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70+ Diabetes Captions for Instagram Quotes 2022

Diabetes Captions for Instagram Quotes: Some cool quotes to share on Instagram. Quotes are the best way to motivate others and yourself too. I’ve given you some of my favorite quotes below along with their diabetes captions, which you can use to share your thoughts on social media.

Diabetes Captions for Instagram Quotes

Diabetes and diet go hand in hand. And while there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to a healthy lifestyle, we’re here to share what’s worked for us. #diabetescaptions


Diabetes doesn’t define who I am. It’s a disease I manage—with diet, exercise, and medication.


Diabetes can be managed. Talk to your doctor or dietitian about healthy foods and physical activities that fit into your lifestyle.


For people living with type 1 diabetes, Novo Nordisk’s mission is to improve their day-to-day lives through innovative care and support. Learn more at #diabetes


Diabetes doesn’t have to slow you down. Take control and learn how Virta helps reverse type 2 diabetes through a revolutionary approach we call metabolic management.


Let’s get the facts straight about diabetes and not let the facts mixed with fiction. Join us in spreading awareness about sugars, carbs, lifestyle, and diabetes.


What the heck is Diabetes (and why does it make me sweat?). Find out here. 😉


Type 2 diabetes can be treated—and even prevented. Let’s talk about how. 💡


“It is better to prevent diabetes than it is to treat it.”


It’s not the pancreas that’s broken, it’s the way sugar is processed by the body. Let’s #ownit together.


People with type 2 diabetes might have metabolic changes that make it difficult for them to maintain a healthy blood glucose level. Risk factors for type 2 diabetes include a poor diet, excess body weight or obesity, and physical inactivity.


Your insulin is your best friend – manage it with Glucommander (R)


Should you sense fresh from morning exercise or a night of complete rest? In the past, diabetics have not been able to tell, but a new meter makes this clear. Includes wireless sync and audible and visual alarms right on the meter. Shop now!


Food is medicine: Here’s why you should pay attention to the number of carbohydrates in your food

Let’s move. Let’s dance. Lets play.


Follow my journey. I am a diabetes advocate and former DKA patient running for diabetes awareness and to eliminate the stigma associated with this disease! #StopTheStigma


Diabetes is a disease that needs daily care and attention to keep you healthy. ❤


Diabetes is a serious disease. We don’t take it lightly. 💊🚮


I use my diabetes—not “beat” it or “live with” it. I use it. #TalkAboutIt


If you get diabetes, there’s a good chance you won’t see your next birthday.


Diabetes is not going anywhere. and the sooner you address it, the better for both your health and pocketbook


Diabetes is serious, but so is taking care of yourself.


Diabetes is a serious disease. Managing it requires daily care and constant monitoring of your blood sugar levels.


Keeping diabetes in check is easier and more convenient than ever with tools like these.


Fighting Diabetes begins with a healthy lifestyle and consistent monitoring of blood glucose levels. Find out how #MyMediSense can help you.


Many of us have trouble remembering to check our blood glucose levels and give insulin injections, but mimicking the habits of Type 2 diabetes patients could help us manage our condition.


Discover how this technology can help you manage your diabetes.


You’re almost halfway through the week! Give yourself a 👏🏿 for progress made.


Diabetes takes time, resilience, and a whole lot of friends. #diabetescriptions#diabetescopics#diabetescopictags


Diabetes is not a limitation to the life you want, it only means you have to change your lifestyle in many ways. Treating diabetes is a disease gives it more importance than it deservesTake these quotes from individuals who share their views on diabetes.


Life is sweeter with diabetes.


Diabetes does not define me. I do.


Diabetes has changed me. I’m now aware of the importance of managing my blood sugar and having an active lifestyle, without missing an opportunity to create small moments of joy every day.


Diabetes is common and can be managed. There are many ways to help your child manage his or her diabetes.


Diabetes is the leading cause of blindness, kidney failure, and non-traumatic amputation. During Diabetes Awareness Month, let’s spread the word about how to stay healthy.


Support people with type 2 diabetes—share the information that can empower them to live a longer, healthier life.


It’s never too late to get diabetes checked. Know more about it today and start living tomorrow. Visit our Diabetes Resource by clicking on the link in bio 👇


People with type 1 diabetes, and those who care for them, face several challenges. Diabetes affects every aspect of one’s life and the best way to manage your diabetes is to be prepared.


Let’s talk #diabetes. Are you living with diabetes? Are you a caregiver? Ask the expert your questions. Find a test center.


Diabetes can make managing your diet more complicated than it needs to be. There are simple steps you can take to make that part of your life easier and more manageable.


Diabetes doesn’t mean you have to give up the foods you love. Learn how I fuel my active and healthy lifestyle with delicious snacks from one of your favorite brands.


Sweet sugar isn’t always so sweet. 🍯 Learn how to keep diabetes in check by eating the right foods and getting regular exercise.


Life is too beautiful to be distracted by worry, doubt, and fear. Take care of your body, so it can take care of you.


Take the first step in helping to #enddiabetes by signing up today at DoSomething.Org/join.


Diabetes can be managed. Always have your Diabetes Kits in hand and know what to do in an emergency.


Diabetes is not a condition that needs to be feared, it requires proper care and protection. Our solutions help manage blood sugar levels while offering other benefits like peace of mind and advanced technology.


See this new @xxxxx article about the danger of diabetes’ silent symptoms. #diabetesawareness


Diabetes doesn’t have to slow you down. Let us help with your insulin and supplies.


Diabetes doesn’t have to stop you. With fast-acting insulin, like #QuickMistart this summer, it won’t.


Today’s front page: Type 2 Diabetes patients suffer fewer complications when they are more active.


Diabetes need not be a barrier to enjoying your life. Learn more ways you can live well with diabetes at


Want to kick diabetes butt? Hit it with a double dose of the delicious.


Diabetes is the one disorder where the treatment includes insulin shots and finger pricks. But these are just a few ways to start—and stay—on the track.


We’re here to support you in managing your diabetes. From testing your blood sugar to taking steps to eat a healthy diet, we can help!


March is #diabetesawarenessmonth. Did you know that home blood sugar levels should be tested by a doctor at least 2 times a day? Talk to your physician about a monitoring system that’s right for you.


Learn about medication and technology advances that are changing the future of diabetes treatment for individuals with diabetes.


It’s not a diet, it’s a lifestyle.


Everything you do in your life is influenced by the choices you make.


Diabetes does NOT define you. You do.


Today, type 2 diabetes doesn’t have to stop you. *quotes*


People with diabetes have the same rights and opportunities as anyone else to live their dreams, whether it’s being a teacher, a software engineer, or a movie star. #T1DStrong


The strongest risk factor for diabetes is age. #diabetesawareness


It’s your future. So keep up with this tracker from @diabetestrack as you live a full and active life. #diabetes #trackers


Diabetes affects 1 in 11 Americans and is the leading cause of kidney failure, new cases of blindness among adults, and new cases of amputation. It also increases the risk of heart disease and stroke.


Diabetes doesn’t have to keep you out of the limelight. With the proper supplies and care, blood sugar levels can be managed in a healthy way that allows you to keep your energy up


National Diabetes Month focuses on increasing awareness about the disease and reducing its impact on your life. Join us in preventing diabetes.


The American Diabetes Association is here to help you manage your diabetes and stay healthy. We offer a variety of programs and services, including the Free Living Resources Program that features the Drop Sugar Fitness program along with health & nutrition information, activities, and more.


As your partner in diabetes management, we’re happy to help you find the solutions that fit your needs.


This is the time of year when you need to watch your blood glucose levels more closely—especially if you’re out and about. Keep yourself safe, warm, and comfortable all season long.


“The eyes are the window to the soul, and a smiling face is a window to the heart.” – William Shakespeare


Today is the day to move for a new start. I’m making healthy changes to my lifestyle that work for me.


Eating well is the key to a healthy lifestyle. Find out how the new #MyHealthyBag can help you achieve a healthy diet and see it yourself in our new video!


Kindness is the language that the deaf can hear and the blind can see.


Diabetes is a constant companion, but it doesn’t have to be your friend.


Do you suffer from diabetes? If yes here are some captions for diabetes.


Diabetes doesn’t care if you’re staying in or going out. It just wants to throw a party and you’re invited.


Recreating one of the best party photos of all time with #diabetesisneverapartydiabetesisaroundthecorner


There are two times when all diabetics want to eat a donut: when they’re hypo, and when they’re hyper.


They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Just not for people with diabetes. 😎


Hey, what happened to all my blood sugars? Is it Halloween already?


How did I get this jacked? Insulin.


You know you’ve picked the right diet when your doctor asks, “What can I write for you?”


You take care of yourself or I’m not taking care of you. (Also good for a healthcare app)


Life is short, eat dessert first.


You’ve got to eat right… and be right. Ok, not a slogan, but the truth.

‘Being diagnosed with diabetes can be a devastating diagnosis.’


Diabetes does not define me. I am determined, passionate, and unstoppable. My journey will be unlike anyone else’s, but it is my journey to live and I plan to do just that.


Diabetes. There’s nothing sweeter.


We’ve been working hard this week to help the 1 in 4 Americans living with diabetes. Help us by checking out the the@diabetes diagnosis and treatment infographic. #diabetes


We believe no matter where you live, your life should move at the speed of you. Thanks for helping us change diabetes together. #HowYouLive


We partnered with the ADA and JDRF on a fun campaign to help spread awareness of Type 1 Diabetes.


Diabetes doesn’t make you less of a person, but you have the power to control it and turn the tables on this disease that affects over 30 million people.


The more active you are as a child, the healthier your #bloodsugar levels will be as an adult. Diabetes doesn’t have to be a life sentence.


Diabetes is not a death sentence, even though it can feel like one. I am healthier than I was 20 years ago before I had diabetes and I will be healthier in 20 years than I am today. There are things you can do to take control of diabetes and that’s why we created these guides and videos to share everything we’ve learned over the past 35 years. We want you to feel empowered because you deserve it.


Every 1 out of 3 Americans has prediabetes or diabetes. It is time to change it and protect yourself.


Making tracks to improve health and wellbeing.


❤ Thanks for following our page 💪😉


A healthy start begins with having an open dialogue about your health and adhering to the treatment plan prescribed by your doctor.


Diabetes doesn’t have to stop you. Every day can be a good day.


Nine out of ten adults diagnosed with diabetes don’t know they have it. #DiabetesAwarenessMonth


Diabetes doesn’t stop me from making awesome choices!


Fight for a healthy future where diabetes has no power.


Diabetes is a major issue and we need to be aware of it. With the right action steps, diabetes can be managed to stay healthy. So spread some awareness folks.


If you have diabetes, you can still live your best life.


Diabetes is manageable with proper care, diet and exercise.

With one in three U.S. adults now living with diabetes or prediabetes, it’s critical for each of us to make healthy choices for not just our bodies but for our families too. :


Diabetes, an underdiagnosed disease. Contact your medical provider today to schedule an appointment if you have any of the following symptoms.


A1C screenings are coming up! Are you prepared? Learn more at the American Diabetes Charity site,


You’re as sweet as pie, but don’t forget to have your Carb Wise dessert. (🍧👫☕️)


Always talk to your doctor before starting a new diet or exercise program. Google is not a Doctor and this information is not patient education.

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