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Condolence Message for One Year Death Anniversary


Condolence Message for One Year Death Anniversary


Condolence Message for One Year Death Anniversary: This article is a compilation of condolence messages which you can use to send us a message on the 1 year death anniversary of someone. This is to show your respect for someone who passed away and give strength to grieving family members.

Condolence Message for One Year Death Anniversary

• Death is a part of life, and we must all make peace with that. I know you are in a better place and still watching over me. I miss you and love you as much today as I did one year ago.


• Your last year has been an eye-opener. Not a day went by without hearing your name, seeing your face, and not missing you. Every day I wake up I always wonder when you are going to join us again. It breaks my heart to think about how much you are missed right now. Your smile was contagious and your laugh echoed throughout the house with every whisper of the wind.


• Wishing you peace and serenity as the anniversary of your husband’s or wife’s passing approaches. Thinking of you and praying that this time will be a little easier.


• I love you so much. I’m not doing well without you. There is an emptiness inside me that nothing can fill. Please forgive me but I need to say – that I miss you more and more every day. If only you were still here, most of my tears would have dried a long time ago.


• It is very difficult for me to express my feelings of immense sadness at your passing. 60 is so young, it almost defies imagination. I will never forget the time we spent together, and how you made me laugh. You were a good friend, too good in fact for this world.


• There are no words to express how much you are missed, but I have held on to our memories so they are here to help me go on. I will carry your love always. You were an incredible husband and father. We will meet again someday and have many happy years together.


• I’ve loved you my whole life. Now I know I’ll love you forever. Our precious memories together will live in my heart forever and always. I will miss you so much.


• My heart breaks and there is a hole in my soul that cannot be filled. I think about you every day and wish that I could see your beautiful smile again. There is not a day that goes by when I don’t miss you.


• I know you are in a better place, but I still miss you… Your passing made me realize how short life is and how to appreciate each day that I am here. I often think about those times that you were here with us and the memories make me smile.


• He was a great man. I knew him for many years and will always love and miss him dearly. At the time of your death, I promised to keep you alive in my thoughts, speak your name often, keep you close to my heart, and never forget the love that we shared. Your memory keeps me going. Every second spent without you is a second wasted. Missing you so much!


• I just want you to know that I will always love you. I miss you terribly and still don’t believe that you are gone. I wish I could hold you one more time, kiss your lips one more time, and hear your voice one more time. I know that you would want me to be happy again someday, well that day hasn’t come, and it may take a very long time, but I will find my way back to happiness.


• You were my soul mate, now you are my angel in heaven. I will never forget the special memories we shared. I love and miss you so much.


• Although it has been a year since I last heard your voice, I will never forget how much you meant to me. My heart still aches at the thought of not having you here with me. It’s hard to believe that it has been a year already. Time flies when you are having fun! Love you always and forever.


• One year today has passed since your passing. It’s hard to believe it’s been a year you left us; especially when I know how much you are missed. You were such a wonderful man and I wish we could have spent the rest of our lives together. Your memory will always live on in my heart, as well as the hearts of your family and friends. Much love to you forever and always, Dad.


• Today marks the first anniversary of your passing. I feel so lost without you here, I miss you so much. No matter how hard I try to keep myself busy the loneliness still sets in. You were never mining and yet I will always love you…


• I miss your voice so much, I miss your phone calls, I miss your arms holding me tight. One year has passed and I still cry. My heart aches for you, my husband. My lover. My soul mate. Rest in peace knowing that so many people love and miss you every day.


• We are so sorry for your loss. Words cannot express how much you will be missed by a lifetime of people who loved and cared about you.


• Donald, the day you passed away I was devastated. I cried and couldn’t function for weeks. It took me a long time to even think about moving on. I thought you were too young with so many things going for you. I’m sure you heard and felt my crying in Heaven and it gives me so much comfort to know that you are happy in Heaven. I could always feel your love for me.


• I miss you every day. I cry myself to sleep wishing I could hear your voice or see your face one more time. But I know that is not possible. You are now in a much better place and being very well taken care of. One day we will be together again.


• I miss you every day. You were an amazing woman and I was blessed to have known you for a brief time. I’m sorry that I couldn’t be there more, but know that I never stopped loving you. Please know that your son still loves you and misses you very much as well. Rest in peace, my beautiful friend.


Condolence Message for One Year Death Anniversary
Condolence Message for One Year Death Anniversary

Anniversary of a Death One Year

• Tomorrow will be one year since you passed away. I miss you so much, it hurts. It’s been a hard year, but I’ve learned to live without you. After all, I have two beautiful kids that fill my life with happiness. Thank you for teaching me how to love and giving me the best years of my life.


• As the years go on I think of you more and more. You are so amazing that I still can’t believe you are gone and will never be back. Our family has been torn apart without you and has been forever. I know you are in a better place, but I wish so much that things were different. You are loved and missed!


• I miss you so much already, I can barely breathe. How did this happen? How did my heart get so broken so quickly? I will love you forever and always my darling. You are always in my heart from the day we met to the day we died. The day of your death is the day that changed my life, before it was just a nightmare but now it’s real.


• You are my life, the one that I live for. With every beat I take, you are with me and inside of me. I miss you horribly, but you will always be with me in my heart and mind. I love you more than life itself and will never forget about the beautiful times we shared, I hope you find peace where you are now, at this very moment…I love you so much.


• Life is a beautiful thing, and love is all around us. Living each day to the fullest and giving our family and friends everything we have is all we can do. I am so sorry for your loss and feel the loss of your mom deeply.


• You were my very best friend. We had a family and shared our lives. Now I’m left here alone, to love you in my way. You always brightened my days but now I am left in darkness. The pain is unbearable but I know you are watching over me. I will never forget the love we had. I will be back to visit soon, and then you can fill me with your love once again.


• I couldn’t have asked for more from someone like you. You always knew how to make me smile and comfort my fears. You were my rock, my soul mate and I didn’t realize how lucky I was! I am sorry! I never said thank you or told you that you are the best thing that has ever happened to me! I love you so much!

• We were together for one year. During that time we shared a lot of laughs and a lot of tears. You changed my life forever, you were my best friend. I love you and miss you more than words can say, until we meet again, rest in peace baby.


• My dear Sam, It has been one year since I last saw your beautiful face. You were taken from this world way too soon. Your pain is gone, you are no longer suffering. I ask that you watch over my family and watch over me as well. I know you will always be with me because every day I feel your presence when I think about you.


• I am writing this on the first anniversary of your death to say that I miss you every day. But I am comforted by having known and loved you during our time together. You are missed deeply, but you live on in my memory and our son.


• My only wish is that the sadness you feel right now will fade to memories, that time will heal you, that you will always find the strength to remember all the beautiful times that you once shared. May his soul rest in peace and may God always watch over you.


• I loved you from the first time I saw you with your big eyes deep with knowledge of the world. You weren’t afraid of anything, even though you were so small and fragile. Your curiosity knew no bounds, and that never changed. Sadly, it was taken from you far too soon. Holding onto life is such a difficult thing to do sometimes, and I am sad I couldn’t save you from its clutches.


• Now and then I look at your picture. It brings back so many memories, so many smiles, so much love that I had for you. For a moment I wish we could do it all over again. Then I remember the last moment we were together, it was a moment of great sadness and words cannot describe the pain I felt in my heart when you took your last breath and left this world for another world unknown to me.


• Our love is eternal. It’s only the distance that makes it seem apart. You will always be the light of my life, no matter how far away we are from each other I will always love you with every ounce of my being.


• I can’t believe that it’s been a year. Even though you went, you are still so close to me. I don’t know how, but you are. I feel this space beside me and I just wish that you were here. I never told you enough, but I loved you more than anyone in the world.


• I miss you so much, my love. Every day is harder without you here. I look at our pictures from the last time we were together and it hurts to see all your smiling faces. I will never forget a moment with you and I will love you forever & ever.


• I know sometimes you feel like I don’t care like I don’t know how to be the supportive and loving person you need. But I do, please believe me when I say that I miss you every day over a year after your death. I hope you have found peace and joy and can see how much people here on earth love you.


• When you opened your heart to love again, I hope you didn’t expect it would be easy. For a person as stubborn as you, the process might have been difficult. But I’m happy that you gave love another chance after all these years. You will always be in my heart, you are my Angel. Love and miss you tons!


• I will never forget you. I miss your warm arms around me, the sound of your voice, and how you would kiss my forehead. You are with our savior now. I will never forget the memories we made. I love you and I miss you so much.


• I miss him. I miss the sound of his voice, the smell of his cologne, the touch of his hand. Every day I find myself looking at the clock waiting for 6:00 on the dot so that I know you’re home and safe. I wish that you could know how much you’re loved, how much we all miss you, and how much we all wish you were here with us. You will never be forgotten; live on forever in our hearts and memories.


• I still miss you more and more each day after one year. I hope you are happy and at peace. You will forever be in my heart, as will the days I spent with you.


Condolence Message on 1st Death Anniversary

• I miss you so much. I don’t know what I am going to do without you in my life. I still can’t believe that it has been a full year since you left me and this world. Some days I just want to close my eyes and wake up next to you, but it is not reality. You are truly loved and will never be forgotten. I love you forever and always.


• My love, a year has passed since you left our world, going to your forever place. I miss you so much and I wish I could see you, hold you close and kiss those warm lips of yours one more time just to feel the warmth on my skin. I would say a hundred thousand more “I love you”s if only it could last forever.


• There are no words for how much I miss you, only tears. I’ll always remember the love we had. You were more than a boyfriend to me, you were my best friend. I’ll never forget you, or the smile that you brought to my face. Love always.


• Beautiful memories of you will always be in my heart. You are the love of my life and I will love you forever. I will never forget your laugh, your smile and the cute dance you used to do. I hope we meet again my dear husband until then rest in peace.


• It’s been a whole year without you. Time goes by slow and days seem longer than they ought to be. The sun shines, but it doesn’t warm me like you used to. The birds sing, but it doesn’t make me laugh as you did. My heart aches and I cannot bear it any longer. Every day I miss you more and more.


• I am so thankful for having you in my life. I miss you on this special day. You were the love of my life and I will never forget you. Love you always.


• I can’t believe that it has been one year. I know that you are in a better place, but I am still so broken without you. I miss you more every day – your laugh, your smile, your smell, and the way you’d kiss me. You will always be the love of my life and I wish I had one more chance to hold you close. I still think about you every day and wonder what your face will look like when we meet again.


• Today would have been one year since you left this world. Your absence leaves a big void in my heart. You are still with me though, because you live on in the hearts of many who loved you so dearly. I still hear your voice as I walk through the house and I feel your presence when surrounded by friends and family. I miss you so much and love you always @xxxxxxxx


• You were a part of my life for just two years but you still live on in my memory. I seriously can’t believe that it has already been one year since you left us. I wish you could see the changes around here with your own eyes, but I know you are up there watching us always.


• I long to kiss you, to feel your arms around my shoulder. To hold you one more time, to tell you so many things…. I will forever miss you and think of you as my soulmate… One year, and it doesn’t seem real… I love you, and your memory lives on in my heart.


• I miss you every single day. Your death has left me with emptiness and a hole in my heart that I can never fill or understand. There are times it is so painful I can’t even breathe. Why did the cruel hands of fate have to take you away from me? I love you and will love you forever.


• You were the love of my life, the one I’d always wanted. Now I walk an empty road without you. You made me feel loved beyond all measure and forever changed my life for the better. Your absence is ever felt, an ache that never goes away. Even though it’s been a year, you are still so present in my thoughts and heart. I hope you are happier where you are than how I am now living here without you.


• I miss you so much, dear. It has been a year since we lost you and I still can’t believe you are gone. You were my life, my beloved and it still hurts every day that you are not here to brighten up my day with your smile. You will always be with me in my heart and I will always love you.


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