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Best Psychedelic Captions for Instagram with Quotes

When it comes to psychedelic captions for Instagram, there’s much more than meets the eye. From inspiring quotes to hilarious anecdotes, there are a lot of things you can do to spice up your feed with the best psychedelic captions for Instagram.

Best Psychedelic Captions for Instagram with Quotes

Life is a psychedelic experience, which can be enhanced using the right captions.

No one can hear you scream in the middle of a crowded room, but everyone can see you on our new psychedelic photo filters. #instagramporn

We’re not talking about getting high, but art is the drug of the future.

Get your mind ready for the best visuals.

There’s a reason we call it “the psychedelic state.”

You’ll be feeling no pain, see the rainbow and see your dreams come true.

The best things in life are mind-bending.

you’re the best acid I ever took, you’re the best drug I ever did.

Psilocybin is the wonder drug of our time, but it’s also very confusing.

The greatest thing about life is the people you meet. You never know who will end up being your best friend or leaving you heartbroken. But that’s what makes the journey so worthwhile.

It’s show time, baby!

It’s good to be back in the groove of things.

Colorful and raw, these captions are sure to bring out your inner artist.

The future is looking pretty psychedelic.

Life is a psychedelic journey. Let’s go on one together.

Psychedelic surrealism at its best!

The best way to start your weekend is with a nice acid trip.

We don’t want to tell you what to do, we just want to show you how it feels.

The best way to appreciate your surroundings is from a wild perspective.

It’s time to cut loose with your friends.

It’s not what you say, but how you say it.

You’re on the ride.

I’m high as a kite and I’m not afraid to fly.

A perfect day for a drive through the desert. To infinity, and beyond…

The best way to get out of bed is to stare at the ceiling.

Never stop trying new things, because no matter how hard you try, you won’t be able to get to the end without fail.

It’s all about balance.

Psychedelic captions for your Instagram.

when you see the world with psychedelic eyes.

I’m a little bit stoned, and a little bit high. But I’m not a tripped out artist. I’m just an art-school dropout!

You are having a psychedelic experience and you don’t even know it.

Let the world know you’re with it.

The only thing better than tripping is tripping with good company.

Let us take you on a mind-bending journey.

You know what keeps you up at night? Being bored and all the things that would be cool to do.

Dabbing is the new bromance.

So, what’s the funniest thing you’ve ever seen?

Be here, now.

Take a trip to another dimension.

I’m high as a kite, but I can’t be bothered to fly.

You know it when you see it.

At times too strong. At times too weak. But always right.

If you are feeling a bit more relaxed, try some psychedelic captions for instagram.

The world is a psychedelic place, so let’s all just be in our own little world.

Take a ride on the psychedelic wave of your senses.

Life is a psychedelic experience, just try and get lost in it.

It’s like a forest, but with more psychedelics

When you feel like you’re on the edge of a mind-melting psychedelic trip and the music is making you dance.

The psychedelic experience is a gift to be shared, not a secret to be kept.

Cannabis Creates A State Of Mind That Will Be With You For The Rest Of Your Life.

This is a psychedelic experience.

It’s true: We’re all part of the human rainbow.

The universe is a big place. We are just tiny pieces of it, but at the same time, we are all connected and experiencing the same things.

The journey is the destination. ☀

We may not be able to see it, but the universe is definitely there, listening.

If you try hard enough, the sky is the limit.

The key to life is balance.

When you’re not sure what to caption a photo, say “I don’t know” and let the psychedelic captions do their work.

It’s like a little slice of the universe has fallen into your instagram feed

Because nothing says I’m feeling #psychedelic like pictures of me on drugs.

If you were to close your eyes, I might be the most beautiful sight you’ve ever seen.

DMT is a strong hallucinogen that’s been touted as being better than marijuana.

The world is a beautiful place. But it’s also a little strange, and a lot blurry.

A little bit of this, a little bit of that… a whole lot of gasp-inducing visuals.

It’s “trippy” to think you can feel the universe around you—and it’s truly amazing.

Hey, you’re on acid. Strange things are a-happening. Share the love.

I’m about to take you on a journey, one that’s going to change the way you see the world.

Life is a trip, but you don’t have to take it alone.

There’s a bright side to every cloud, a glimmer of light at the end of every tunnel.

We’ve all been there.

Thanks for the memories.

The only constant is change.

Enjoy some of the best psychedelic captions for instagram you can find, we contribute to a world where everybody is free to express their inner self.

If you’re looking for a psychedelic caption, the work of @sophia-nizet is just the right one.

So most of these photos are pretty much the same, but here are a few specific captions for psychedelic pictures that will make them more memorable.

We’re all here, we’re all together now. And we’ve got the #tripstagram to prove it. (⌨)

Get your mind and body ready for @psychedelic_us

Our minds are blown by the beauty of nature, and we’re ready to share our love with the world.

I’m so into the future.

A little bit of everything. A little bit of everything.

If you’re going to do something crazy, you should go all out.

Everything is bigger in Texas. Including the state of mind.

See the world for what it is, not for what you think it should be.

It’s about to get real.

As a certified genius, you have the ability to succeed in any situation. But you need to learn how to harness your ability and not let it get in your way.

When life gives you acid, make lemon meringue pie.

The best psychedelic captions for instagram, and more.

This is a psychedelic caption for Instagram

Captions that make you feel the way you want to.

Good vibes, bad trips and all

Say hello to your new favorite caption.

If you can see it, we can make it. #MakeItHappen

This is your mind on drugs.

Some people are in this world to make others laugh, feel good and smile. And sometimes, just by being themselves.

We’re seeing a lot of colors this Friday.

The time is nigh for your trip. Open the shades, pour yourself a drink and enjoy the ride.

It’s all the same, just in different ways. You’re all beautiful! ♥

Those of us on the edge of our seats waiting for this one to drop 😱

When your mind is full of ideas, it can be hard to find the right words. Let us do that for you.

Life is like a ride. And I’m king of the world.

Some days, you just gotta go with your gut. 💯

The best psychedelic caption for instagram is “It’s like a roller coaster of mind altering experiences.

Tag someone you know who else would appreciate this pic. It’s a #psychedelic caption for Instagram!

I’m feeling a little giddy with this psychedelic caption

“People are always surprised to find out how much better Instagram is when it’s on acid.”

Life is a psychedelic experience you can’t forget.

You too can see the world in 3D. #fearnot

The world is infinite and ever changing. Live in the moment, experience what you can and make it count for everyone.

You’re the best I’ve ever seen, and better than you know.

High on life and love.

Mellow yellow lights and indoor green plants. We’re feeling it!

We are all a little mindblown.

The world is made up of shadows and light. What you see is never all there is, but try to be as real and authentic as you can.

We’re calling it. You’re the one who’s feeling it.

The universe is a dream, and you’re already one with it.

Your life is like a jam session—when the music gets going, you have to get up and dance.

We’re all about the #psychedelic captions for instagram and here is a good list of best psychedelic captions to get inspired
In a relaxed tone

The best psychedelic caption for instagram is one that is simply captivating, speaks volumes and makes people want to see what you’re talking about.

Get lost in the mystery of this world. #psychedeliccaptions

Highlight your best moments with the perfect captions for Instagram.

The world is a psychedelic place. You are your own best friend and worst enemy. And the best part is…it’s all good.

Bold, bright, and beautiful

The world is a beautiful place, and it’s time to celebrate it. #HappyWednesday

You know you’re on drugs when you start talking to your nail polish like they have feelings.

In a world full of uncertainty, we’re drawn to the unknown. Let’s dive in together.

A feeling of belonging, acceptance and love. A home far away from here.

When you’re in the middle of nowhere and all they say is, “Stay the fuck away from here.”

The acid is dropping on my tongue, the music’s driving me insane.

Sometimes you just need to say enough with the rest.

There is no life more intense than the one you live.

Trust Your Instincts
The secret to a great psychedelic photo is doing it first thing in the morning.

The best captions are those that bring people together. And if you do it right, you can do that without even saying a word.

We took the most mind-expanding moments of our lives and turned them into captions.

Like a good adventure, a psychedelic journey is rarely predictable.

Don’t trip if you’re not tripping.

Take a trip into the coolest places in your mind.

Life is a psychedelic experience.

We are in a psychedelic state of mind.

A place to explore yourself and your mind.

you’re a force to be reckoned with, but also a trip

If you don’t take acid, take a nap.

You can never get too high on life

Get ready for the ride of your life.

Don’t be afraid to get out of your comfort zone.

“I’ve got your back”

The best psychedelic captions for instagram. Check out our collection of captions and captions series to find your own style.

Nothing is more psychedelic than the world around you. Happy Wednesday!

The peak experience. The feeling of the most intense euphoria with the best high in your life—and that’s just from a trip to your local gas station.

When you’re high, the world is a magical place. So take a deep breath and enjoy the ride.

You never know what you’re going to get when you open your mind. #Mindblowing

It’s time to take a journey into the mind of St. Vincent

We are the reason you should never visit at night.

Life is what happens to you while you’re making other plans.

I’m in a bad mood, everything is wrong and I feel like crying. #spaghetti

Who needs reality when you have this.

The world is a beautiful place, even if it looks like garbage.

Think of it like a mind game. You think of certain things, and then you see how your mind reacts to them.

You’re only frozen for a minute, but it feels like forever.

Follow your heart, not the crowd.

A psychedelic adventure is an exhilarating experience that you will never forget.”

What if all your posts were psychedelic?

These captions will get you all high on life.

The best psychedelic experience of your life is right here.

Life is a psychedelic journey—share your trip with us.

A post shared by Melquiades (@mellquiades) on Dec 27, 2017 at 8:24pm PST

Life is better when you escape reality and get lost in a truly memorable trip.

Basking in your pre-loved glory.

You’re a rose in my garden, the sunset in my sky and moonlight in my heart.

If you’re not prepared to be surprised, give me a call.

We’re not in Kansas anymore.

Stronger together

When the light starts to flicker and fade

To infinity and beyond !

The best psychedelic captions for Instagram are those that provide a positive, yet thoughtful quote or phrase.

Psychedelic captions for instagram are more than just another hashtag. They’re a way to express yourself, a new way to share your love of life, and an invitation to explore a world where the senses merge.

We’re tripping over these captions for your instagram stories.

Most people think psychedelic art is trippy and mind-bending, but we all know what it’s really about: the discovery of self.

If you’re feeling a bit lost, we’ve got you covered. #shrooms

Classy, psychedelic, and always appropriate.

Staying up late, dancing all night and feeling like you’re part of an 80’s rave.

There are so many ways to see the world, it’s time to see a little more.

There’s no time better to go on a trip than when you’re high.

I wish I could caption this picture with something profound, but nothing comes to mind.

Let the illumination of your mind guide you through the day.

The universe is a beautiful place.

As you float through the universe, you can be certain that everything is going to be okay.

When you’re feeling good, the universe feels better.

The more you know.
We couldn’t be more excited to announce our biggest update yet. To celebrate, we’ve posted some of our favorite psychedelic captions.

There’s a reason why kids love psychedelics. They’re just so fun to experience.

We’re taking our love for the magic of all things psychedelic to the next level.

Life is art. Art is life. And psychedelics give me the best of both worlds.

You may not believe it, but you’re actually in the greatest psychedelic adventure of your life.

Sometimes you feel like having a psychedelic experience.

A psychedelic journey through your thoughts and emotions.

Take a look at these beautiful photos and see how they can be made even more beautiful.

#explore #sensations #sunset

You are not you. You are the Universe manifesting itself in a simple but powerful way. Always feel your #captainuniverse

We’re out on this one.

It’s the journey that matters most.

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