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Inspirational Fitness Quotes and Sayings With Caption

Inspirational Fitness Quotes and Sayings: Inspirational fitness quotes and sayings motivate you to stay on track with your exercise goals. There are loads of inspirational fitness quotes and sayings out there, but many of them contradict each other. The truth is, fitness can be a confusing science for the beginner especially when you’re in the midst of it! These are some of my favorite quotes that I’ve come across during my time as a personal trainer and health conscious individual.



Inspirational Fitness Quotes and Sayings With Caption

Thank you for being such an inspiration to me in the gym. I am so glad we have each other and I hope that we can continue to grow strong together.

The gym session went well. Thank you for all of the encouragement and motivation. I’m truly grateful to have a friend who takes me by the hand and leads me in the right direction.

Thanks for encouraging me to keep on working out. Those times I feel stressed out or worn out are when I am the busiest, and I start missing workouts. But, you always remind me that it’s important to keep going, and I appreciate that so much.

Thank you for becoming a runner. It’s nice to have someone to run with who won’t get tired easily or slow me down. I’ll try to keep up with you. Thanks for all the encouragement! I love it when you tell me that I’m doing a good job and don’t give up.

Thank you for supporting me throughout my fitness journey. You are always cheering me on through everything.

Thank you for helping me get into healthier eating habits. You have been a great partner as we try to improve our health and lose weight together.

Thank you for doing the best for our children. It is much appreciated by me and I know it is by the kids too.

Thank you for being such a great friend. I am so happy to have you in my life. You’re always there when I need someone to talk to. I’m lucky to have you as a friend.

Thank you for all of your compliments. You are a great support system. It is nice to be recognized for the things I’m doing, even though they may seem small and insignificant in the grand scheme of things.

Thank you for being so generous. I appreciate the kind words and encouragement.

Thank you for being such a good coach. I’m looking forward to next season because I know what to expect and how much hard work it is going to take.

I’m glad that you like to exercise. Even though you stay at the gym for a long time, I think the workout is good for you. I sometimes wish that I could go back in time when we were younger and we were active together. It was really fun. Thank you for coming with me to Thanksgiving and everyone enjoyed your company very much.

Thank you for all of the personalized fitness advice that you have been giving me and all of the time you dedicate to helping me with my fitness. I can always ask you anything without worrying that it will get back to anyone else.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. I hope you all had an amazing day, just like you always look amazing in your fitness photos.

Thank you for being so encouraging on my fitness journey. It feels like my whole life is changing, but I don’t feel as nervous with your support. Thank you for always telling me how proud you are of me and all the hard work I’m doing.

Thank you for the Thanksgiving leftovers you gave me. They were very tasty! I think we will be spending a lot of time together in the fitness center when we go back to school because we both feel too guilty after eating too much on Thanksgiving.

Thank you for picking up the kids and cooking a nice meal. I appreciate all of your support as I try to get in shape before Thanksgiving.

Thank you for all of the funny pictures you send me. I’m always laughing when I see them :-). I am thankful for your friendship and our great communication about what we both want in life to make it easier to find our passion and live a fulfilling life. Thanks, y’all!

Thank you for all of your help. I am starting to see progress with this weight and hopefully, soon I will be able to prove it to you.

Thank you for being supportive and all about Thanksgiving. I was worried about how my friends would take to the new healthy event, but everyone loves it! I hope you will come to many family dinners in the future.

Thank you for always motivating me to become healthier. Not only am I becoming more fit, but I’m making so many new friends. Everyone here is so nice and encouraging.

Thank you for always pushing me hard in my workouts. I know it is not easy for you, but you are the one who is pushing me. Thank you for believing in me.

Thank you for always making sure I exercise, even though I don’t always want to. When I don’t feel like going out for a jog, I think about how great I’ll feel afterward, and how much closer it will bring me to my fitness goals.

Thank you for being a great fitness buddy. We fight, we yell at each other, and yet somehow we keep coming back together. I’ll miss running with you in the mornings, but I am moving so I’ll see you when I pull into town now and again.

Thank you for the many vacations we’ve shared. You always take such good care of me. I love how we can just go and do something fun with each other and it doesn’t matter where it is or what we are doing because I am with you. Thank you for being the best travel partner ever!

Thank you for helping get me back into shape. I couldn’t have done it without you. You weren’t as easy to train as I had hoped, but hey, at least we both got in shape!

You are the reason I make it out of bed in the morning. Your support and dedication to me make me realize how much further I can push myself. You know I wouldn’t be as successful without you. Thank you for always being there for me.

Thank you for encouraging me to go exercise when I was feeling stressed and tired. Working out helped me get rid of my anger and focus better.

You changed my life. Thank you for an extreme weekend. You told me to push myself to the limit and I learned so much. I look forward to seeing you again at next month’s lesson.

I am beyond thankful for you in my life. You’re the most amazing, beautiful, and intelligent person I have ever met. I love you so much and I promise to spend the rest of my life chasing your happiness. Happy thanksgiving my love.

Happy Thanksgiving my love! I hope you know how much I appreciate you, how much you mean to me. I’m so lucky to have you in my life and especially on this holiday. I can’t imagine having to say goodbye to my love on any holiday but to think of losing you would be too painful for me to bear.

I am so thankful for you, for bringing positivity and happiness into my life. You bring hope to my life and I am so grateful for that.

Thanks for always making me feel better. You have always been a good friend to me and I appreciate all the things you’ve done. I hope we can remain great friends forever! Thanks!

I’m so thankful for you. You are forever my best friend, thank you for showing me true love and the meaning of commitment. You motivate me to stay fit, healthy, and happy and I love you for it. I have never been more in love than I am with you!

You make my heart smile. I just love how you adore me and the adventures we share. You’re like a gift from God, to show me that my life has a purpose and meaning. I love you!

My family is like my protective shield, a shield from everything bad! Thanks to you my life is perfect and I get to spend the rest of it with the one thing that means the most to me. My love for you has no bounds and will never stop growing.

Thank you for being part of my life. You are always there for me and I appreciate it more than you will ever know. I just wanted to tell you how much you mean to me.

You have a very strong personality that I can count on when I’m down. You helped me as much as you could, so I am very grateful for that. Having your support and friendship has brightened my life more than you know.

You’re the best thing to ever happen to me, and I don’t think you know how happy you make me. You bring out the best in me, and I feel like we compliment each other.

Thank you for always encouraging me to be healthy. I try hard to stay fit, but sometimes it is hard to resist all of the delicious holiday food! It is nice to know that you are there for me.

Thank you for being an active part of my life, and thanks for the extra gym time we’ve made. I always look forward to your company and I am always grateful for the motivation you provide me.

Thank you for always being a positive person and encouraging me to exercise, go to the gym, be positive about it. Your support for making a change in my life inspires me to do better every day. Thank you for believing that I can do it. You help me be strong, do my best and go forward!

Thank you for all of your help in my exercise. It is much more fun to work out when you are here. It is like having a personal trainer!

Thank you for helping me start my new healthy eating and exercise routine. The exercises come handily too early on Sunday morning! Thank you for always being there for me!

Thank you for all the love and food you packed into that box. I loved the job you did decorate it as well. For dinner, we enjoyed everything, especially my favorite pumpkin pie.

Thank you for running with me every morning. I enjoy it, and it’s a great way to start the day. Thanks for showing me how cool running can be!

Thank you for being mindful of the health risks associated with eating a lot. I appreciate your concern.


Funny Fitness Quotes Sayings

Thank you. You make my life better every day. I appreciate everything you do. You helped me get through tough times and celebrated when I was happy. Thank you so much!

Thank you for all the fitness advice you’ve given me. With your help, I was able to run a 5K race without stopping. I didn’t even realize what exercising could do to help combat my depression. The sad feelings are now far and between, rather than being so prominent in my mind every day.

Thank you, Thank you, and Thank You! I wanted to send you a shout-out, letting you know how much I appreciate your partnership in CrossFit, the company and its goals are awesome. I appreciate hearing about the opportunities and developments of the company.

Thank you for sticking with me through all my ups and downs. I appreciate your support and hope we can keep motivating each other to stay in shape.

Thank you for having me write this post. It has been such a fun experience and I’m really happy that people see it. Thank you for being so open to suggestions and ideas.

Thank you for the workouts! I get bored doing the same exercises. It is fun to learn new things and try something new, like kayaking and hiking.

Thanks for being my exercise buddy. I know it’s not easy coming to the gym with me, but you do it because you know how important it is to me. I appreciate the time and care you put into helping me in achieving my health goals.

Thank you for being so active and living a healthy lifestyle. Your enthusiasm inspires me to work hard and be more active. I don’t feel like we are competitors in the gym, but two very lucky people who live a very healthy lifestyle.

Thank you for being a great friend and supportive, not just with your words but with your actions as well.

Thank you for keeping me on track the last couple of weeks. It’s very frustrating to start something new, but your support and constant reminders have kept me going.

I want to say thank you for being so encouraging on my fitness journey. We’ve both worked hard and should be proud of that. I feel great and couldn’t have done it without you.

Thank you for working out with me. It is awesome to have a workout partner, and I love that we get along so well outside of the gym as well. Thank you for encouraging me because I am stronger when you are around.

Thank you for being my training partner. Working out is not always the easiest thing to do, but you make it fun and interesting. Thank you for pushing me to do better every time we are at the gym. I appreciate it very much.

Thank you for getting me started on exercising. I can’t believe how good I feel throughout the day now that I’ve incorporated exercise into my daily routine. What a difference a little movement makes!

Thank you for bringing me with you to your favorite restaurant. It meant a lot to me, and I am glad that we were able to share this great experience.

Thank you for letting me crash at your house while I was on vacation. I hope that I made it easy in your life.

Thank you for being my friend. Sometimes we go through hard times, but you are always supportive. I appreciate that.

Thank you for being my workout buddy. You make going to the gym fun and I know you’re always up for a walk. Thank you for all of your help as I’m building my new business. You are a great friend and I am so thankful we share our lives.

Thank you for coming to my fitness class and being supportive of me. You are a great classmate and we always have a good time talking about our lives outside of the gym. I’m grateful for you as a friend.

I’d like to thank my friends for the support and the laughter. I’ve enjoyed our journey to healthy living and I’m looking forward to reaching the destination.

Thank you for teaching me about fitness. I never knew things like eating more lean protein and cutting down on carbs could make such a difference. Thanks for sharing your knowledge with me!

Thank you for being such a great friend and it’s nice that we can stay in touch even though we are so far away. I have been working out more regularly, and I hope to see you soon. Take care!

Thanks for laughing with me. Thanks for your encouragement. Thanks for giving me a hug when I needed it. You’re a great friend, I’m glad you’re here in my life.

Thank you for being there. — Thanks. I appreciate you. There is no one else I would rather run with than you. I love you, my brother.

Thank you for being you and letting me share this experience with you. You are amazing, and I’m so happy to have found a healthy person who aligns with me in every way possible.

Thank you for being so nice to me. You don’t know how hard it is to be new in this city, but you always know what to say when I’m upset. I feel so at home with you.

Thank you for being great friends. I am thankful for all of the help and advice you have given me from day one. We have a lot of fun at my workouts.

Thank you for helping me get fit. You inspired me to start running. I have already lost 5 pounds.

Thank you for always encouraging me when I get nervous about going to the gym. You always have the best words of encouragement. I love your support.

Thank you for being such a strong role model for me. I appreciate how you look out for me and help me stay in shape by doing activities with me like hiking or even just playing hard just fun games outside.

Thank you for helping me get healthy and stay in shape. Without you, all of my progress would have been lost.


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