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Best Bible Quotes Bio for Instagram

Bible Quotes Bio for Instagram: Have you ever wanted to share Bible quotes on Instagram, but are unsure of what to do? Well, don’t worry, I’ve got your back. There are many different social networks where one can share information and ideas. But Instagram is one of the most popular networks because people enjoy its clean simplicity, ease of use, and how rapidly it grows in popularity each year.


Bible Quotes Bio for Instagram

“I and my Father are one.” #biblequotes

The best part about being a Christian is that you get to spend eternity with the lord.

“You can choose to love and be loved, or you can choose not to love at all. But if you choose not to love, you will have no one to give your life meaning.”

The Bible is the inerrant, infallible Word of God. It is the only source you need for eternal life.

I am a living testimony of what God says about life and living.

I’m so glad you’re here. This is a place where we can ask God, listen to His voice and really belong to Him. Our life is not about what we do, but who we are in Christ.

The good news: no matter what you are facing, God can help. The bad news: there’s a test at the end of it all.

“Blessed is the one who finds wisdom, and the one who gets guidance.”

“I have learned that happiness is not the destination, it’s the journey.” Bob Marley

Let Your Light Shine

“You’ve got to keep moving forward to stay in the game!” -ML

Finding good enough is a lot better than finding perfect.

When you don’t know what to say, just quote the Bible. 💕

The Bible, is the greatest story ever told.

We are never too old to read a book or go on a journey. #StayYoung

When you love God, the Bible tells you that’s when you begin to act like Him.

The greatest glory in living is being happy with yourself. The goal of life is not just to survive but to thrive! So enjoy your journey and live it to the fullest.

All of life is about relationships—both the ones we have with others and with ourselves. It’s not just about living in the moment but living every moment fully.

A little sabbath reading never hurt anyone.

Whatever life throws at you, just keep on believing in yourself. The truth will set you free.

Proverbs 4:23 says, “Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.”

I love the feeling of relief and joy that comes from walking by faith.

A gentle reminder to always be thankful for what we have, even if it goes unnoticed.

I love you to the moon and back.

‘The world will never be destroyed by an idea, but by the clumsy execution of an idea.

Tell your story with these Bible quotes you can use in your Instagram bio.

Not sure what to post? These #biblequotes are a good place to begin.

Finding peace in the everyday, finding beauty in the mundane. I’m a lover of all things Pinterest-y & crafty.

The Bible is the most widely read book in the world. It’s been translated into every language and dialect, and can be found in virtually every home, office, and school. The world’s one true source of truth.

I believe that God has called me to use my voice to help others hear the hope found in God’s Word.

We all need a little reminder that we are not alone.

We all need reminders. Here are some Scripture passages to get you through life’s ups and downs.

A good day is when God is the reason for your smile, and a bad day is when He’s the reason for your tears.

Life is short, don’t waste time.

To live is to labor, to labor is to think, and to think is to dream. To dream of things that never were: that’s the stuff of life

Who better to quote than the guy who wrote down most of it?

The love that you give will be returned to you a hundredfold.

You don’t have to be an expert in a particular field of knowledge to be wise. You just have be committed to learning and apply it.

How do you live your faith? What do you do to show God’s love in your life? Share some of these Bible verses that are important to you on Instagram and tag them #biblequotes.

We’re all gripped by the Bible. It’s a book that changes lives, it’s a book that brings people together, and it’s a book that shapes our future.

A quote from the Bible to inspire you for your day.

The Bible is a book of life. It’s not just a book of rules; it’s a book of freedom!

How can you be a Christian without a Bible? 😉

I’m just a regular gal, with an extra dose of faith. #quote

If you want to know what God thinks of your life, ask other people who have walked in his shoes.

Providing inspiration, hope and encouragement to the world’s readers.

“The heart of every person starts beating right away when they are born. No one can stop it, and no one can slow it down.” – The Bible

The greatest gift you can give yourself is to forgive someone else.

What kind of person do you want to be? A follower—or a leader.

The life you are about to live is not going to be an ordinary one. It’s going to be extraordinary, filled with adventures and challenges that would challenge anyone’s imagination.

The most powerful weapon on earth is the human mind. We have to do the things we think we cannot do.

What goes around comes around.

Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.

Bible Quotes for IG are the best way to spread the real teachings of the bible without fail.

There’s more than meets the eye to this Bible. Let us get you closer to God and closer to your sweet self

Don’t let a day go by without reading your Bible. It will change you, strengthen you, and challenge you to live life differently.

This is my favorite verse in the bible. I have always found it to be so inspiring, and a reminder that we are all on our own journey.

I’m driven by a passion to see God’s glory in the world and make a difference.

The Bible is the best author and best lecturer.

A word of encouragement from someone who has gone through life using God’s Word to guide her.

“The only thing that can stop a bad person is a good person.” -The Bible

You only live once. Do it right.

Don’t build your life on the foundation of other people. Build it on a rock.

Having a daily walk in the park and reading a good book is the best way to spend your day.

We’re all one. We are family

Your light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never put it out.

Why did God create the sun, the moon and the stars? To give us light on dark days.

A #biblequote every morning gives you the power to live a life that honors God, honors others and honors yourself.

We’re not perfect — but who is? 🌸 #BibleQuotes

The Bible is one of the most powerful books in existence. It contains knowledge, wisdom, and guidance that can help transform your life and the lives of those around you.

Here are the top 3 Bible quotes for Sunday:

The bible is full of inspiring quotes, so I thought I’d pass them along to you. Here are a few of my favorites:

The most powerful book ever written is the one you carry with you, inside you.

The Bible is the only book that every generation takes up again and again, for it is that which gives today’s man his highest thoughts about God, life, and conduct.

Your life is a gift from God. Be thankful for the opportunity to live it, and remember that God is always near you.

“Blessed are the eyes that can see beauty where none exists.” ― John Green

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade

I’d rather be the hands of God, than the hands of people.

Be the change you wish to see in the world.

A good reputation is more valuable than money. It will take care of itself if it is true.

Life is a garden, cultivate it.

A man is never greater than when he strives to be better than himself.


Short Bible Verses for Bio

Life is short. Short Bible Verses for Bio.

Short Bible Verses for Bio. God bless

Get inspired and get to work with these short Bible Verses for Bio.

Short Bible Verses for your day. Great for quotes and sharing on social media.

These short Bible verses are a great way to start your day. They’ll lead you into the right mindset and help you focus on what matters most.

These short Bible verses can help you find peace and inspiration when life is stressful.

Let’s practice these short Bible verses to help us in our life.

In the Bible there are short but powerful verses that we can learn from and apply to our lives. Let’s take a look at some of the most popular and beloved ones!

We know that you love a good Bible verse to share and we’re about to give you some of our favorites.

These Bible verses will help you get a handle on your health, finances, relationships and more.

Let’s #biblequote and learn from God’s word.

You are fearfully and wonderfully made. You were created for greatness, and God’s plan for you is greater than anything you can imagine.

Hope you have a great week. I know it will be filled with blessings, smiles and lots of laughs.

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

Today’s verse 👉“We should obey God rather than man.

A little encouragement from our Lord and Savior. Enjoy some short Bible verses for your Instagram bio or profile.

Short Bible verses for those who want to read something a little more concise.

These short Bible verses can help you stick to your goals—especially when life gets busy.

The Bible is full of short, powerful verses to inspire you in your life and faith.

All the wisdom of God is contained in the book of Proverbs. We are proud to share a collection of short Bible verses from Proverbs, with helpful explanations at the bottom of each one.

Take a moment to think about the people God has put in your life, and how you will feel when they are gone. He wants to bring you closer to Him with every passing year.

Here’s a short list of Bible verses to help you through the end of the week:

A daily dose of scripture to keep you inspired.

When you feel the tug of temptation, remember to let God take control. He is always faithful.

A little inspiration to get you going on a morning.

In the beginning, there was nothing but chaos. And then…there was life!

Short Bible verses for you to meditate on when life gets tough, or when you need to find inspiration.

The Bible is a book of short chapters and verses that are easy to understand. But it’s not always easy to follow. Let these short bible verses help you have a better understanding on how to live life today.

A great source of daily inspiration is the Bible. To inspire and uplift your soul, these short Bible verses can be treasured for a lifetime.

When you feel like giving up, remember these five short Bible verses that will remind you of God’s love and help you stay on track.

Happy Sunday! Here are a few short Bible verses for you to reflect on this week about how God is always with us and we can trust Him.

The Bible is full of scripture that speak to every aspect of life. #BibleVerses

The Bible is the most influential and widely circulated book in the world. It has inspired and continues to inspire countless people.

The Bible is full of life transforming truths.

Stop and take a moment to appreciate your blessings. ☀

The rich and poor meet together; the young and old are gathered together.

Our life is a reflection of our character. If you want to know who you are, someday you have to write the story of your life.

If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand.

These short Bible verses are great to share with friends or post on social media. They’re easy to read and understand what God is saying.

A strong and healthy immune system helps us fight off illnesses. This short Bible verse tells us that our bodies are temples of God.

The Word of God is life-giving and speaks to your heart, mind and soul. Enjoy these short Bible verses that will inspire you every day. #BibleDaily

We can’t go a day without God’s Word on our lips. I’ve chosen a few short Bible passages to inspire you today:

“You know the only reason there is a sunrise and sunset each day? So that our lives can be changed by the glory of God.

A tree is known by its fruit, a man is known by his kind words and deeds.

If you’re looking for a short bible verse that contains the word ‘bio’, try these:

These short Bible verses will give you reasons to live—and to fight.

In this tough world, it’s important to have a little reminder to rely on God.

Knowing God is not a waste of time. It’s the most important investment you can make in yourself and your family.

The Lord is a sun and shield; the Lord will give grace and glory. To all who love him and obey his commands, he promises peace

God’s Word provides the ultimate source of truth, strength and guidance. It is a lamp unto our feet and a light to our path.

“Our lives are measured by how we respond to God’s providence and grace; how we live in the light of his promises, trust his faithfulness, and rely on his support.”

Don’t be afraid to stand out in an ocean of mediocrity.

For the love of God is greater than our greatest fear.

Let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.

What does the Bible say about us?

The Bible is an awesome book. I love how we can take the verses from it and apply them to our lives.

The sun rises and sets, and God’s love endures forever.

Trusting God and relying on Him is the best way to live life.

Passages from the Bible that apply to your life today.

May the source of all life, the One who created us, and the One who sustains us, always be glorified in our lives and our work.

Let your lives be a living example of what God’s word means when it says “be not conformed to this world.”

God is the source of all true nourishment and strength. He knows how to use the faults and weaknesses of people to work out His own purposes.

God is faithful. He will not let you be tempted beyond your ability to be faithful. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand strong on the one side.

The Lord is faithful and trustworthy, and he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand strong in all situations

“For a moment, the world was created; and in the blink of an eye, it will be destroyed.”

From the depths of darkness, one man and his will to survive. From fear and ignorance, something beautiful. #biblestories

“God didn’t give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power and love and self-control.

“But with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

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