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50+ In Memory of Grandma Short Quotes

In Memory of Grandma Short Quotes: Remembering the special qualities of your grandma with these quotes can help you recall pleasant memories you shared with her. In the midst of sadness and grief, you can turn to these quotes for solace and encouragement.

In Memory of Grandma Short Quotes

I remember the first time we met. You were cooking eggs and toast for my mom, and I thought you looked like a million bucks. Little did I know that our love story would last for a lifetime. I am so lucky to have you in my life, and hopefully for many years to come.

I miss you, grandma. I’ll never forget the love you gave me. I love you, I miss you, I can’t stop thinking of you.

I love you, Even though it has only been a short time that we have gotten to spend together, I could not imagine my life without you in it. Your love has meant more to me than you will ever know and I am so thankful for your laughter and the memories we made.

I remember every moment we spent together, every smile, every laugh. You were one of a kind. I miss you every day and yet my love for you never fades. I will carry you in my heart for the rest of my life.

You were always there for me and supported me in everything I did. I will never forget the time we spent together. I miss you every day and I know you are watching over us. I love you with all my heart and soul.

I will always keep you in my heart and miss you more than words could ever express.

I’m sorry this is short, but I just wanted to tell you that I love you. I know you are in a better place and with Dad, but it still doesn’t seem real that you aren’t here.

I am answering your message the best way I know how, by writing you a letter. Writing has always been a passion of mine and I hope you will take some time to read my words.

I remember you sitting on the porch steps with me and sharing secrets. I remember your smell, your laughter, the sound of your voice. Today would have been the day you would have turned 100 years old. I miss those grandma hugs and good advice. I love you so much grandma and I will always remember you.

Grandma, you were the best. You are always in my thoughts and will never be forgotten. I love you.

To the most amazing grandma in the world, I love you so much and miss you every day.

Hey Grandma, watching over me from up above. I miss our road trips and singing along to your favorite songs. Love you always & forever!

Thank you for everything you’ve done for me. You were a great mother and an amazing grandmother. I will miss you so much!

I just want you to know how much your love has meant to me in my life. You have been there for me when friends were not. You loved me without conditions, without limits, and judgment. I will be forever grateful for your unconditional love. I look forward to seeing you again one day soon.

I can remember as a child how much I looked up to you and how every time I did something wrong you would tell me, “Life is too short” without fail. That phrase has always stuck with me, it still reminds me of you every time I hear it.

I wish I could be there to hold you and tell you – I LOVE YOU. May my thoughts be always with you, and my heart is forever beating for you.

I miss you so much. Each day is like hell without my best friend. I love more and more each day I go without you here with me.

Life has put challenges in our way, but in the end, we are always stronger. Together we have overcome obstacles and made it through tough times. I love you grandma and I miss you a lot!

I wish I could talk to my grandma now. I miss her every day since she died 8 months ago. She was the best grandma anyone could ask for. She would tell us we were perfect, and she meant it. Love you, Grandma, ♥

I miss Grandma’s hugs, her soft cheek, and the way she always greeted me with a big smile and a kiss. I wish I could be with her now. Her hugs always made me feel special and loved. They were the best hugs in the whole world.

You were one of the strongest women I’ve ever known and you taught me how to be strong. Even on your sickest days, you found a way to make me smile. There is so much that I miss about you and so many things I wish we had done together.

Your warm hugs, your comforting presence, I will miss you. Listen for me when I whisper your name. I’m always here beside you. And I will always love you!

You are in my heart and thoughts every day. I love you and miss you. The whole world is brighter because of you!

You are a caring, loving person. I’ve never seen anyone stand up for those who can’t stand up for themselves. You have the biggest heart and I love you so much. Thank you for being a wonderful mother._

Every night I sit on our balcony and look at the stars. Every star in the sky reminds me of how much I love you. I’d give anything in the world to be able to kiss you and hold you again. Till we meet again, my love!

Grandma, you were such a fun lady. You had a way about you that told everyone you knew how to laugh and love. Whenever I start feeling down you’re the first thing I think about. You’re in every memory I have left of my childhood, and even If I didn’t get to say goodbye, I will always remember and think of how wonderful a woman you were.

Although you are gone, you will never be forgotten. I try to live the life that you would have wanted for me, but some days it is so hard. I miss you, Grandma! I hope wherever you are your spirit is shining bright.

I’ve never met her, but I love her. She raised you, she shaped you into the amazing person you are today. One thing that I will always love about you is your positive energy and endless kindness. You have a very big heart and I admire that very much. I am so proud to call you my grandma.

Life is all about love, happy and sad. Grandma always loved you and I think of you every day.

I’m writing this letter just to say I miss you and wish so bad I could talk or see you again. I love you MA. I’ll always love you, as much today as I did when we said goodbye. Love your grandson, Je

Grandma always said that a person needs just three things to be truly happy in this world; someone to love, something to do, and something to hope for. You have given me all these things and more, I will be forever grateful. Love you!

Your heart was always too big, your smile filled the room. Rest easy – I’ll take care of the kids and watch them run. Love you, Grandma!

When I think of you, it fills my heart with a joy that I can’t explain. Every time we are together, I just want to hold you and thank the heavens for putting such a great person in my life. You have grown on me!

Grandma was my best friend and biggest supporter. I miss her so much it still hurts every day. She loved me so much and she gave me the courage to be who I am today. I just want to say thank you grandma and I love you more than life itself.

I love you. What a beautiful Grandma we have lost. I will always remember her and the love she gave me. The memories will last a lifetime.

To my beautiful grandma, you are my first best friend and the most important woman in my life. You have given me a lot of wonderful gifts but none as beautiful as the gift of LIFE!! I love you so much.

grandma. Today marks the 3rd year that you’ve been gone. It feels like it was only yesterday that we saw each other last. I miss you so much. I can hear your sweet voice and beautiful laugh in my head.

You were the most important person in my life, and always will be. I miss you so much, Grandma.

Grandma doesn’t come over as much anymore, but she was always there for me when I need her. She taught me so much in my young years. She still teaches me lessons every day. Grandma you will be missed, but never forgotten\

You are such a great woman, you mean so much to us. We love you more than words can express. We will always be there for you and support you in any way we can.

I’ve never met anyone like you before. You are so sweet, kind, and loving. You are the most thoughtful, generous person I have ever known and I am so thankful that you are my friend. I love you with all my heart and will never forget how special you are to me.

You may have been gone for years, but you are still in my thoughts. I remember all the good times we shared and I still miss them. I hope you are at peace now, and looking down at me, guiding me to make the right decisions. We will meet again, even if it is only in heaven.

Grandma, you were my world. I love you more than words can say, and I miss you every day. You were the best grandmother in the world and I will miss you forever.

Thanks for all the wonderful memories of you gracing me with your presence. I truly loved you and miss hearing your voice. From the day I was born to this, your last day, I knew all my life would be was perfect because of you.

My grandma was my best friend. She taught me so much growing up and I miss her every day. She had the most beautiful smile and her laugh was contagious. What she taught me should have lasted a lifetime, but unfortunately, time ran out.

You will always live on in our hearts. We want you to know that we love and miss you very much. You are still here by our sides every single day. I promise that I will cherish your memory always.

Did you know I wrote a book about your grandpa? It’s called your granddaughter’s love story. The first chapter is about the day we met. Every day since then has been the best day of my life because I get to spend them with you!

Dreams are curious things. They can take us back to our childhood or they can take us forward in time, but in the end, they always take us home. You have been the best mother any child could ever ask for and I’m so lucky to have you in my life.

Every time I look at the stars I see your face and every time I look at the moon I see your beautiful smile.


In Memory of Grandma Quotes

My lovely grandma, I never had the chance to tell you that my love for you was greater than the mountains. Thanks for giving me life! I have always loved you and will continue to do so.

Grandma – It’s with a heavy heart that I write this. I miss you more than ever, I wish you could see my family and me, as we are today. You were such a special lady in my life, leaving me much too soon.

You have been the best grandma in the world! You have always greeted me with a smile, you hugged me tight and kissed my cheek, you have always said how much you love me, we’ve spent countless hours together cooking dinners, making crafts and so much more. We’ve laughed and cried together…I will miss you so much.

Grandma, I miss you so much. I still can’t believe you are gone. You were the best in the world and my biggest cheerleader when I needed it most. Although we don’t know each other very well, I hope to get to know you better someday! May your spirit live on forever!

Every night when I say my prayers, I always pray that God will look out for you and protect you wherever you are. I know he is. Grandma, thank you for all the hugs, love, and memories. I love you to the moon and back!

Remember how you would tell me to make sure I bathe every day. Remember how much you loved the Red Sox. Remember when I was your favorite granddaughter. I’ll always remember those times, and I’ll miss you so much but remember that wherever you are, we are all waiting for you…

Every time I see you, I see her. You have her eyes, her smile, her spunk…and I love every minute of it. You are so special in so many ways, and so much like your Grandma. The good and the bad. I know she’s looking down on me and smiling knowing that her best friend has a grandson just like her.

I will always love you, Laugh with you, Cry with you and help you. I’m Not going anywhere, You have a part of me and I’ll always have a piece of you. Love Mom.

I miss your wisdom and how you put the world right. One of my favorite memories is when we would sit and talk over coffee, I know that was just a few weeks ago but it feels like years and I will always remember.

Sorry I’ve been absent lately. Something came up at work and kept me busy. Hopefully, I can see you soon as I miss you. Love you lots!

You were the most amazing grandma anyone could have. You were so caring, warm, smart, and fun! I will always remember your laughter, your stories, and all the love you had.

Your warmth and smile, the twinkle in your eye, and the little chuckle that always followed will never be forgotten, loved one. I miss you so much. Picture of grandma winking…

Grandma, I wish you were here. I miss you so much, there is a hole in my heart that no one could ever fill. I think about you every day and even wonder if you can see me from heaven. I love you, grandma!

I’m so thankful for my grandma for all she helped me with. From the time I was born until now, she has always been there. She has seen me grow from a little girl to a woman, and I will never forget her beautiful smile and love.

You were the sunshine that brought light to our family. We all love and miss you. We will all never forget you, but I hope this brings back some great memories of everyone’s favorite grandma.

Life is so fragile and we should value these moments with our loved ones. I was never as close with my grandma as I am to you, but it breaks my heart to see you like this. You have been a part of my family for so long that your absence is more than just lonely. I don’t think my life will ever be the same without you here.

You were a ray of sunshine in your grandchildren’s’ lives for years. You taught us about life, love, and the world around us. You shared your wisdom with us, told us of lessons you learned from mistakes you learned from and joked with us daily. I will always treasure our memories together, and cherish the time we had with you.

I miss you today more than ever. I remember when we would visit the hospital on Sundays, and the smell of apple pie that you always brought for everyone. It was the only thing that made me feel better when things were tough.

Grandma was the glue that held our family together. She loved to laugh and bake and tell stories. Everyone knew if you wanted something done around the house, Grandma was the one to ask! She always had a kind word for everyone and she loved nothing more than her beloved family.

You are such a delight, I can’t believe you’re mine. You have the biggest, kindest heart and always put others before yourself. The day you were born was the best day of my life. You showed me what unconditional love feels like. Our love will last forever, even though you’ve flown away to heaven above.

I’ll always try to put a little spice in every day. Every time I look at the moon, I’ll think of you, and how much fun we had together. I hope you’re happy up there, and that you’re proud of me.

You died a long time ago, but you are still with me always. I know your heart is rejoicing in heaven, but your spirit might be lingering and watching over me.

You will always be in my heart grandma. I know you are watching over me with that knowing smile on your face. I’ll always be your little girl even though so much time has passed. You are the love of my life!

To Grandma, even though you’re gone, I know you will be close by. I miss you so, it hurts to see that chair empty every day. So here is a little note for you, to let you know just how much I love and miss you. Always remember that there’s an angel in heaven who will keep an eye on me.

Grandma, I will never forget the day I met you. It was the day that changed my life. You were a sweet woman and grandma to everybody. You were always there to listen and lend an ear. When you were sick and in pain, you never showed it.

To my lovely grandmother. You have always been there for me and I am lucky to have you in my life. Thank you for all the times that you cooked me food, took care of me when I was sick, and even tucked me in at night when I was younger.

Grandma, you were the best grandparent. I miss your smile, your laugh, and the simple things you’d do for me. Some of my fondest memories are with you. You were the greatest! Love ya!

I’m glad we did what I wanted to do. We miss you already, but I’m sure you’re watching and know that we’ll see you again someday. You have the brightest light in our lives. Thanks for everything, Grandma! We love you!

You have helped me to see that it isn’t what you have, it is who you are. You are so generous and giving, the things you did for others don’t even compare to what I have done for my mom and dad. I will always remember the happiness you brought to everyone.

Even though it’s been nearly a year since you left us, I still miss you so much. I think about you often and wish we had more time together. I know you are always there watching over me and helping to guide me.

I can’t imagine my life without you. You have made my life so incredibly full of happiness and joy. I love that I have someone to share every part of my life with. I can’t wait to see where life takes us next!


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