it’s been a long road but we made it. We made our baby. He’s so beautiful. Even more perfect than we imagined. I’ve been crying tears of joy like there’s no tomorrow. But these are happy tears!!!! I love you, sweetheart!!!

We are so excited to be welcoming another baby! We’ve never been happier and couldn’t think of a better way to celebrate the new year. Love you all!

You are the reason that I get up every morning. You make me a better person. I love you with all of my heart. You are my best friend and my soul mate. Spending every moment with you makes me feel like I am living in a dreamland. Life is perfect when you’re here with me!

We wanted you to be the first to know! We’re expecting our baby. We know that you’ll be a great big sister and we can’t wait to meet him/her. Love Momma and Daddy

We are thrilled to announce the birth of (baby’s name), born at 5:30 am today. Mom and baby are doing well. We are happy, healthy, and in love! Thank you for the love and support!

Hey babe, I’m writing this because I wanted to tell you first. We’re having a baby! It was unplanned but we already love it so much. You are an amazing dad and I know you will be amazing in this new journey of ours. <

I can’t believe we are finally having a baby. I have wanted this for so long and now it’s finally happening. You are the best husband in the world and I am so lucky to share this thing with you. I can’t wait to meet our little bundle of joy and baby-bump kisses!

I am so happy to be part of your life. I look forward to watching you experience the joys and heartbreaks, the wonder and excitement nurturing such a beautiful little being brings. I love you to the moon and back, and I will always be here for you, no matter how bad it gets.

We are coming in hot to announce the arrival of our little darling, Liberty Belle. She’s got your eyes, my head, and good old dad’s nose. We can’t wait to see you! L

Our family is so excited to welcome this new baby into our lives! We can’t wait to see the tiny toes and fingers. To be honest we are thinking of getting the baby a larger room. The crib has been moved out into our room! It’s going to be a fun ride, love you two!

We are so happy to announce that we are clutching! We are so excited about the journey of parenthood and can’t wait to meet your new little brother or sister soon.

How can I stop my heart from beating? Isn’t it supposed to have stopped by now? What is this overwhelming urge I feel inside? Is it just happiness, or is it love? I’m so overwhelmed by it that I still can’t even form words. You are incredible!


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