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Examination Tension Quotes and Caption 2022

Examination Tension Quotes: Tension is energy and energy can be transformed into anything that you do in your life. It is good to know that there are many ways of managing your examination anxiety. Here we’ve gartered the best words to braze you anxiety up.


Examination Tension Quotes and Caption

I am not sure which is worse, the fear of failure or the fear of success #exams #finalsnationalismfail


Just because #finalsarecoming doesn’t mean it has to 💥😤


Take deep breaths. There’s not a prayer of a chance you’re going to pass this test so try to enjoy it. 😵😅


Revising for a test like: I’ll have the salmon with extra cheese and a side of fries.


I feel like I’m getting an award because of all the studying I’ve been doing in these past 2 weeks. #NoShaveNovember


What’s the frequency, Kenneth? You see we have a slight exam coming up in history. Must try harder #historyteacherproblems


I’m deep in study mode 😴 But I did find a few moments to feed my face 🍔 #isuccessfullycrammingatthesametime


I’m no doctor, but I couldn’t pass biology if my life depended on it.


Don’t worry about avoiding mistakes. You will know failure. Continue to reach out, to learn, and to grow.


You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.


Examination tension is the one force that can turn you into a complete and utter genius.


Exams coming your way? #visionexams #caligerexamining #examinationtension


Study hard, stay focused, and get ready to take on the world!


Take a breather before exams to let the coffee sink in. 😉


Goodbye procrastination and hello studying corner.


Sometimes the stress of an exam makes you see things a little sideways for a moment. Remember, it’s only temporary and soon you’ll find yourself back on your feet with good memories of all the hard work you put in to do well.


Exams are done, it is summer, got a long weekend ahead! Not sure what to do? Here are 10 ideas for you 😎


How was your exam? Mine was great, I have a new appreciation for the people that pay attention in class


“Never be afraid to laugh at yourself, after all, you could be missing out on the joke of the century.” ― Demetri Martin


To prepare for the exams:


If the school makes you sick, retire.🤒


Ah, too hard, too hard. This examination is really


Exams are like vampires—they always come out after sunset.


Exam season? Exam season.


Don’t overthink it. Your exam paper is not an essay on Shakespeare.


Some days you’re the .. [accordian emoji] others you’re the [poo emoji]


Cheating isn’t the problem… It’s the lie that gets you.


I have a +0.09 deviation in my score


This is the year you’re finally going to pass that exam—so pencil it down!! ☝🏻☝🏻


I’ll believe in myself when my anxiety’s not so high, and I should get some sleep.


We’ve come so far, there’s only one way to go from here.


So pure you can eat it, so natural you can drink it, so simple that the animals already know it. 🥄


Just when I thought that I had life all figured out, I realized that the only thing I know is that nothing is what it seems.


“Never be afraid to sit awhile and think.” -Lucius Annaeus Seneca


The joy is in finding out, not in knowing.


Exam month is finally over. And I survived. Bring on the celebratory drinks, please 😎


Exams are like one of those licked cupcakes you find in the back of the fridge; even though you can’t taste anything right now, you know it wasn’t a very good idea


You’re more than ready right now, but that won’t matter in an hour.


Exams are like a box of chocolates: Even after you took the last exam, you still have to eat the paper.


How to prepare for exams:


As MIT goes, so goes your standardized test.


I think I’ll do my exam in the darkroom so I can develop the negatives.


There’s no “I” in the team but there is an “M” and an “E”.


Let’s face it: everything goes better with coffee ☕


I’m always tense from sitting too much. I have a coworker who’s always tense from standing too much. And no, we don’t get along.


Anxieties, worries, stress—just some of the things we have to deal with daily. But here’s your weekend reason to breathe easy…##


Is “writing” really a word or is it just something you made up to sound smart?


Anxiety doesn’t empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength.

Exams are the biggest stumbling block to my GPA 😭


Good luck on your exams, no matter how much coffee you drink 😴


Barely made it out alive… ready to take the next test


Getting through exams isn’t a walk in the park, but here are 10 ways to ensure you will do just that.


When life gives you exams, just take a coffee break and find the solution.


I’m taking an exam on existentialism tomorrow, so tonight I’m going to go have a beer and ponder the emptiness of this existence._


To all, you stressed-out souls, take a deep breath 😁


How long does eye twitching last?


Get back on the grind 🔪🍵


I’ve got a headache, but my back feels fantastic.


There’s a moment between a spark and a flame when you have to decide whether to exit or ignite.


If prayers didn’t work, then why the hell am I kneeling in this church?


“The more you sweat in training, the less you bleed in battle”. –General George S. Patton

Can’t stop the feeling: There’s an exam tomorrow and all I want to do is dance #ValentinesDay


Might as well be proactive about the exams.


I think I feel a case of the Monday’s coming on 😴


The only way to pass these exams is to study hard and pray harder.


It’s ok if you don’t understand it, The point is you’ll pass


The more I want to make the grade, the less I go out and party.


You might not have time for a nap, but at least you have time to study.


Everyone wants to understand art. Why don’t we try to understand the song of a bird? Why do we love the night, the flowers, everything around us, without trying to understand them?


The battle is won or lost before it’s ever fought.


I wished I could tell my past self that everything is going to be fine. Comprehend your fears and stay calm.


Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle.


You don’t have to worry about it. You know your stuff, memorize answers to tough questions, and ace the exam without breaking a sweat. Pass the bar exam with no problem.


From cramming 📚 to re-watching Friends 🍵 to sleeping in, take a break and get away from it all. #ExamsAreComing


Time for some real talk: the anticipation of exams is often scarier than the actual exams themselves.


Exams might be stressful but there’s no need to add extra pressure by stressing out over your coffee order. ☕


Be stress-free. Prepare well and you’re gonna ace! So take a chill pill, drink some water, listen to your favorite tunes, and shine bright like a diamond.


Exams. Emotions. No one can stop us now.


As the clock nears exam time, now is the time for JFDI.


It’s exam season, and I’m a wreck. This is my life now.


We’re here for you to calm your nerves, answer questions and make sure you’re prepared for what comes next.


I’m so stressed, I could use a fistful of Erlenmeyer flasks, a magnetic stirrer, and my Delta-V of 3 typical stress Y axes.


Allow me to examine, then—is this anxiety or a faint?


I’ve always wanted to be somebody, but now I realize I don’t want to be anybody else.


For those of you who can’t sleep, don’t bother because everything is going to be OK.


Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.


Motivational Examination Tension Quotes

Exams are like a box of chocolate… you never know what you’re going to get.


Exams are more than just a week of your life. It’s a very intense seven days during which most of the lessons in life that you learned up till now, won’t be of much help.#exam


Stay calm, grab the Exam Recovery Pack, and ace your test.


All your hard work studying has paid off, you’re finally here at the finish line.


Study hard, so you don’t have to end up sharing a dorm with Francis.


What if I take the entire exam and answer everything with “I don’t know, but my name is”


Stop worrying about failing and start focusing on learning.


The more you sweat in peace, the less you bleed in war.


An intelligent woman is sometimes caught by surprise but never startled.


It’s so quiet, you could hear a pin drop.


To be examined is a frightful thing. If you have it in you, then do it and do not deny it.


If you do five things tonight, make sure this is one of them.


I’m no good at exams, so I’ve always got a bottle of whisky in my bag.


Feeling stressed? Let me help you to relax by crushing all your examination worries.


Exams starting to get you down? Well, here are some quotes that’ll make it all seem okay again 😊


The test [knocks loudly three times on a desk], the pressure’s on. The fate of the world is in your hands, and you might have left your flashcards in another classroom.


Hope your exam week is as tensionless as a napping unicorn 😴👌


The key to exams is not what you know; it’s what u don’t know that scares you…


Exam period 👴🏻 What could be worse than this week? This week and next week combined.


Exams have a way of making you nervous, but the more you study, the less you feel the anxiety. Good luck!


If you want to see your future ex, take this test.


Is studying necessary?


Science is so hard 😱


For me, I’d rather fail an exam than regret not taking it at all.


It’s time to get back on track.


I’d rather regret the things I have done than regret the things I haven’t.


When faced with a tough problem, remember that you’re standing on the shoulders of giants. All you have to do is look around to see much bigger problems other people have solved.

Don’t let examination tension get to you. Get help today.


How are your test nerves? #exams


Our students don’t just pass their exams, they ace them, around the corner and on their first try.


Some LSAT test prep companies claim that you can prepare for the LSAT in just a few hours. But is it that easy?


Beat exam stress with these fun new stress relievers by Furness, a company that makes cute stress relievers that’ll keep you smiling through the hardest of P-days.


The countdown to making your mark on the world is on. Study up.


Feeling stressed during your exams? Here’s a dose of inspiration from one of our favorite quotes: Don’t let stress get you down. Remember that the truest measure of your value is not how hard you try, it’s how much you can accomplish in the time that you try.


For every page you finish, you’re a step closer to being free of the stress that goes along with the process of getting into college.


Exams are another type of tradition that is celebrated on June 4th. Some even have school-wide events.


It’s that time of year when you’ve gotta pass the boards to move on with your life. Good luck and be careful out there.


Tomorrow’s just another day. It’s your attitude that makes it great.


The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.


Hi, I am a graduate student. I am taking an exam on life satisfaction. It would be a great help if you can answer the following questions, and then pass them along to your friends with no forward reason, just to spread the word. ##


“If you always do what you always did, you will always get what you always got.” – Anonymous


You have to work hard for success. It is the price you pay for personal achievement. – Vince Lombardi


Tips on how to overcome examination tension:


Wish you luck with your upcoming exams! If a picture is worth a thousand words, then this is what your hard work will get you. 😎


Feeling a touch nervous about your upcoming exams? Don’t be. If you’ve put in the work, you’ve got this. You can do this! Break a leg out there!


It’s the calm before the storm. Pass your examination with a smile with our tea blends. ☕️💧


It is not easy to get an A+, but taking some anxiety-relieving herbal tea and you’ll be feeling great for that exams.


Study hard what you don’t know, and it becomes old hat 😉


Stress is a part of life, but addressing it properly can help you to reduce its negative effects on your mental health and performance.


It’s time to get cracking. It’s exam season and you need to be prepared. Study hard, work smart, earn your stripes!


This one needs no introduction. “Everyone makes mistakes. Have the courage to admit it, learn from it forward gracefully without excuses.” -Sir James Matthew Barrie


Put on your happy face — SATs are over! 🎉😁😍❤️


Swimming is an art, not a competition. In short, we all need to put our egos aside and stop competing for everything. Student-athletes should be commended for succeeding both in academics & athletics; not compared to each other.


You have not failed until you quit trying, we believe in you!


We’re avoiding making this an infographic, so we made it a quote instead.


Take a deep breath and remember that the worst is over. It’s almost December.


The pen is mightier than the sword, but the pencil is mightier than both.


Exam season is coming. Time to brush up on our routine so we don’t go blank during those stressful times. Morning everyone! 😀


During the exams, when you are sitting for hours trying to write your exam, here are some cute captions for Instagram to make your friends laugh 😃😉.


On days like these, you don’t want to give extra time for exams. In case you have any preparations – be more attentive. Take one day at a time and don’t miss anything coming up!


Full steam ahead, to the end of your last exam❗️


The information provided on this site is intended to help you understand the many facets of your examination experience. The book lists comprehensive topics including the rules of time management, test-taking strategies, and an explanation of the scoring system used in testing.


It’s that time of the year again, exams can be stressful. Here are some tips to handle the anxiety!📝


Graduate from stress to success. It’s up to you. Our new videos on Instagram and YouTube explore how to manage stress, unwind, and live your most balanced life.


Buckle up for fall and study hard. We’ve got a hyped-up schedule of 🎓 classes that you won’t want to miss.


“Tension is who you think you should be. Relaxation is who you are.” −Chinese Proverb


We can always find time to face the challenges in life if we can find the courage within us, for it is indeed an act of courage to accept what is happening and make the best of it.


Start preparing, but still feel confident by treating yourself with a break and one of these ✨⚡️ latte art designs!


Don’t wait to take that big leap, it won’t be any easier when you’re older.


No matter how clever you are, someday you’ll stand before a group of people and have to give an oral presentation. If you’re nervous, it helps to remember that audiences are quite friendly—and they’re more interested in themselves than they are in you.


What do you think? Take the test and find out.


Feeling a bit of exam tension? What’s that? We don’t know what it feels like.


Exams can be a stressful time for young people. Stay focussed, stay positive and you’ll power through! 🌻


The examination is the ultimate judge of how much you have learned. Good luck.💪


Cool off with a treat from the Ice Cream Shop. Exams are over and summer is finally here.


Prepare for success! 📝


There’s only one test, and it’s happening right now.


Revising for your exam? Keep calm. We’ll keep you going until it’s time to breathe a sigh of relief and celebrate!


Paying attention to detail is crucial, even when taking exams.


All right, team. Deep breath. You got this. You’ve studied and prepared for this moment for months!


Man, I can’t wait for this test to be over.


You’ve got this 👍.


Don’t give up! You only fail if you quit. 👍


The fear of failure can often be greater than the fear of success.


We’re helping you ace your upcoming exams, so check out our study guides for the AP history exam and the SAT. Studying never felt this easy!

If exams make you feel like there’s a black hole in your stomach, get the free app to create your soundtracks for studying.


Exams: they bring us closer to the finish line. #thestuffyouneedtoknow


The future belongs to those who believe in their dreams and work hard for them. #exam #study #dreams


You’re working hard to get into that dream university; make sure you’re prepared for the exams!


Seriously, you studied hard. Your board exam is just around the corner. So why not chill? ☕️


Don’t waste another minute worrying about your upcoming exam! We’ve put together our top exam prep tips to help you feel calm, confident, and successful on exam day.


Be the best you can be…it’s not easy but it’s worth it. You got this!


Learning to do something IS doing something. Studying properly will help you ace the exam.


Seasonal allergies are no match for your Claritin®️. Get relief through the tough allergy season without the worry of drowsiness or dry mouth. #ClaritinSolutions


Let’s start the semester on a positive note. #studyspo


Make sure you know your limits, if you know them to look past them.


It’s the little things that count. Stay organized so you can study confidently in the days leading up to your exam 💻 📅 #studentproblems


The end is near, but it’s not the end of the world. Everything will be okay. You’re all set. If you made it this far, you got this.


Breathe, you got this.


No, I’m not nervous. Why would I be nervous?

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