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Cute Ways to Say Good Morning Over Text


Cute Ways to Say Good Morning Over Text


Cute Ways to Say Good Morning Over Text: Good morning messages are the best way to put a smile on your partner’s face on a busy day. A simple ‘Good morning’ could easily brighten up their day and give them an extra push for the day ahead. Here’s a list of cute ways to say Good morning over a text message.

Cute Ways to Say Good Morning Over Text

• Good morning Princess. I hope you slept well last night. Did you have sweet dreams of me? Never stop smiling this new day is full of possibilities. Good Morning

• Good morning gorgeous! How did you sleep? I hope you didn’t miss me too much. I thought of you all night and can’t wait to hold you in my arms again.


• Good morning my love. It’s another day that I wake up next to you. I love hearing the sound of your breathing and the warmth of your body. Seeing you and knowing you are here with me is how every day should start.


• Good Morning! I wish I could be by your side just to see you smile and look at those beautiful blue eyes. I love you.


• Good morning! I hope you sleep well. I miss you so much, just wanted to tell you that I love you very much. Have a great day, baby.


Good morning my love. I woke up thinking about you and your beautiful face, I just had to say good morning now that the sun is rising. No matter what the day brings us, I want you to know that I am glad it brought me an extra hour last night to think of you, wishing we were together.


• I know it’s hard for you to get up in the morning, but the thought of me waiting in bed for you does help! I can’t wait for us to see a new sunrise together.


• Good morning baby. I love you, you brighten up my day and made it so much better just by simply loving me, knowing that we’re in this forever will forever be enough to have the best morning ever!


• Good morning baby! I am so excited for this day to begin. It will be such a good day because we will spend it together. I had the nicest dream last night and in my dream, I was going to say goodbye to you, but when I got to where you were I couldn’t. All I could do is hug you and kiss you over and over again.


• I enjoy the days we get to spend together and I know that when we don’t it will be a difficult day. When I wake up every morning you are the first person I think of. I look forward to our daily activities together, kisses and hugs. You are my rock and I am so glad that I found you. You complete me in every way.


• Good Morning, beautiful, I hope today is one of the best days of your life! The rest of the day will be even better with you in it. I look forward to our date tonight.


• Good morning! I say it to you every day and it never gets old. Each day I wake up with a smile knowing that I get to spend this day with you, loving you, making memories that will last forever. I love you so much, good morning my love!


• Good morning beautiful, how was your night? I had the sweetest dreams of you last night. I’ll see you at the beach later this afternoon. I love you so much and can’t wait to be with you again!


• Good morning, baby. I just wanted to let you know that I love you. I’m still catching up on sleep from last night and had a dream of you. It was the most amazing dream and I want to hold you in real life. My heart feels so warm when I think about your beautiful eyes and the smile on your face.


• Good morning beautiful. It’s another day and it’s the most wonderful day of them all because I get to see you again and spend it with you. I love you.


• I’m so glad you’re waking up to another day with me by your side. You’re the best thing that has ever happened to me, thank you for everything. I love you!


• You know what? I don’t want to wake up tomorrow. I don’t want this night to end because every day with you is just so amazing. I’m so glad that I have you, and that you’ve always been right by my side. You mean so much more than the world to me.


• Hi, you are the reason I wake up every morning. You are the first thought in my mind when I open my eyes and the last thought before I go to sleep each night. You are simply perfect and I am so lucky to have met you. Good morning, babe!


• Hey baby, good morning. I was thinking about you this morning and I decided to send you this. I love you so much!


• I love it when you wake me up! When you have the day off and inevitably sleep in, I never have that problem. Our days always start with a text or a phone call for you to check on me, but we both always end up waking up together! You say good morning to me by kissing me so sweetly that I get goosebumps. You’re the love of my life!


• It’s hard for me to leave you each morning, to go to work, and focus on anything but you. I always want to be in your warm embrace instead of at work. I am so lucky to have you and love you more than life itself!


• Good morning cutie! I had the best dream. You were holding me and telling me how much I mean to you. My heart melts every time I wake up next to you, smiling like an idiot, thinking about how beautiful my life is. You are such a huge part of me. I love you so much.


• You are my sunshine, my every day. I wake up smiling because you’re in my life, and the day just seems that much brighter with you in it. So I promised myself to say it out loud more often, to whisper it into your ear when we’re lying up late at night. You’re all I need to get through this crazy life, so thank you for being you. I love you!


• Sleep tight, my love. I hope you had a fantastic dream tonight. Now that you are awake, your angels are cupping their hands and sending you all the love in the world. Now I’m going to wish you a good morning! Good morning my love!


• Every morning, you’re the first person I think about. I can’t wait to wake up and spend the day with you. Even though I love waking up next to you every day, I miss you when we are apart. I can’t stop thinking about how lucky I am because you fill me with joy and happiness every day. Good morning, sweetheart.


Cute Ways to Say Good Morning Over Text
Cute Ways to Say Good Morning Over Text

Romantic Ways to Say Good Morning Over Text

• Good morning gorgeous. I can’t stop thinking about you and how much I love you. There is a party in my heart that you start every day with a text, just so good. I will cherish your calls, messages, and texts all day long!


• Good morning my love! I can’t wait to see you soon. I feel so lucky to have found a love like ours. It warms my heart knowing that you are going to be with me today, tomorrow, and forever. I can’t wait to make breakfast for you and laugh at how terrible I am at it. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I will do everything in my power to put a smile on your face every day!


• Good morning my love! I’m thinking of you. How is your day going? Are you missing me as much as I’m missing you.


• Good morning sunshine. Did you sleep well? I hope so. I’m thinking about you, and what we’ll do today. I can’t wait for this day to be over with so I can hold you in my arms all night long. I love you!


• Good morning gorgeous! I can’t believe it’s already before I knew it my alarm on my phone was going off. How does the day go by so fast? Anyway, I just wanted to tell you that I love you so much and that I hope you have a great day! You mean the world to me!!


• I know you’re too busy to text, but I just had to say good morning. You are all I think about when I wake up (even before coffee!). I love you so much.


• Good morning, beautiful girl! What an amazing day I have already had thinking of you. Here’s to a great day full of love and laughter!


• Good morning, sweetheart! I hope you sleep well. I can’t wait for the moment I can wake up to your beautiful smile. I love you so much, my little cupcake.


• Good morning, baby! I hope you slept well. I know we’re only a few days away from Valentine’s Day now. It seems like it’s just crept up on us way too fast this year. I love you so much!


• I love you all the time! Good morning my angel. Before I go to bed I tell myself that I want to spend the rest of my life with you, it makes me so happy just thinking about us together for eternity.


• Here’s a little message just to say good morning! I can’t wait to wrap my arms around you and give you a big hug. You kept me up late last night thinking about how incredible you are and how lucky I am to have you in my life.


• Good morning my love! You are such a bright spot and my entire day is brighter because of you. I enjoy waking up to your beautiful face first thing in the morning and I can’t wait to get home so I can wake you up with sweet kisses.


• Can’t wait to see you this afternoon. I looked up the meaning of love and its reciprocity 🙂 Reciprocity is when each party has something to gain from a relationship. I guess we have it! Good morning beautiful will talk to you later today.


• Good morning, my love! I’m so glad to see you awake and sipping your coffee. I can’t wait to spend the day with you. You look gorgeous today! Have a great day at work.


• I can’t believe I found someone as good as you. I have never been so proud, so happy, and feel so loved in all my life. I love you bunches and bunches! Good morning, sweetheart.


• Good morning, sunshine. I just wanted to let you know that I love you so much! You are my life and I wouldn’t change anything about it. Have an amazing day babe.


• Good morning my love. As much as I would love to crawl right back in bed and cuddle with you, I have to get ready for work. I just wanted to let you know how much I miss you this morning. Have an amazing day and please text me back when you can.


• I hope you sleep well and dream of me. I want to be the first thing you think about when you wake up. Good morning my love!”


• How can it be so hard to say I love you. I love you more than anything right now and I am so sorry for what happened. I will always be here for you and nothing will ever change that. I love you, baby, so much, and I could never leave you. Good morning.


• Every morning I think about how lucky I am to wake up next to you. You make my mornings so much brighter and I wake up so happy because of you. I just want to send sunshine your way and let you know that I am thinking about you.


• Since the very first day I met you, I knew we’d never be apart. There is no other place I’d rather be than right here at your side. I feel blessed that you chose me to share your life with you because I truly love you so much. Good morning, my love.


• Good morning my love. I hope you got a few hours of sleep last night, you deserve it. I love being able to fall asleep next to your strong arms every night. I look forward to spending all my days with you. I can’t wait for our future together!


• Good morning my love, I hope you slept well and had sweet dreams. I just wanted to tell you that it was going to be a new day in approximately half an hour. I wish you a happy one! Kiss with love.


• I will get so much done before work! But I’ll spend all my time daydreaming about the good morning text you’re going to send me when you get up. I love you so much and couldn’t wait to tell you that first thing this morning!


• I don’t wake up often… except when you text me! I love waking up to your smiley face and your adorable good morning texts. I love that we can’t wait to see each other again after a long day apart, to say hi with hugs and kisses.


• I wish I could be with you right now to wake you up with a kiss. I am thinking about you so much today and hoping that my text message makes your morning better. I love you, have a great day!


Cute Ways to Say Good Morning to Your Crush

• I love you and good morning, my Angel. The only reason I get out of bed every day is that I know I’ll get to see your beautiful and love-filled face. I never thought anyone could make me so happy or fill my heart with so much joy. We are made for each other and I know without a doubt that we will be together forever.


• Good Morning my Love. I am missing you very much right now because I am still sleeping and you are already up and about. The coffee is ready, the warm bed is calling, but somehow I just can’t find the energy to get up. I wish you were here, next to me. I want to feel your body embracing me from behind. I would love to smell your cologne as I wake up slowly, tired but very happy that you are there and next to me…


• Good morning, my love. I am missing you so much. Wishing that you were in my arms, and not just in my dreams. Hope you had a good morning. I love you so much, baby!


• It’s another day and I miss you already. Yesterday passed by so quickly, I wish we could be together all the time. Today I hope you have a great day and remember to smile. Just like my heart is yours, a part of me is also yours. Good morning baby. Love you.


• Good morning baby, I can’t wait to see you. I miss your smile and your scent. You are the first thing I think about when I wake up and the last one on my mind before I fall asleep.


• Good morning handsome, I can’t stop thinking of you. I love you so much and hope to have a wonderful day today with you!


• Before the world was made, I chose you. Before you were born, I loved you. Before the stars were placed in the sky, I knew I would marry you. You are my only true love. Good morning baby…


• Good morning handsome! So cute! I love you so much!! I can’t believe it’s already been a year since we’ve started dating. You are my best friend and the love of my life. I can’t wait for this year to come. Every minute that we spend together only makes our love grow stronger and stronger.


• Good morning my love! Hope you slept well and are ready for the day ahead. It’s another sunny day here in Cali… I can’t wait to see you 🙂


• Good morning to my love. I hope you have a wonderful day. I can’t wait for tonight when I will get to hold you in my arms once again. I love you so much and I can’t wait to be in your arms again.


• Hey baby! How is your day going so far? I was just thinking of you and wanted to give you a good morning kiss over the phone. You probably feel busy at work, but I am thinking about you and hope that things are going ok.


• I wish you were here with me right now. I woke up this morning and I had an overwhelming urge to feel your warm touch. I miss you always but it’s so intense when we are apart. Wake up baby, please don’t keep me waiting!


• I love you! Good morning my beautiful wife. I know it is early but I have to tell you how special you are to me. You are the most important person in my life and I don’t think I have ever felt this much love for anyone before. You make me smile and always find a way to bring light into my day. Every time you turn around you amaze me with your relentless devotion and endless love.


• morning, beautiful. How is your morning going? I can’t wait to wake up next to you. I love you so much. Have a great day!


• Good morning sweety. I just wanted to let you know that I love you very much. You make my mornings brighter, and my days are better just because we are together.


• Good morning baby. I hope you have a wonderful day at work today thinking about me when you are at your desk. I love you and I can’t wait to see you tonight!


• I wish I didn’t have to go to work today. All I could think about is coming home to you and cuddling close. You are my favorite good morning! I love you!


• You are my first thought when I wake up and the last thought that I have before I go to bed. You make me happy in every way possible and I will never forget the day we met. You are such an amazing human being and I can’t wait to see the joy in your eyes when you read this note. I love you more than you will ever know.


• Good morning sunshine. I can’t wait for lunchtime so I can come over and give you a hug and kiss on the cheek. I got you these roses. They are just for you.


• Hello, my love. I know you are tired and wanting to sleep a little longer. But I had to tell you that I love you so much! You are amazing and you mean the world to me. I can’t wait to enjoy my morning coffee with you, watching the birds as they sing in the trees. I look forward to every day with you!


• Good morning to my best friend, lover, and number one fan! You truly showed me what it means to love. I never want us to be apart. I love you, sweetie!


• Good morning! I hope that your day is as beautiful as you are. But I don’t have to hope because you are always gorgeous.




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