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Congratulations Message for New Born Baby

Congratulations Message for New Born Baby: The arrival of a newborn baby is one of the most momentous events in any family and it brings with it a whole range of emotions, so you can easily imagine how excited a new father must feel. Congratulations also go to the mother who has made this possible through her own efforts during pregnancy and must now be feeling both proud and relieved after giving birth to her baby.


Congratulations Message for New Born Baby

On behalf of you, your family, and your friends we would like to congratulate you on the new addition. We hope that this baby will live in droves of happiness with the two of you, nurturing them into a strong adult with ambition, intelligence, and a happy heart. Congratulations!!

I am so proud of you; having a baby is the most incredible thing you could do! Being your husband makes me the luckiest man in the world. I love you very much, and I will support you no matter what.

Congratulation on your baby boy. A gift for the mom and dad of the beautiful boy. I on behalf of all of us would like to wish you a very happy, safe, and healthy stay with this little guy and your relationship with Karen grows stronger. Blessing to both of you and the newest addition to your family.

Congratulations!!! To the parents of this wonderful baby girl. I am deeply moved by your beautiful newborn; her bright eyes seem to see right into my soul. I hope she will always know how much joy she has brought to those around her. May she be as kind and generous to the rest of the world as you are! baby-girl

Hope the little one grows healthy with lots of love and affection from his/her parents. Congratulations on this wonderful day!

Congratulations on the newest addition to your family. May you and your family be blessed with love, happiness, and good health for lots of years to come! Lots of love, Grandma & Grandpa

Baby – This is my promise to you, to be here for you, to encourage, to celebrate you, and most of all, to love you. You are a gift from God and I will cherish your spirit and your soul. Happy 1st birthday! With lots of love from Grandma!

Congratulations mom and dad, on your newborn child. I remember when you were a tiny baby. I have watched you grow to be a precious child, with a caring personality. You are now becoming a beautiful young lady, and I know that the rest of your life will be filled with so much joy, love, and friendship. Congratulations on your new bundle of joy!

You are an amazing man. You are a father – which makes you the best man I know. There is something about being a father that just makes you change and I look up to you for guidance in this tough transition in life for me. Your wife is lucky to have found someone like you. Congratulations again!

Congratulations! on the arrival of your beautiful baby. You are going to make a wonderful mother because you are smart and strong. You will be there for your child every step of the way. They’re going to need you and adore you for the rest of their lives. I hope that you enjoy every minute of this magical time in your life!

Congratulations on the birth of your sweet baby! May he grow up to be a kindhearted man with his father’s happy glow. The two of you are true, lifelong friends and you share such a strong bond that may never be broken, even by death. I hope someday you realize what an amazing father you are and how blessed your baby is to have such a loving caregiver in his life.

You’ve come into this world with us as your loving parents. You are a blessing to us, and we will help you grow into a happy, healthy, strong, and prosperous man. You have been born into our hearts.

Congratulations! It’s a boy or a girl. Many good wishes and best wishes to you both on this happy occasion.

Hello! Welcome to the world little one. I am so happy for your parents because now they have another human being to love. The future is yours, you can do anything you want when you grow up! I can’t wait to see what it will be like watching an amazing young woman/ man grow up, but until then stay healthy and make your parents proud.

Congratulations! It’s a girl! You have a beautiful baby with you now. She looks just like her mother, with the same beautiful eyes and perfect smile. Her hair is very soft and black, like yours. She loves to spend time with you and watch you when you’re not watching her.

Congratulations, you have made the most beautiful and perfect little human in the world.

Congratulations! You are an amazing mom. Welcome to the world little guy (or girl). I can’t wait to take you for walks, play games, and read books with you when you are older. I hope all your wishes and dreams come true.

Congratulations on the newborn! You have such a beautiful baby girl. She is so adorable, I just can’t stop staring at her. She doesn’t cry, she looks so peaceful like an angel. I wish you the best with your baby and every other child you will have in the future.

Dear little one, you are so perfect! Congratulations to you and your family! Be sure to remember that true love is more than just a feeling. It’s an action. I hope you know how much you are loved.

I know your mom thinks I’m the best present she has ever received and I am so thankful to be able to call her my wife and my best friend. You are a blessing in our lives, and you have brought so much joy to our family. I can’t imagine life without you.

I was thinking about you today! I am so happy for you and the new baby. Congratulations are in order. We are all excited for you. Thanks for being a great friend even though we haven’t seen each other in years.

You’ve grown up so much already. It feels like just yesterday you were born and now you are walking and talking. We love you so much baby girl, more than words can say. You are your daddy’s baby girl and we are so proud of you.

Congratulations on the birth of your new baby boy. I can’t believe how spread out our families are across the country and I am so excited to meet my new nephew. Just thinking about how much we will love and cherish him makes my heart grow warmer. I hope to see you soon – even if it is over Skype!

Congratulations! I can’t believe you have a little angel baby. I know he has brought you so much joy, even if it means no more sleep. This is surely the start of a wonderful adventure of love and laughs. Welcome to the world, my friend.

Congratulations! Your little bundle of joy is the most precious addition to our family, and we love her so much already. We are so lucky to be able to call you Mommy and Daddy.

What an exciting day! Congratulations. I can’t wait to see you in a few months when you are born! I will be sure to bring lots of baby clothes and blankets to fill your nursery.

Congrats! We are so happy you have a brand new little blessing to be your love! In honor of your baby’s arrival, I got you some gifts. Go see them in the mail. The first one is on its way.

Cheers for the birth of your new baby! The future is held in their hands and I hope they know how much love you will have for them. May you grow to know the significance of your child’s life within this world. Congratulations Mom and Dad, may all your dreams come true.

To the new parents, congratulations on the birth of your child. May you be blessed with the very best throughout your child’s life! We look forward to welcoming your child into our family and being a part of his or her life. Our thoughts and wishes are with you and your new baby as you begin your journey in parenthood. Congratulations!

Congratulations on the birth of your baby boy! May he bring you endless joy, always remind you how lucky you are to have him, and remind you that even the smallest things are worth celebrating. I hope he always keeps you on your toes but most importantly I hope he knows how much you love him!

You have brought such great joy and happiness to my heart. Becoming a mother was always my biggest dream, seeing you for the first time, I knew nothing could ever top that moment.

Congratulations on the birth of your beautiful baby girl. She is a gift from God, and you have been given a supernatural amount of strength to handle the trials that come with caring for such a delicate creature. I wish you all health, wealth, and happiness and give my warmest congratulations to you both.

Congratulations on your beautiful baby girl. I’m so happy for you both. You deserve all the happiness in the world! Congratulations.

Congratulations, my new baby cousin! You are so amazingly beautiful, so wonderful. I can’t wait to hold you in my arms and read your bedtime stories. You are a blessing to our family and I love you already!

Welcome to this wonderful world! May you be surrounded by love and laughter and receive your fair share of kisses and hugs. You are so perfect even in your imperfection and we can’t wait to grow old with you.

Congrats on the baby! You two were so great together that you created a new life and your baby is beautiful. I’m so happy to be a part of this special moment!

Congratulations! You have been granted a priceless gift that you can share with the world. A new life—your baby—is the greatest blessing. May the joys of parenthood touch your family through this new little one, and may a lifetime of memories bring you happiness now and in the future.

Congratulations on the birth of your daughter on April 19. May she live a long and happy life full of beauty and love.


Wishes for Newborn Baby Boy

I wanted to write a letter to my baby boy. I know he can’t read it now but someday I hope he will find this and read it. ! This is your daddy writing to his son! You were born today.. you saved my life and you taught me how to love again. Your mommy loves you with all her heart.

Welcome to the world sweet baby boy. I wanted to wish you a successful and happy life. May all your dreams come true as you grow into a handsome and intelligent young gentleman. I will be always here for you because I love you so much, big hugs and kisses!

Wish you all the very best in life little man. To be healthy and strong and happy, to have many good friends, to enjoy all the different things there are to do in life, to make a difference in the world. To always remember about God who created you and His love for everyone. I love you, little man.

You are an amazing baby boy! Your name suits you well because you are a ray of sunshine that shines down on all that know you. You make everyone around you smile, even strangers on the street! You make my heart melt every day when I look into your eyes. You make me so happy every day.

Dear Baby Boy, I want to start by saying welcome to the world! I know that you are probably confused about where you are and who I am, but don’t worry. It’s okay if you just do your newborn thing and cry when you need feeding or a diaper change. Your mom and dad will take care of you and pretty soon you will be a little bundle of joy for us all to enjoy!

Be a good boy and grow up surrounded by love. Be the best baby daddy and mommy could ask for. Love those big brown eyes, that cute button nose, and those tiny fingers. Never forget your first present, even though it wasn’t wrapped at all. Love baby boy.

I wish for you to be as sweet and innocent as you are right now. I hope that your life brings you all the happiness in the world. Get to know the sunshine and rain. Let them both nourish you in different ways. Let them show you how they help our world grow. And when it’s time, I hope to love you, hug and kiss you, hold your hand and live with you forever.

I want you to know that I am happy you have joined us. We love you so much. There are times I look at your beautiful face and forget to breathe. I love you forever and always.

Happy birthday my little angel! Look at you sleeping so peacefully, I’m so lucky to be your Mommy! I hope you will always know how much I love you and that I wanted you more than anything in the whole world. I promise to watch over you, be your biggest cheerleader and your biggest fan every step of the way.

You were born to two amazing people that loved you very much. You will always be their baby boy. Childhood is going to be filled with love and support from your family. Make lots of new friends and laugh as much as possible! Play all the sports you can, you are a future all-star. Keep up the great work and stay positive!

I send this present of love from deep inside my heart to your little soul. May the sunshine over you always and bring you happiness beyond words, love without bounds, and joy that never ends. May you always be safe, loved, and protected in this world. Love Always & For Always, Mommy & Daddy

Although I’ve only known you for a short time, I am forever in love with you. I love everything about you, your sweet smile, the way that you giggle when we play together, and even how you smell. You make every day better than it was before baby boy. I love you until the sun no longer shines.

Baby boy, you are the cutest thing I have ever seen. I just can’t get over how handsome you are. You have such a sweet look and I just can’t wait to hold you. I hope that you like your nursery because daddy and I have been working hard on it. We love you so much

May you grow into a kind and adventurous boy who always brings joy to the hearts of those around him. I know you were born into a big family, but do not worry! Your parents will love you just as much as they do your little brothers! Your parents are very proud of their new addition and they cannot wait to meet you.

Congratulations on the birth of your beautiful baby boy! Big brother’s not here yet, but as soon as he comes he will be so excited to meet him. I love you and your sweet family so much. Have fun with the baby!

I am so happy to have been part of you being born into this world. You are so beautiful and precious, and I just want the best life possible for you. I love you already and I can’t wait to see the amazing person you become. We will always be here for you…

Happy birthday to my little guy! I can’t believe how quickly the years have gone by. And I don’t want them to stop. Every time you smile at me, my heart melts and I fall in love all over again. My dream came true when God sent you to us. You are such a joy and we can’t thank God enough for bringing you into our lives.

You may not quite understand the words right now, but I want you to know how much I love you and how proud I am of you. Always remember that Daddy loves you so very much.

May that bright and beautiful light surrounding you, always be your guiding light and forever keep you in the pink. Happy birthday, angel.

Congrats on reaching down and pulling out a perfect little bundle of joy! Go you! I guarantee he is the best baby in the world. He was created in such a loving way and had he been a girl, she would have been just as amazing. Good luck with all your diaper changes, sleepless nights, and crying sessions.


Wishes for Newborn Baby Girl

sweet baby girl, I hope you know already that even though your life has just begun, your mom and I already love you dearly. We wish you the happiest, healthiest, most wonderful life there is to live! Baby girl, I can’t wait to watch you grow into the person we know you were meant to be. Thank you for choosing us to be your parents. You are our hearts!

Wishing you a beautiful life full of love and happiness. You were born into a world full of possibilities, a world that needs every little bit of hope and happiness it can get. I hope when you look back on this as an adult, that you will remember all the love from those around you and know that you can accomplish anything you want in life. I love you so much, baby girl!

I hope you have the most amazing life, baby girl. May you live a rich and full life, full of love and joy. You will always be my little princess and as long as I am alive you will never want for anything. Even when your daddy is grumpy in the morning he still loves you more than anything else in the world. Thank you for being our precious gift from God.

Congratulations. You have just experienced a whole new world of joy and happiness. As soon as you lay your eyes upon your little bundle of joy you will instantly be hooked. I wish for you to have the most amazing life together with your baby girl. If there is anything I can do, please let me know!

I can’t wait to meet you! You will be the most loved & adored girl in the entire world. I want to hold you and embrace your every wonder. I am so excited to begin life as a family. Love, Auntie Julie

I can’t wait to see you grow up. You are the most beautiful girl in the world. We will laugh, watch Disney princesses, play with barbies, lovingly tease each other and cherish every single minute of your life. I can hardly wait.

Wishing you and your family a blessed year full of love, joy, and happiness and as always, thanks for sending me a photo of our perfect angel…

So many questions I want to ask you, but I won’t. I hope you will be comfortable in this world. You’re smart and beautiful, as well as charming and talented. My wish for you is to find happiness every day of your life.

You are the best surprise possible. I hope your life will be filled with nothing but happiness and joy. You are so loved by so many people, and you don’t even know it! You will be spoiled and can have whatever you want.

Always know that mommy will protect you no matter what, and will love your unconditionally. Happy birthday to the sweetest baby girl in the world!

You will be the most beautiful girl in the world. You will have true friends, deep love from family, and a husband who would move mountains for you. I can’t wait to watch you grow into a wonderful woman. You are so loved already, baby girl!

This is my first letter to you and honey, I will try to write more often. Just wanted to say how happy we are that you were born! We love you so much!

Happy birthday to our little girl. You bring so much joy, laughter, and hard work to all of our lives. We love you very much and pray that you always feel the warmth and love of a family brimming with support. This year you are growing so fast that I just hope we can keep up.

You are a very lucky little girl. You’re very lucky to have 2 parents that love you more than words can say. I hope that you always know how much we both love you, and how proud we are of you. We will always stand by your side, no matter what.

I am wishing you health happiness and prosperity. I hope your life is filled with love and blessings. Be good to the world, cause we all need more goodness today. Have a great birthday!

Dear little one, I am so happy you are finally here! I am so lucky to have you here in my life. You have my heart and soul. You mean the world to me, I will always be here for you.

Wishing you a lifetime of happiness and love. I can’t wait to be the person who is with you to watch you grow, learn life’s lessons, and experience all that the world has to offer you. May your life always be filled with love, because that is what you have given me.

I promise never to forget the first, to cherish the second, and to love you forever. I want you to know that no matter what happens in life, Daddy loves you so much.

You may not remember this day, but I will always remember it. Your mother and I were so happy to finally meet you. You are the most beautiful little girl in the world. I just want to hold you in my arms forever.

Grow up to be a good girl. I know it won’t be easy, you will have so many bad influences, but I trust your father and myself to raise you well and make sure you don’t fall into any of that bad stuff. We love you unconditionally, always have, and always will.

I can’t wait to meet your little one! My heart leaps with joy every time I see you on the ultrasound, my baby girl. I pray that your life is full of happiness and love. You are our little miracle and we feel so lucky to be your parents. The second I saw you move on the screen my heart leaped up into my throat, so excited to meet you face to face!


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