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Got My License Today Captions for Instagram Quotes

Got My License Today Captions for Instagram Quotes: Getting a driving license can be very tedious and stressful, for people who take their driving very seriously and have trouble getting it, this is a perfect way to make sure they never forget it after being given and got theres. Here are the driver’s license captions and quotes, Enjoy!


Got My License Today Captions for Instagram Quotes

Got my license today, and I’m ready to take on the world. No fear!

I got my license today, but for now I just have a learner’s permit 🚗

I got my license today. I can drive now. I’m free to be whoever I want.

I finally got my license today! The best day of my life.

I got my license today. It’s embarrassing, but I’m so happy I could cry.

I can’t believe I got my license today. It feels like a dream come true.

I have my driver’s license in hand today. I’ve got so many adventures to conquer with my new skills and knowledge. #newroadtrip

“After all the years of being scared and nervous, I finally got my license today. Yes, I still am…”

I just got my license today, and I can’t wait to take over the world.

I feel like my license is a me-made miracle. ✨🚓

There’s no better feeling in the world than getting your license.

Fill in the blanks with this license plate quote for your friends.

I’m a big girl now. I can do this and I’m ready for anything.

The journey in life is not a race, It’s a marathon.

License. It’s a privilege, not a right. #license

I got my license today. I’m ready for anything and everything life has to throw at me.

She got her license today and we’re going to have so much fun together.

I just got my license today, not only did I get it but I got to drive a car that has an open bar.

I got my license today and I’m still not sure what that means.

I am a licensed driver. The road is my playground; the trip is yours.

This is my license. I’ve got the freedom to drive and the courage to feel all the feelings.

Finally got my license, I can do anything now

The hardest part of learning to drive is getting your license.

My license is my freedom.

You are a strong, beautiful individual. You have what it takes to make it in the world!

“You have to start somewhere, so just start and don’t look back.”

“You have to put on the brakes sometimes, you know.”

Today was the day.

You can’t go wrong if you’re moving forward.

If you have it, flaunt it.

I got my license today and I’m so happy. It’s like having wings.

I got my license today, so this weekend we’re going to go out and have a good time.

I got my license today and I’m pretty sure that’s the coolest feeling ever.

I got my license today, but first I’ll have to take my test. I know it sounds crazy, but I’m excited to finally get my driver’s license.

I got my license today, God bless America. (Don’t shoot me!)

I just got my license today, so I can drive and drink. This feels like a big deal.

Today I got my license, tomorrow the world.

I’m so proud of my license today, because I know that there is nothing I can’t do.

I’m so excited to get my driver’s license!

I got my license! A new chapter begins 🚘

I just passed my driving test and I can now drive with no driver’s license. What a better story to tell than this one?

Getting the license is always a momentous occasion. That’s why I’m here to celebrate with you.

I’m the kind of person who could make the best out of the worst situation.

We all have our moments, but we need to keep persevering and keep pushing forward. Keep your head up and keep going!

I’ve always wanted to say this, but I never thought I’d be able to make it happen.

Got my license today and I have gotten into a car accident.

Got my license today, I’m free to drive with no one holding me back.

I got my license today. I can drive now and I’m on a real mission to get you to the moon.

I got my license today! I’m ready to go and do what I’m passionate about.

I just got my license today, but I’m already on a mission.

My new license is in the mail. I’m officially an adult now.

I just got my license yesterday, but I already feel like a million bucks. So what’s next?

When you get your license, it’s like everything you’ve been working for finally came true.

My driver’s license says I’m an adult, but my brain says I’m still a child.

i’m so happy. i’m so excited. i’ve never been this good before. i’m finally ready to go out there and do this thing that i love!

Today is a new beginning. Let’s make this one awesome!

If your dreams don’t scare you, they’re probably small.

I’ve been waiting for this moment for a long, long time.


got my license today🔰 👍

Got my license today! Now I can say yes to adventures and no to stress.

I got my license today, but I’m still not sure what to do with it.

I got my license today, so I’m officially certified to be crazy.

feeling good about going places in life, getting my license today.

My license today is a symbol of my ability to drive through life with purpose and positivity.

I’m ready for my license, I’m ready for the road!

Your smile is a license plate, your eyes are the words.

My license. My wildest dreams. My biggest fears.

I don’t need a driver’s license to drive myself crazy.

Thanks, DMV. I owe you one.

Life is better when you drive.

Driving is not just a matter of learning to drive, it’s learning not to be scared.

“You have to learn how to crawl before you can walk.” -Julia Child

Got my license today

Got my license today. I’m ready to go, but I don’t know where. Heyyyy, let’s go!

I got my license today and it was the best day of my life.

I got my license today. I just had to get the world’s biggest smile on my face.

I got my license today, let’s go.

I got my license today,but I can’t believe how fast it’s been.

I’ve got my license today and I’m ready to drive this life.

Thanks to the DMV, I am now an official driver of life.

Here’s to the road less traveled. A license, a job and a life lived to the fullest from behind the wheel of your car.

It’s been a crazy, but wonderful ride. I can’t wait to see what the future has in store for me.

You know you’ve made it when you own a car.

I’m free to drive away from the rest of the world.

Thank you to those that I’ve met along this journey. It’s been a little bumpy but we’re almost there.

I got my license today. 💃 #yourturndriving

I got my license today, and I feel like a whole new person. It’s been a while coming baby.

I got my license today, but I’ll be back in a week.

I finally got my license today. Now I’m saving up for a car that can go all day without killing me.

Just got my license today and I’m so excited. I can now legally drive anywhere I want!

Today I got my license. Today I can finally drive, today I can finally feel safe behind the wheel.

I got my first driver’s license today. This is the best day ever.

My license literally just came in the mail and I’m so freakin excited about it!

Wishing you a safe and fun ride on the road to becoming an official driver.

You can do anything if you don’t care who gets the credit.

I was a little nervous but I knew it wasn’t my day to fail.

Life is full of ups and downs, but we never lose our way.

You’ve got this.

You can’t see the future, but you can always see the past.

Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain.

Got my license today, but I’ll be driving you crazy with this thing until then.

Got my license today. It’s like I finally grew a spine 🔨

Got my license today. I never thought I’d be able to drive, but now that I have it’s time to travel.

I got my license today, my dad drove us to the DMV and took a picture of us together. I love him so much.

I got my license today. The feeling of freedom is indescribable.

I did it! I got my license today.

“Get your license and you’ll be satisfied with nothing anymore.” ― Charlie Chaplin

Just because I have a license doesn’t mean I can drive.

Getting your driver’s license is an exciting moment in life. But, it also marks the beginning of independence and freedom. The road ahead is yours to control

Can’t wait to get going on my adventures waiting for the perfect road trip.

Yes, I have license and am now able to drive.

If you want to be successful, work hard and smart. If you want to be happy, surround yourself with people who make you better.

Here we go! 🚘

It’s not what you know that gets you in trouble, it’s what you don’t know that gets you into trouble.

Got my license today. My parents are going to kill me. Whoops!

Recovering from a hangover and realizing I got my license today.

I got my license today but I still have to write the title!

I got my driver’s license today. I’m ready to hit the road and travel the world.

I got my license today and can’t wait to drive myself around town (in a safe way of course)

My new license finally arrived today and I’m so excited. Now I don’t have to wait till my birthday to drive (in a car)—I can finally drive myself!

I’m so excited to get my license. Let’s celebrate with a road trip and some bacon

When you get your license, it’s like having a little slice of freedom.

I passed the driving test on my first try, and I never got lost. Hope you can make it out for dinner!

Your license is a reflection of your dedication, determination and hard work.

Today is the first day of the rest of my life.

Today was a day to celebrate—but it wasn’t the end. It’s just the beginning of a long road ahead.

The best things in life are right under our nose.

You have to hustle, but you can’t hustle your hustle.

Finally, I can say I did it.

Got my license today and I’m so ready to exercise, eat ice cream, hike and travel.

Got my license today and drove a car for the first time. I’m ready to take on the world

Got my license today. It’s about time!

I got my license today! Congrats to you and all the other new drivers out there. #drivingisfun

I got my license today and it felt like a dream come true.

I got my license today and it feels amazing. What does yours say?

I got my license today, and I’m ready to drive like there’s no tomorrow. Because tomorrow might be soon.

Getting my license today. I feel liberated and ready to take on the world.

I finally got my license today, but it took me 20 years to get it.

license on the road to freedom #getyourlicensetoday

I just got my license today! All I have to say is: done.

Your new license lets you drive a car, but not a bus.

Even if you’re scared, you can do it. No one will ever remember the time you made it past your first test.

You’ve got this. Keep pushing towards your goals, knowing that nothing is impossible.

I got my license today and I feel like a new person. I’m ready to take on the world!

today is the day i got my license! i can’t wait to get behind the wheel and travel around with my family.

So excited to get my license today. I can’t wait to drive in a real car.

I’ve got my license today and I feel like a boss.

I’ve always wanted a license, so now that I have one, I feel like a real adult.

My license is my freedom. I’m free to drive and be on the road with you, helping you reach your goals!

My license is here. I can finally ride my bike.

My license is in the mail, my car has insurance and I’m learning how to drive stick.

The first step in taking control of your life is getting your driver’s license.

When you finally get your license, you don’t realize how much time went by.

You have to have a license to drive, but you can still be a kid and do whatever you want to do.

Who needs a car when you can drive your dreams.

It’s not about how much you have in your bank account, it’s about how much you’ve got on the inside.

California might be the land of opportunity, but if you’re not ready to roll up your sleeves, we won’t remind you to do so.

Got my license today, so I can make sure you never stop smiling.

Got my driver’s license today—good thing, too, or I’d never be able to get away from my family. #WhenYouHaveKids

I got my license today because I wanted to be free.

I just got my license today. It was a long time coming. Now I’m totally ready for the road!

My license was just as exciting as my first car.

“I was always told that I had to wait until my 20s to get my license, but then I got it yesterday. Life is good.” -emilyb

“I passed my driving test! Now I can drive to the store, pick up my kids from school and cook dinner!”

Start driving your car, then get a license.

I stopped caring what people think of me and started doing what I love. Now I’m driving 20 mph faster than everyone else.

I felt so nervous, but then the instructor handed me my license and said “Congratulations, you passed!”

Let’s raise a glass to freedom. To being able to drive, ride bikes and go wherever we want.

I put the pedal to the metal, no one behind me and closed my eyes.

Here’s looking at you, kid.

Only in your dreams can you fly…

Got my license today and I can drive, which means this is the beginning of something pretty epic. #license #new

I got my license today, but it took me 1,000 tries to get it right.

I got my license today, and it feels amazing. I’m ready to drive, like right now!

I got my license today and I’m free to do whatever I want.

Get your license today, don’t wait.

I never thought I would get my license, but here I am. Cheers to the new me!

I’ve had my license for a little over a week and I can honestly say that it feels good.

Driving used to be way more dangerous. Now it’s harder than ever. I’m ready to get my license!

A license is a stamp of approval from the government. It is proof that you are legally an adult.

So happy to be able to drive again. I love living in a city where public transit is so accessible and safe, but let’s face it—I can’t wait to get behind the wheel of my truck and ride around with the windows down.

You only get one chance to turn your life around. So, do it today!

It’s not the destination that matters, but the journey 🎉 #edinburghdrivingtour

It’s not the size of the dog in the fight — it’s how you play the game.

“If you want something done right, do it yourself.”

I am a master of my own destiny

Got my license today and it feels so good😎

I got my license today and I’m so happy. These are the things that keep me going in life, these are the things I believe in: my family, my friends and you guys 👊

I got my license today. Can’t wait to pull over and text: I’m driving!

I got my license today, sis. Now you’ll have to buy me a car 🚗😎

I got my license today but I’m still wide-eyed #july

I got my license today and I’m finally an adult.

I got my license today, and I am the most annoying driver in the world.

I get to do things that I’ve always wanted to try, but have never had anyone in my corner. You. #LicensedToDrive

My license today was the highlight of my week.

I’ve finally got my license to drive

I’m a licensed driver and I’ve driven by myself for hours.

It’s time to get out there and #live life.

Pulling into the driveway is the moment I feel like a real adult.

License to drive.―Kurt Vonnegut

It’s all about the journey, not the destination.

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