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60+ Funny Hiking Captions for Instagram


Funny Hiking Captions


Funny Hiking Captions: Hiking Captions quotes are a source for best scavenger hunt captions, funny hunting quotes, and other captions suitable for sharing online and off. Hiking captions are quite fun to use as there is always a significant number of pictures that one can pick from to make the caption super relatable. If you have ever been on a hike or done any outdoor activity, you understand just how crucial it is to make the right choice of clothing. Choosing the right gear will determine whether you are comfortable, protected against the elements, or even injured. There is so much hype about hiking today and mostly all coming out to be exciting!

Funny Hiking Captions

• These hiking sticks were made for… wait for it… our selfie 😜 #hiking

• My only vice is hiking.

• When you’re about to lose sight of civilization… #hikinglife #liveoutdoors

• Okay, we get it. Mount Rushmore was pretty sweet. But this hiking trail? 🐉🏔👟

• Let’s hike, it’s silly.

• Once you’ve been hiking in the snow for 30 minutes, your legs burn like shopping carts.

• Stay hydrated out on the trail, but remember: there’s no shame in a safety meeting!

• Come hike the Yodel With Us.

• The best place to be, is the worst place to be. #hikinglife

• We’ve traversed mountains, scaled peaks, hiked through meadows, swam upstream, and scaled the corporate ladder. And we must be wearing the right shoes because we’ve never wavered in our stride. Searching for a great deal on hiking.

• Life is too short to be ordinary. So, come off the beaten path with me and experience exciting hikes all over the place! Till then, hike on, my friend.

• A caption aiming to make people laugh.

• We’re on a mission to hike and conquer all the hikes. So far, so good. 🏔 #hiking #travel

• It may not be a mountain, but this is one heck of an afternoon hike…!

• I like to go on long walks in the woods. It is good for my back. #hikingtime

• Stuck on a trail that is really hard to master! But the view is awesome!

• Hiking up to this amazing photo op. 🙏

• When the trailhead is 5 miles ahead, but all you see is this.

• You can’t get lost if you don’t know where you’re going. This is a map of my heart: avoid the deep dark woods, for they are dangerous. And always bring bear spray! #hikein

• Behold, the power of nature! Things you find are waterfalls, wildlife, a never-ending trail. Things you don’t find: cell service, Wi-Fi (bring), and a comfortable place to sit your phone

• Walking back to the car after a great hike with my little piggies. 😉

• My life’s journey has been determined by a series of red wines I’ve spilled on maps. Yay, hiking!

• This just in: the mountains are calling and I must go.

• We’ve got a twofer for you: this Just Because package, and the fact that it’s never too early to start dreaming of your next vacation. #‎JustBecause

• Hi. We’re not lost. This is just the back way.

• “Don’t forget to get bagels.”

• We get it. you take hiking really seriously.

• The only time it’s too rainy to go hiking is when you’re in the shower #adventureselfie

• Growing up, I was pretty sure my family was the only one that hiked backward. What a little trailblazer I was. #mytrailblazing

• Hiking is all about the journey, not the destination. Let every day be an adventure #hiking #getoutdoors

• We went on a hike and discovered this ridiculous thing! #StayedHydrated

• No matter how much fun I have outdoors, I can’t wait to come home and cook a big meal for my family. After all, it’s always better together.

• Life is just a stroll through the woods, so do walk big and walk proud 🌳🌲😊

• Say yo-ho and hoist those trekking poles,

• Climb on the right foot, reach out, and you never know what you might find.

• It’s so nice to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city…

• Keep your eyes peeled when hiking in the wilderness. Who knows, maybe a wild fart will pass through. #hiking #humor

• I only take my dog hiking. If we see a bear, I can take out my dog and it’ll just sit there. He won’t even begin to bark. If I yell “Shoo bear, shoo the bear

• The way to a man’s heart is to literally break his ribs laughing 😊We’re in the wild with @xxxxx, because it always helps to have a sense of humor on the trail. #adventurewithpritt

• How about this trail here? It’s a bit overgrown, don’t ya think, Buttercup?


Funny Hiking Captions
Funny Hiking Captions

Hiking Quotes

• On our hike we discussed how hiking should really be called walking faster.

• Take a hike! Nothing clears out the cobwebs like a day spent in the great outdoors.

• Hiking is about the journey, not the destination.

• On your mark, get set, hike! It’s time for our favorite autumnal tradition to get some fresh air 🏕 🍁

• Careful! Don’t slip on the wet leaves behind you.

• The mountain might not come to you, but you can still get up it with these hilarious hiking fails. We got a ton of
LOLs out of these pics of hikers who just might be looking for their come-up.

• Some days you just have to stay in bed until noon, no matter how many times your hiking buddies call.

• When your hiking boots start to look really old and like they’ve been everywhere with you.

• As you can see, hiking in the winter is just as beautiful as hiking in the summer. Here’s to another adventure!

• I think I have finally found the formula for happiness—locate your favorite hiking trail and hike it at least five times per year. #hiking #trailrunning

• Hike your leg or hike your arm? 🐶🐱

• It’s not a bug bite… it’s a love bite from the mosquitoes in the backcountry!

• Dude, are you lost? This isn’t the trailhead. 😐 #nationalgeographic

• You’ll never regret packing the bagel bites. #camping

• Time to do a little exploring… and maybe get lost. 😜#stayadventurous #getlost #hikingadventures #exploremore #getoutside

• Just your everyday hiking adventure. #noAllRangersDontDoThis

• Hiking buddies don’t take hikes—they take chances. 😎

• Ain’t no rest for these weary legs. This trail ain’t a freeway. #hikeyourlegsoff

• I imagine this is what it’s like to date me: I send you a perfectly good hike and then disappear for hours.

• Hiking is therapy for the body. And I recommend it highly. It’s a great way to get fresh air and solitude, which are both are very healing.

• Hike your own hike.

• This calls for a hike every day this weekend.

• What’s the deal with the outdoors? I mean, what’s the point? It’s hot, for one thing. No AC, no showering. Why would anyone want to do that? But then you get out

• Get out into nature and find your adventure with Spring. #springisintheair

• You can’t fall off the floor! Let’s climb.

• Hiking trails just got a little more interesting.

• When you’re hiking, you may think that everyone else has a map, but honey if you ask for directions to the bathroom in Spanish, they ain’t gonna know where the literal bathroom is. @xxxxxx

• Hiking is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get.

• Orange you glad to be out of the Orange Grove 🤐 P #hiking

• Looking for hiking trails with a great reward? Check out these five hiking spots that all have a tasty payoff.

• Keep calm and hike on.

• Black Friday doesn’t have to be about shopping. Today is the perfect day to get out and explore your world. #getoutside

• I’m the king of the mountain, but I still can’t afford a castle. #ShamelessAmerica

• Up, up, and away. #–Be it on the top of a mountain or simply a little further than last week.

• When you are hiking in the Sierra Nevadas.

• Good thing I got these hiking boots before the actual hiking!’

• We’ve arrived at our final destination. No, we’re not lost. We’re just exploring wildly different hiking paths to celebrate the fall weather with you!

• I’m a slave to the adventure. The truth is I would hike to the moon for you.

• Coming back from this hike all I can think about is finding and eating fried chicken. Whatta hiker appetite. #keepthecountryinthefurry.

• No mountain is too high! I’m ready to conquer my new look in this cute hiking outfit from GYPE Vogue. 😜

• One of the last hikes of the summer! Hope you’ve been enjoying the sunny and warm days 🌻☀️

• I am up in this tree stand like a bobblehead.

• I told you about my plans to go off the grid, but cell reception is a must.

• Isn’t it nice to have a hilarious hiking partner? The good kind.❤️

• The only thing on this trail is the fact that I’ve been hiking for two hours and haven’t seen a single another person.

• How can you be in the mood for hiking when there is a storm outside 🌧

• For every awkward glacier photo, there is at least one good epic hike selfie – #hiking

• Hiking isn’t about getting from point A to B, it’s about the adventure of getting there. (And tacos.)

• Some trails lead to fun, and some lead to you wearing a bush as a hat.

• Hiking with friends is like practicing yoga 🙏☝ . .

• Mom, can’t we leave the selfie stick at home?

• My favorite part of fall is finding that rock that lets me know I’m not lost .”

• Enormous mountains, beautiful story.

• You’ve seen 10,000 images of hiking on Instagram right? For this hiking account, we want to break away from the usual shots of mountains and add something more entertaining and enjoyable.

• I don’t always hike, but when I do, I get mountaineering. #hiking #humor

• The best days for hiking create a friendly competition to see who can find the most mushrooms 🍄

• Hold on. You have to appreciate all the small things when you’re hiking, like a mudslide or rainstorm. See ya’ll at the summit!

• These hiking socks will give you extra height for seeing all the sights, ohh yeah!


Inspirational Hiking Quotes

• It’s not about reaching the summit, it’s just about getting outside and enjoying the journey. #hiking

• Life gets busy. And so do we. When you get a chance to hit the great outdoors, take it.

• Packing for adventures is easy when you have your trusty backpack from Patagonia. Cram as much as possible, guys.

• Take one step at a time 2. Don’t look down 3. If you slip, I’m always here to catch you.

• A caption for hiking companies that will make people want to hike (or take a break from work and get some nature in their lives).

• Hiking is a lot like life really: If you don’t keep moving forward, all you see are your mistakes. #hiking #hike #hikes #outdoors #outdoorsy #outdoorlife #mountainm

• An inspiring caption that makes you want to wake up early and go on a morning hike!

• I don’t need anyone to hold my hand. I can go on a hiking trip all by myself!

• Whether you are backpacking through the wilderness or just stepping out on a carefree hike, don’t forget to bring your sense of adventure.

• Up, up, and away with the trail 🌲🏔

• The trail is calling. Are you ready to answer?

• When the best view comes from the bottom of a pile of leaves… #hikingcaptions

• Hiking is like a box of chocolates; it never ends.

• That look when you’re hiking…

• If you can read this, you’re too close. #hikinginthesunshine

• We don’t need to pick just one trail.

• We’re halfway there. #hikeon

• I’ve got 99 problems but mountains ain’t one. #hikeplanb

• He’s on the trail in a new pair of Keen® boots. We’re just relieved he remembered his Keen Hello® knitted hat.

• It’s a jungle outt here. The heat, the bugs, the sweat-soaked clothes. Don’t worry, we’ve got your back: bug spray, hand sanitizer, and a t-shirt that sheds moisture. And kale chips

• As we all know, fall is the best season. The leaves smell sweet and today the mountains called my name.

• Hike your own hike. There’s room for all of us on the trail. (BONUS: best caption if you use this as an opportunity to promote a hiking trail.)

• There’s no easy way to the top, but there’s a fun way . . . that involves lots of hiking.🗻📚☕ 🌲

• When you need to find a good pair of hiking boots.

• Hiking in a forest is natural for the human body, connecting us with nature and giving us an opportunity to look inward and appreciate our surroundings.

• Going on a hike? Take them all! 😉 🚶🏼♂️

• Challenge accepted to hike out of this spooky forest before the sun sets #whereisthelasttowelsintheworld

• We took a break to rest, so that we could take a hike!

• Are you ready to get back out on the trail?

• She: How is your backpack? Me: It’s not heavy… at all! 😂 #everydayadventures

• Picture yourself on top of the world with a little help from your friends.



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