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Congratulations to Son’s Wedding from Parents Quotes

Congratulations to Son’s Wedding from Parents: Quotes from parents that express the love and joy of their son’s wedding day is heart warming. The successful days will be remembered always but what you do after the day when your son-in-law and wife are married, is something that most people forget easily. In this case, parents also want to tell their own people how they feel. They need to express themselves not just on a special day but with a wider choice of words that can describe their emotions without being too formal and formal way which could show a certain level of respect for them.

Congratulations to Son’s Wedding from Parents

We are so very proud to have you as the son that we will always treasure. You have brought us so much joy and happiness since the day you were born and we hope that your life will stay filled with wonderful things in your future. We will love and support you forever, always there as a family. Love Mom & Dad

We are so happy to see you take this step in your life by marrying the woman of your dreams. We love you and despite this being a wonderful day, we wish that your dad was here so we could brag about his only son. We will always be here for you, this we promise.

Son! We are so happy and proud of you. You are a wonderful man, husband, and new father. We love you with all our hearts. We hope this begins your new adventure together in life! Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!

With every passing year, our heart swells with pride and deep love for the wonderful people we have raised. As you stand together as husband and wife today, know that your family is right there beside you to applaud your special day. With each new joyous celebration, our love for you will continue to grow. We wish you every happiness!

Wishing you happiness forever and ever. Congratulations on finding your one true love! We are so proud of you, son.

Dear darling, I am so proud of you! Our little boy isn’t a boy anymore. He is a man! So handsome and so smart. You are an amazing son and an even more amazing husband. You make me so happy, and fill the empty spaces in my heart with your love. I couldn’t be happier for you sweetheart. Congratulations

We are so proud of the man you have become and excited to see what life has in store for you. You make us so happy! Love, Mom, and Dad.

I thought the love I have for you was unmeasurable, but it has been proven in every way possible that I was wrong. You are such an amazing man and my joy is immeasurable. Congratulations on your wedding day!

We are so proud of you. You’ve always been an outstanding man, but today you became a part of the very small circle of people who has the right to call themselves a husband. We love you more than you know and couldn’t be happier for you.

We are so proud of you! Our little boy is getting married today and we couldn’t be happier! So much time has gone by and our little boy has grown up so much. You are so strong and confident now, which we have always known. We know that this young lady you chose will make you laugh every day and treat you as good as gold.

We couldn’t be happier that you found you forever love and we couldn’t be more proud of you as we watched you become a man and take on the responsibilities of marriage. We can’t wait for you both to start your new life together in this adventure called marriage! Congratulations, Son! We love you beyond words!

You truly belong together, your heart and soul connect in a way that is truly unique to the two of you. We will love you and support you no matter what life brings. The two of you will always have your parents to care for you and protect you. We love you so much, congratulations!

We love you so very much and are so pleased that you have decided to take the next step in your life. We never could have imagined a better daughter-in-law. We know that you will be extremely happy together, and we can’t wait to see what the future has in store for you both. (insert very long personal note from parents)

CONGRATULATIONS, Son! We are so proud of you. Your beautiful bride is a treasure and you have our blessing to live happily ever after.

You are a shining example of what a good man should be. You have made the choice to spend your life with another person and that is one of the hardest decisions you will ever make. We are so proud that you have led by example and we could not have chosen any better for our son. We wish you all the joy in this world and may you have many more years of happiness and love.

You are one-of-a-kind, with classic style and class. Those qualities set you apart from the rest. It’s no wonder why you are our favorite son! Wishing you and your bride a lifetime of love and happiness. Congratulations

So proud of you! We are all so excited and can’t wait to throw you a huge party. Thank you for picking our beautiful daughter to spend the rest of your life with. I am so happy and feel so blessed that I get to call you my son. We are blessed beyond measure that God chose us to watch over you as a family.

If I had known you were going to make such a wonderful husband, I would have searched you out a long time ago. I’m proud of the man you are and I know there is nothing you can’t accomplish. We love you very much, Your mommy and daddy

You were our first and you will always be our first. We couldn’t be more excited to celebrate with you. You’ve made us so proud and we can’t wait to stand with you on this wild journey of life.

We want to say a huge congratulations to our son, on his wedding day. It’s been an amazing journey watching him build his life with the right person, and it makes us so happy to share this special moment with him. We love you and really admire how well you have handled such a big decision in your life. You are a great son, and we are so proud of you. Love Mom and Dad

It is a great pleasure to have you as our son and now, son-in-law. We couldn’t be more happy and joyful to support your marriage. Your love for each other, and passion for life are what make you a great team. Congratulations again on your wedding!

This is just a little note to say how proud we are of you. We never doubted for one second that you would make a beautiful bride, but you stole the show, my son. It’s amazing to think this once sleepy boy is now all grown up and making such beautiful memories. Your Mommy still can’t believe that you’re married! We love you so much and wish you the happiest life together. Always remember, we’re always here for you when it comes to advise or help.

Honey, you make our family so very proud. Our son is getting married and we are overjoyed. You were always the one we wanted to give our hearts to and every day you prove us right! With your wonderful sense of humor, sweet personality, and loving ways, you make each day you spend with us better than the last. Congratulations on this grand day, we love you!

Can’t believe our boy is getting married. Seems like just yesterday he was a little shaver, running around at the park with all his friends. Now he’s grown up and has a family of his own. It sure goes fast, doesn’t it? Son, forgive your parents for not being part of your big day. At least this way you’ll never have to pay for another wedding! Love, Mom, and Dad

CONGRATULATIONS! To our son on his wedding with such a wonderful woman as Erin. We are so happy to have her in our family and can’t wait for the next chapter in your lives.

We are so proud of you for getting married! You’ve made us the happiest parents in the world and we couldn’t be happier! We wish you a lifetime of happiness with Elizabeth!

You always bring so much happiness to our family and you have such a heart of gold. We couldn’t have picked a better man for our daughter. You are perfect! We love you with all of our hearts, mom, dad, and everyone at home wants you to know how proud we are of the man you have become. May you two be blessed with the happiest future!

CONGRATULATIONS! We are so proud of you and can’t wait to see you walk down the aisle! We love you so much and can’t wait for the big day.

Congrats on your wedding, our son. We are so happy you found love and that you married the one you love. We can not wait to see your beautiful bride! Congratulations and good luck, son.

Son: It’s hard to believe that you’re finally getting married! I’m so excited for both of you and I wish you a lifetime of happiness. It has been such a pleasure to watch you grow from a young boy into the fine young man that stands before me. Of all the special days in your life, this is the one that holds dearest to our hearts. We couldn’t be more proud of you, son.”

We couldn’t have asked for a better son. You have brought us so much joy and laughter through the years. We are so darn proud of you and your choice of a wife to spend the rest of your life with. We are so grateful for the amazing man you have become, we couldn’t be any luckier!

We are so happy you found such wonderful love. We wish you all the happiness in the world. Love mom and dad

On this day we are embarking on a journey as a family, as your parents, to walk beside you and support you in your decision. We have watched and waited for this day to come, and now that it is here we are so very proud of you. We know that you will be loved very much by your bride-to-be and that you will love her just as much.

This is the day we have been waiting for! We are so proud of you and can’t wait to walk you down the aisle. We will be there cheering you on while taking many pictures to capture this special day. You are a wonderful person and we’re very lucky to have you in our lives. Congratulations again!

WE’RE SO PROUD OF YOU. You’ve grown into a wonderful man who will make some lucky lady VERY HAPPY! Although I can’t think of anyone better than your MOM, we hope you find someone that makes you as happy as you make us. We love you so much.

We are so happy to finally have you stand beside your bride and take the vows we all know you will keep forever. We are so proud of you both and love you dearly. We see the beginning of a beautiful life together. Congratulations!

You have always been our bright and shining star. Although at times we were unsure, we were confident that you would find a special someone who matched your unique and amazing personality. We are so happy to see you running down the aisle with someone who loves you as much as we do. Congratulations on this major step in your life!

Congratulations son on your wedding, we couldn’t have picked a better girl for you. We love her so much and are so happy she is part of the family. We are honored to call her daughter-in-law and when we look at you both we can’t imagine a happier picture. We wish the best for you both and will always be here with help and support, no matter what life brings you the way. Love you and ready to see you at the altar!

We can’t find the right words to express how deeply we love you. The fact that you marry our daughter is beyond anything we had ever hoped for. We’re so proud of everything that you’ve become and we are so happy for all your success and happiness. To have you as a son-in-law is a blessing. We wish you the best in your new life together.

You are a man of your word, the most selfless person I know. No one has ever gone to the lengths you have for our family. I will never stop being proud of you and can’t wait to see what is in store next! Congratulations on your upcoming nuptials son! All our love, mom and dad.

You are leaving but you’ll always be a part of our family. We do wish the best for you and hope that you find everything that you are looking for and what you’re trying to achieve. We give great joy to announce that you are getting married to a woman who is delicate, beautiful, and sweet. May your union will last for years to come. Many congratulation dears

We are so proud of you and we love you very much. You have made us very happy in a way that no one else could. Thank you for all your hard work, effort, and support at this time, it means a lot to us. We are so thankful to have such a wonderful son as yourself. You go out and enjoy every minute of this day and night! May your future be filled with great happiness, love, and joy forever after!

An amazing day! Your father and I are very proud and happy for you! You have a beautiful bride. May all your days be filled with love, joy, and happiness.

We are so proud of you and your accomplishments. This love is bound to last forever so we promise not to pop the champagne until you walk out that church door. We’ll be waiting for you with a lavish reception and lots of hugs. You know how much we love you!

CONGRATULATIONS! We are so proud of you and Kim as you prepare to tie your lives together. You two were meant for each other and we know you will live a great life together.

As parents, we have seen our son go through a lot. It has not been easy watching him make the wrong decisions in life. Nevertheless, we are very proud of him tonight; he is celebrating his wedding day today! You make us extremely happy, and it is our hope that you will continue to live a full and joyous life forever.

We were so happy to share this special moment in your life. We could not be more proud of the man you have become, and we look forward to watching you continue to grow into an amazing husband and father. You are the most spectacular son that any parents could hope for and we love you very much.

We are so proud of you and so happy we will get to stand beside you on your wedding day! We couldn’t have chosen a better person to stand beside us – and hold our grandbabies! We love you so much.

We know how much you have always wanted to get married, and now your dreams are finally coming true. We couldn’t be happier for you and Kristin, who we consider like a daughter. We love both of you very much and wish you lifetime happiness and many grandchildren!

Son, you are the best son a mother could ever ask for. I love you, and I’m so proud of you and just want to congratulate you on the day you made your first promise before god to honor your wife for all time!

You found each other and we couldn’t be happier for you. You are amazing people and will make an inseparable pair. I am so excited to be a part of your new beginning. We love you!

We wish you happiness and good fortune in the marriage you have chosen. We will continue to love and support you as always.

You two were made for each other. You are really lucky to have found each other and I know that you will be a great husband and wife. I am so proud of the man that you have become and the woman that you have chosen to marry. Congratulations on your wedding day and may God continue to bless your marriage.

I was starting to wonder if we’d ever find the right girl for you. It’s not that we didn’t like your girlfriends, just that I wanted to find someone who would appreciate and love you as much as I do. Thank goodness (for both of us) that we finally found her! Have a wonderful wedding day and know that we will never stop loving you.

Wow, time flies! And the time you made your decision to get married fast. Go, son! Enjoy the rest of your life with her. Hope that you and your wife will be very happy. Love you!

I am very proud of you for making the biggest step in your life. We wish you all the best and we can not wait to see you at your wedding!

Son, we are so proud of you! You were always such a good boy and now you’re a man. We never doubted your success and we’re so glad you found someone wonderful to share your life with. Love is the greatest gift in the world, so go and give it away as much as possible!

We are so proud of you! We are overjoyed that you found someone to spend the rest of your life with. We know she will make you laugh every day and every night. Our family will continue to grow and we couldn’t be happier for you both. All our love, Mom and Dad

You have found a wife worth your heart. She will stand by your side while you go to work and be the mother of your children. She is hard-working, caring, and honest. She is everything we could have ever hoped for in a daughter-in-law and we are so happy you found each other.

It is impossible to measure the depth of our love and pride. We love you more than words can ever express and wish you nothing but the best as you embark on this new chapter in your life.

We could not be happier for you both! We are so proud of you and are looking forward to seeing you get married. PLEASE REMEMBER TO DO EVERYTHING WE TOLD YOU! And most of all, have a GREAT TIME!

We are so proud of you! Our hearts swell with pride and love when we look at you. You are an amazing husband, father, and friend. We love you so much and can’t wait to see how you bring your wife Love and Happiness in life!

You are ready for this! We know you will make your wife very happy. Love and support from your Mom and Dad.

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