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Hilarious Instagram Captions about Bungee Jumping with Quotes

Instagram Captions about Bungee Jumping with Quotes: Bungee jumping is one thrill-inducing activity. Riding on a zipline, being lifted off the ground by a bunch of cables, and then plunging toward the earth will leave anyone’s heart pumping for weeks. Aside from that, bungee jumping can be done for money. There’s a famous bungee site in New Zealand where tourists can pay to jump off the Ledge and dangle from huge rocks. here we’ve compiled some suitable quotes and captions about bungee jumping


Instagram Captions about Bungee Jumping with Quotes

Bungee Jumping is the new craze.

Bungee jumping is all about the rush, but it’s also about the view and connecting with nature. See you on the other side.

Going bungee jumping with my best friends is the most intense and exciting thing in the world.

When you want to feel like a kid again, head out of town, and do it with Bungee Jumping! 😎

There’s nothing quite like the feeling of flying through the air, and nothing like the adrenaline rush of bungee jumping. #HELP

Look up, I’m going bungee jumping!

If you’re looking to do something different, try bungee jumping. It’s a whole new world of excitement, and it’s pretty great!

What’s the best feeling in the world? It’s the feeling of flying through the air, over a canyon and out of your body for 2 or 3 minutes. #WhenYouJump

It’s cold, it’s scary, and it’s exhilarating. Better get your speed shoes ready

You’ve gotta jump at least once in your life.

It’s not always easy to be brave. But when you look up, and see that little yellow parachute in the sky, it makes everything worth it.

When you get a chance to do something that makes your heart skip a beat, you do it.

“You’ve got to try it at least once before you die.” – Rick Steves

It’s time to get your adrenaline pumping. Get ready for a Bungee Jump with our back to back #jumpwithme #inspiration

We’re all about the bungee jump.

One of the most amazing things you can do in life is to go bungee jumping with someone.

Bungee jumping is a crazy ride, but it’s also one of the greatest experiences you will ever have.

Life is full of unexpected moments, some as thrilling and exhilarating as bungee jumping!

A jump is never just a jump with us. It’s always about the journey, the memories and most importantly, the friends we share it with. #Bungee

“When you’re falling, the only thing that matters is the feeling at the moment.”#bungeebones

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. When life gives you bungee jumping, jump.

What better way to spend your Friday night than with a bunch of other adrenaline junkies as we jump off a bridge into the freezing waters below.

Life is a series of ups and downs, but the risk is always worth it.

In the spirit of jumping feet first into life, I’m going to let go and jump before I have time to think about it.

Life is eternal, but it’s the adventure of living that makes it worth living.

Sometimes the best things in life are actually scary.

One day, I will have to do this.

There’s a moment during a bungee jump when you see the ground coming up, and it feels like everything around you is about to change.

My bungee jump is my way of celebrating life.

Bungee jumping is the best.

Bungee Jumping, the ultimate adrenaline rush.

It’s time to go down, Bungee is nothing to fear, Go get that high!

Whenever I get the opportunity to jump from a bridge and see my family, it doesn’t matter how far or high up I jump. I just love every moment of it!

When you’re ready to #jumpforjoy.

Life is perfect when you can do things like jump out of a plane with your best friend.

A life is not significant unless it’s lived.

In search of a new thrill, I leapt from the bridge and soared.

If you don’t have time to do it right, when will you have time to do it over?

Life is too short to be ordinary.

“At the end of the day, the only thing you can control is how hard you work. I’d rather be a moving target than a stationary one.” -Gator

It’s like a portal to another world.

Bungee jumping is the ultimate adrenaline rush. You feel weightless, free, exhilarated. And then you fall back down to earth and realize how important it is to say YES to life.

Bungee jumping is so much better when you have someone to share it with. ❤️

If you’ve never bungee jumped, then next time you can just skip right over the shooting star and straight to the free fall.

Nothing like a bungee jump to feel alive.

I’ve always wanted to do a bungee jump. What I was thinking might happen is… They bring out the rope that’s attached to my feet and I’m off!

There is no greater rush than jumping out of a plane on bungee cord.

Life is a bunch of bungee jumps.

You don’t need a parachute, you just need to trust in gravity.

The fear of heights is the most interesting thing about being here.

The only way to live is in the moment, and the only moment is now.

Be the hero of your own story.

The only thing we can say for sure is that it feels good to be alive.

We’re jumping from this high.

I’m about to take a leap of faith.

The best thing about Bungee Jumping is the adrenaline rush. The worst is the feeling of regret afterwards.

It’s never too late to take the plunge. #BungeeJumping

Bungee jumping is the perfect way to kick off your weekend.

Bungee jumping is a rush. It’s like the whole world slows down and you can experience the beauty of life among the clouds…and then comes back down to earth.

Who says you can’t have fun and be safe

The only way to get over our fear of heights is to jump. And you know what? It’s easy!

“You’re only alive because you are brave enough to jump.” -Evan Spiegel

It’s the most extreme adventure you can take – jumping off a bridge in a harness and landing on a trampoline. The rush is indescribable.

No fear, no limits. 🏃💨

We are all capable of going somewhere. But we don’t always have the guts to leave our comfort zone.

I climbed to the top of the world. And I jumped off.

Let go and take the leap.

The greatest risk is to never do anything special.

Bungee jumping is the ultimate adventure. The adrenaline rush, the speed, the freedom… all you need is a little courage 🚀

Bungee jumping is like an adrenaline rush, but you feel so good. Who says you can’t have fun and feel alive?

Bungee Jumping. It’s a state of mind.

Bungee jumping is cool and all, but it doesn’t come close to the adrenaline rush of a good old-fashioned roller coaster!

What if everything that scares you was the key to finding out who you were?#bungeeboarding

Jumping off cliffs, building bridges, and bungee jumping are all things that can be done with a smile on your face. That’s the key to being a happy person.

I’m hoping to share the feeling of jumping from a helicopter and landing on the springboard with you all today! 😎

When you’re ready to take the leap 🛡

Sometimes you just have to jump.

You don’t have to be a daredevil to feel alive.

When you think about it, there is no way to fail at this.

It’s time to jump, time to fly.

It’s never too late to see the world.

All hail the new king

Even if you’re scared of heights, bungee jumping is worth it.

Bungee jumping is an experience that makes you feel like a kid.

Bungee jumping is the most exhilarating thing to do on earth.

I’ve never jumped off a bridge before, but now I’m thinking about it. #BungeeJumping

I love this feeling. Let me show you how to get there, too. #bungeecordings

You’re not going to regret this. #adventure

The view at the top is breathtaking. 🙌🏻

Life is a series of highs, followed by lows. And if you don’t get both, you’ll miss out on the best part—the ride!

Jump with us and let us see you fly.

When you jump into the unknown, you’ll find your own way back.

Here’s to taking chances. Here’s to living life in a way that no one ever imagined. Here’s to getting hurt sometimes, but never being afraid to get back up again.

I’m jumpin’!

The first step is always the hardest.

“The only way to get rid of fear is to go through it.”

A leap of faith can be a leap of excitement

“When you’re afraid of heights and love bungee jumping, imagine being able to do both at the same time.”

When you’re in the middle of a bungee jump, and someone asks how it feels to be “making history”.

Bungee jumping is a unique experience. It’s a rush of adrenaline that makes you feel like a kid again.

Above the clouds, the blue. No matter what else we do, we will always remember the day we bungee jumped!

Get ready to be blown away. #Bungeebones

You’re not afraid of heights, are you? Because if you are, this might be the jump for you.

It doesn’t matter if you’re scared of heights or not, you’ll be surrounded by a beautiful view at the end of your journey

Life is an adventure and all you have to do is jump.

My heart is full of adrenaline.💪

Get ready to push your comfort zone.

The ultimate height isn’t the fall, but the rush of the freefall.

I’m just not ready to be a normal jumper.

The attitude you bring to life your dreams is what makes them real.

The best part about bungee jumping is the feeling of flying. The second best part is looking down at the ground coming up and seeing people wave to you 😎

Never in a million years would I have expected to have the best time at a bungee jump but this adventure was amazing!

Your legs are strong. Your hearts are brave. You’re ready to go bungee jumping

Bungee jumping is something you never forget.

I’m still on cloud nine after my bungee jump.

Life is like a bungee jump. You only have one shot!

Never try to explain the jump. Just enjoy the feeling of flying.🛬

You don’t have to be a daredevil to love this activity. Just like us, you’ll want to do it all over again…and again!

It’s a crazy thing, falling from the sky! 🕺

Good things happen when you jump.

It’s not the highest thing on your bucket list, but it’s definitely a bucket list item!

I’ve never had a more awesome day than today!

Feeling so grateful. What an amazing day!

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.

“Don’t be afraid to try new things. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. #BungeeJumping

Bungee jumping isn’t just the thrill of the moment—it’s also the adrenaline rush that makes it last longer.

There’s nothing quite like the feeling of taking a leap of faith, you know? #BungeeJumping

Bungee jumping was one of the most exhilarating experiences of my life. It’s like playing in a video game! 🙂

What’s better than jumping out of a plane for the first time? How about the second time and third. 😎

You only get one life. Take chances, live in the moment and never look back.

We’re getting the jump on summer while we can.

Let’s get out there and live a little.

There’s something about jumping off a bridge.

The thrill is real.

Life is like jumping out of a plane. You never know if you are going to come down in a tree or a bush.

One of the best things you can do to improve your life is to get out of your comfort zone. Try something new. Life is too short not to.

Heading to the jump zone.

When your fears get the best of you, just remember what you’re doing is not that big of a deal.

You’re going to be fine. You’ll see.

This is what life is all about. Nothing compares to a good bungee jump with the right people.

Bungee jumping is about to get a whole lot better. #Bungeecraft

Bungee jumping is all about the rush of a lifetime & the joy of letting go—so let’s do it together.

We’re not afraid to go Bungee Jumping! 😎

Bungee jumping is all about the adrenaline.

Bungee jumping is an experience that changes your life.

Bungee jumping is one of the scariest things you’ll ever do. But also, one of the coolest. 😎

Bungee jumping is a classic adventure that you can share with your friends and family.

It’s the adventure of a lifetime–and so much more than running, jumping, and falling. #BungeeJumpIn

I could go bungee jumping with the best of them, but I’d rather be having fun with the most amazing people.

Epic ride. Winding down after a jump at @trailheadbungeebar & dining out at The Barn. We’ll see you on the mountain next week for more fun!

I’m not scared of heights, I’m a ton of fun.

Let’s bounce! 🎉

Can’t hold back the excitement.

The best way to get over a fear is to do something new.

What’s more fun than Bungee Jumping?#JumpWithUs

“When I was a kid, I had this idea of doing bungee jumping. But then I realized it would be safer if I just crashed.” – Mark Zuckerberg

No matter how long you’ve been jumping, there’s always a new challenge to conquer. Live life to the fullest, even after your bungee jump.

I went bungee jumping and the first thing I said was “I’m going to die!”

Do you have what it takes to jump off the highest bridge in the world with both feet?

Whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger! @bunjeejumping

Let your inner daredevil go wild

So happy and honored to be a part of this amazing event 🙌

A quintessential weekend activity for these awesome people.

It’s like riding a roller coaster, but with lots of friends and strangers.

We’re not afraid of heights. We’re just not afraid of anything.

The world is your playground and the sky is the limit.

Nothing beats the feeling of pulling that trigger and jumping into the unknown.

You can’t beat the rush.

The day is saved. The world is changed. The future is assured.

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