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Happy Mothers Day My Wife Quotes

Happy Mothers Day My Wife Quotes: Mothers day is coming closer, you must be looking for some lovely quotes and images to express your love & affection, right? Here we have a collection of Happy Mothers Day My Wife quotes and sayings. If you are looking for some of the best quotes to share with your wife on this happy occasion, then you are at the right place.

Happy Mothers Day My Wife Quotes

Happy Mothers Day. Thank you for being such a wonderful mother to our children. Thank you for always taking care of them and entertaining them when I’m busy. Thank you for loving the kids as your own. Without you I wouldn’t have such a great family, I love you so much!

To my angel, may all the happiness and love in the world be yours! Thank you for being a great mother, the best wife, & my best friend. You mean the world to me. May you experience only love and happiness today and always. I love you so much!

I love you so much, Mom. I mean that from the bottom of my heart! You have been a fantastic mother who has taught me everything I know and nothing can come close to the love you have for me. Well, almost nothing. Your love is amazing and I enjoy all the time we spend together.

I wish that there were more words to describe what you mean to me. You are beyond my wildest dreams that I never could have imagined possible, and I just can’t imagine life without you anymore! Thank you for being in my life, for loving me, and for the love you have given me through our children.

You are an amazing, loving mother and I wish you all the joy in the world on this joyous day!

Today and every day know that I am so incredibly lucky to have found you. You are the mother of my children, the other half of my soul, the love of my life, the most beautiful woman in the world, and I wouldn’t trade anything for it. I love you!

I never thought I would say this about another woman, but I am so glad to be your daughter. You have shown me what it means to be strong, wise, and full of love. I admire the way you live life every day with a positive attitude. Above all, you are an amazing mother and I am so happy to be able to call you my mom!

I thank God for putting you in my life. You are such an amazing mother to our son and I am so happy that he has you as a role model. I can’t believe you have become this amazing mother and wife, with the loving heart that you have.

To the most amazing woman, I’ve ever met or will ever meet in my entire life. I love you so much, even though I don’t tell you enough. It is because I don’t know how to express my feelings for you with words, but it doesn’t stop me from feeling them.

I can’t thank you enough for all the sacrifices you have made for me. You have done everything in your power to make sure that I am successful and have a bright future. You have been my rock through some of the most difficult times in my life and I don’t know what I would do without you.

I promise to be a faithful partner and friend. I will comfort you when you’re down and laugh with you when you’re happy. I will share your passion for parenting or your interests in the finer things of life. I’ll hold your hand and wipe away your tears… I will love you today, tomorrow, and as many tomorrows as there are.

Words can never explain how much I love you. Thank you for everything that you do. Thank you for putting up with my constant complaining and for never letting me feel sorry for myself. You are truly my best friend and the woman of my dreams.

Happy Mothers Day! I love you so much. You are the light of my life and I hope that every day is brighter because of your light. You are an amazing woman and I am lucky to have you in my life.

Happy Mothers Day baby! I couldn’t have built my life into the beautiful place it is without your love and support. I am so blessed to have you in my life. I promise to give you flowers every day for the rest of our lives. I love you!

Happy Mothers Day to the most wonderful, amazing mother in the world. You are a blessing from God, and I love you with all my heart!

You are my best friend, the one who’s always listened and always cared. You are beautiful inside and out, I am so lucky to have found you. I love you, with all my heart and soul. This poem below is a copy of the first mother’s day card I made for her:

How lucky I am to have a mother like you. There are no words to describe how amazing you are. My day gets better every time I see your smiling face. You’re my best friend and the reason I love you so much.

I just wanted to tell you how special you are to me. You are the best thing to ever happen in my life and I am so glad that you are my wife. I dream of spending the rest of my life with you. I love you so much!

Mom, I’m so happy to have you for a mom… I hope you feel the same way about me since I treat you like a first-rate mom. You respect me, support me, and care for me. Your love is unconditional, not conditional. I love you dearly.

I can experience each day for the blessing that it is because you are in my life. You make me feel so loved and cared for in more ways than I could ever describe. With each passing day, I fall more in love with you and our life together.

Having you in my life is a blessing. I can’t imagine what my days would be like if you weren’t there. The thought of not seeing your beautiful face makes me sad. Thank you for being there for me and I love you so much!

I love you so much. I don’t know who I would be without you. You are my everything, my life, my world. I knew from the minute that I saw you that someday, somehow you would be mine. You have made me the happiest man in the world and I wouldn’t trade it for anything!

Mom, I love you. I know that you always wanted to have a garden of your own and you have one now.

You are the only person in the world that has always been there for me. You’ve taught me to be a better person and showed me how to love. I couldn’t ask for a better mother. Happy mothers day!

I love you, my darling wife. You are kind, fun and so beautiful. Our kids look just like you and I couldn’t be happier. Thanks for all the wonderful times, my life is filled with joy because of you. I love you

I know I’ve said it before, but I’m always amazed by how lucky I am. Each day you make me feel so special and loved. Your touch warms my soul and your kisses brighten my days. You are a wonderful mother, wife, and friend. Love you always!

I love you so much that I can’t even begin to find the words to express my love for you. You are the best mother in the world. I truly believe that, no matter how much I might want to argue. You have such a good heart and do everything for your family and friends. You never stop giving.

I told you once, I’ll tell you a thousand times: I love you. Thanks for being the most amazing wife and mother. I love you with all my heart and soul. I cherish every moment we spend together.

You are everything to me and I love you more than words can say. I am at my happiest when I get to see you and spend time together. You bring out the best in me and make me feel like a better man. I cherish our time together and cant wait to spend the rest of my life with you! Love Always

My mom was the best and did everything she could to make my childhood great, I can only hope I can be half the mom she was. Wishing you a wonderful day, wishing you a wonderful day!

To me, you are so dear and so deserving of my love. You are my heart, my soul, and my life. I am so happy that we were meant to be together, I can not imagine life without you by my side.

You are the best, kindest friend that anyone could ever ask for. I am so lucky to have you as a partner, always there to support and listen. You constantly put others before yourself and work so hard in every aspect of your life.


Happy Mothers Day for Wife Quotes

I wish I could be there with you today, but I will be there with you in spirit. Happy Mothers Day Sweetheart!

I pray today is the day you have been waiting for. A day free of grief. A day free of worry. A day that brings with it a sea of endless possibilities!!! I pray the most amazing things will happen to you today because your life, your career, and your relationships deserve nothing less! Happy Mother’s Day!

I love you, mama, I miss you so much. You were the best mother anyone could ask for. I want to tell you how much I loved you and miss you every day but there just isn’t enough space here. I’ll talk to grandma to tell her everything except the bad things and ill see you soon. I’ll love you forever, Rowan

Every day I love you more and more. You light up my life with your smile and keep me happy all day long. You are an amazing wife and mother, I couldn’t ask for a better partner in life.

You are such an amazing mom to our children. You deserve to be celebrated more than anyone on this earth. You work so hard and give everything you have of yourself to our kids. I love you so much, and I will forever promise to help take care of you, for the rest of my life.

You have had the best Mother’s Day gift you could ask for! And it is NOT because I got up at 6:00 am to bring you coffee and a kiss…..that was just for ME. I hope that you enjoy your day, my love.

You are the most amazing mom in the world, if I had to choose one person that made me who I am, it would be you without a doubt! I love you so much!

Thank you for being an amazing mother. I love how much you love Isabella. It’s something special to see a mother’s love for her daughter. Your hard work makes me so happy and proud of you.

I wish I could tell you how much you mean to me. I love when you smile, it’s the most incredible thing in the world. You have such a big heart and have been so kind to me since we met. You are my best friend, my confidant, and my favorite person to be around.

I hope you had a great day today. I know it would not be the same without you here with me! I love you more and more each day!

I am so blessed that you’re my wife. Mothers day may not be tomorrow but every day I’m reminded of all the reasons why I love you!

You are my best friend and the only one who knows how I tick. You know that I love you, but on this special day, I just want to remind you of all of the reasons why. You’re a kind and loving mother, you’re beautiful and smart, you can appreciate a good joke and always have my back. I love you, baby!

You are a blessing to me, I love you! Thank you for all that you do. I am so very lucky to have you as my partner, I think of you as an inspiration to have such a wonderful woman as a mother, daughter, sister-friend, and lover. I wish every girl had a mother just like you.

I think of you when I don’t have time to think of others. I know that you love me when no one else does. You are my best friend, my partner in crime, and an all-around great gal! I couldn’t ask for anyone better to spend the rest of my life with.

What a wonderful gift. You have become my inspiration, my best friend, and my soul mate. I love our life together and the way we connect on so many levels. You are the strongest, most beautiful person I know and I am lucky to be your husband.

When I look into your eyes, my heart swells with joy and happiness. You are the most beautiful woman in the world, inside and out. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you. You make me so happy!

You are my world and without you, I would be nothing. I love your smile, your laugh, and everything about you. You are my best friend for a reason and that reason is that we are soul mates. You are the world to me.

I want to get you a card, but words just don’t seem enough. I love you so much that I wanted to write it in the sky! I only hope that my actions towards you speak louder than any words.

I love you more than life itself. To me, you are perfection, absolutely gorgeous on the inside and out. You amaze me every day with your beauty and kindness. You are my best friend and I wouldn’t change that for anything in the world and I hope you feel the same way too.

I love how sweet you are to me, I love how caring you are, I love how much you love me.

I want to thank you for giving me the most precious gift I could receive and for supporting me through my life. You are part of all the best and hardest moments of my life. I can’t think of one time where I didn’t have you by my side.

You are the best and most supportive friend I could ever ask for. You’ve been my rock through so many hardships. You love me just as much as I love you. You have brought so much joy into my life and I can’t imagine life without you!

Happy Mothers Day! Even though I am writing this on a whim, it is so hard to put into words how much you mean to me and what you do for me. Every day is a Happy Mother’s Day because I have you, my son, and our family. I love you.

I just wanted to say thank you for everything. I couldn’t imagine a day without you, especially Mother’s Day. I know we don’t always see eye to eye, but you are truly my best friend and the most amazing mommy ever. You deserve all the best in the world; may God continue to shower you with love and luck. I love you.

I love you so much. You are my best friend, and the most amazing mom ever! You always put your family first and love us unconditionally with all your heart. You are my soulmate, the one person I have always wanted to be with. You will never know how much that means to me!

You are truly amazing to me. You make my day brighter just by being near me. Our love grows stronger each day, and I am so grateful to have you in my life. I love you!

I cannot imagine my life without you, everything we have been through together has only made me more in love with you. We are an unstoppable force and nothing can hold us back. I love you!

Thank you for your never-ending love and support. I am so glad to call you my wife and best friend. You mean the world to me. I love you so much!

To the most amazing mom on earth, you truly are one of a kind. I am so lucky to have you as my mom. You have supported me and guided me through life. I could never repay you for all that you’ve done for me. I love you with all my heart, and that will never change!

You are my inspiration, my motivation, the fire inside of me. You motivate me to be a better person every day and I just love you so much! Thank you for everything you do.

Thank you for being a wonderful mother. You are the coolest mom I know, and I love you very much!

I am so blessed to have a friend like you. You are a very special person to me. I hope you have the most amazing day ever!

Happy Mothers’ Day! It’s a pleasure to be your husband, and I am so thankful for all you do for our family. Thank you for always being there for me, for taking care of our kids, and for making sure we have a great place to live. I couldn’t ask for a better life or a better mother-in-law. You’re the best!

If all the flowers were roses & violets, I would pick you a garden. If all the trees were seashells, I would pick you an ocean. If all the songs were music, I would sing you forever. Happy Mother’s Day!

You are the most important person to me. I know people say they love their mother, but you mean it. The first ray of light that comes into the room every morning is yours.

You are the one I have always been waiting for. All my life I have waited for you, and now you are finally here. Sending you my love and thanks for all that you do in your busy life. May this day bring lots of joy!

I love you, mama! Thanks for being so wonderful and supportive. I couldn’t have wished for a better mother in my life. You mean everything to me and I just wanted to let you know how very much I appreciate you.

One year ago I wasn’t sure that I would ever find love. You have brought so much happiness into my life, waking up next to you every morning is the best! I don’t want to spend another day without you by my side. Happy Birthday, sweetheart!

I’ve never known such an amazing person. You are the kindest and most beautiful woman I have ever met. You are my best friend and my true soul mate. Without you, my life would be incomplete. You are my everything and I love you with all of my heart.

I am so glad I found you, my life would suck without you. I am so lucky that you are in my life. You have made me a better person, I love you more than anything!

I didn’t see this coming, but here I am falling in love with you all over again. You mean the world to me. I just always knew that we were meant to be together. Thank you for being there when I needed you most. I love you from the bottom of my heart.

I’ll always be here for you. You’ll never have to worry about that. You make me so happy, I can’t even recall what life was like before you. You are my everything and I love you with every ounce of my being.

I have known you for more than a decade, and through it all, you have been nothing but kind, generous and loving. You are the most amazing mother I know, and I am so grateful to be able to call you mine.


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