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400+ Non Cheesy Couple Quotes

We are the best couple quotes out there. We know you want to show your friends and family how much you care about them, but it can be hard to come up with something that isn’t cheesy.

That’s where we come in. We’ve got thousands of non-cheesy quotes that are funny, cute, and just plain awesome. They’re perfect for when you want to show your friends how much you love them or even just when you want to make someone smile on a bad day.

Non Cheesy Couple Quotes

• We are more than just a cute couple. We’re one and the same. ♥

• Don’t settle for just any old relationship, choose the right one.

• “Love isn’t about who you fall in love with. It’s about who falls in love with you.”

• The love of your life is made in the kitchen.

• The only thing that matters is being together and having a happy life.

• Never get married expecting the marriage to be easy. Expecting it to be hard is a whole lot more fun!

• Because you’re the one I love, you’re the one I hold, and you’re the one who makes me whole.

• There’s no better time to be married than when you’re young, because then it seems so inevitable.

• Gonna go out on a limb and guess that you mean the world to each other.

• “A couple that can withstand the test of time is more than a match made in heaven. It’s a good thing!”

• Cheesy but True.

• The best things in life are free. But if you have to pay, then they ain’t worth it.

• It’s not what you say, but how you say it that matters.

• Make a memory. Make it a good one.

• Sometimes the best moments are simple.

• Nothing is more beautiful than being in love with someone.

• “Don’t settle for less than love. The quality of your life depends on it.” –Kimberly Foster

• I would rather be at home with you, making memories that last a lifetime.

• “We are a picture of the love we have for each other.” -Ewan McGregor

• Love is a soul shaking experience. It takes off the blinkers of your eyes and turns you into a better person.

• The truest form of love is the ability to walk away from someone you used to love.

• The moment you find the love of your life is the moment that you realize that life is not a coincidence.

• You’re not wrong for being you, and I’m not right for being with you.

• If you can’t be with the one you love, love the one you’re with.

• Be yourself – love who you are, just don’t be a douchebag.

• Putting love first, second and third.

• Life is too short to wake up with regrets, so love the people who treat you right and forget about the ones who don’t.

• Love is a journey, not a destination.

• It takes two to tango—and only one to break.

• What doesn’t destroy me, strengthens me.

• I’m not a cheesy couple quotes. I’m just a couple of boring people who happen to like cheese.

• Let’s love each other like no one else, and not too much.

• Love is no excuse for being boring.

• I fell in love with you at the most unexpected time and place, but it felt right all along.

• The best way to find love is to lose it first.

• The best kind of love is the kind that knows no condition

• A relationship is a journey. It’s not a destination, but the best trips are always the ones where you embark on new adventures together ☺❤

• The only thing that separates us is the moments we shared.

• You are my best friend. And I like to do things with you, like take pictures and eat hot dogs.

• Never compromise who you are for someone else.

• You may be planning a future with me, but don’t forget the past.

• It’s the little things that matter.💋

• The heart wants what the heart wants.

• There’s a spark of something in the air… you know? Something magical.

• The only way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the process.

• A relationship is two people coming together, building something special and unique. No amount of cheesy quotes can ever top that.

• There’s no one like you, I’m so glad we found each other.

• Being with the one you love is like having a big bag of M&Ms. You never know what you’re gonna get.

• I’m not sure what they see in each other, but I love them anyway. 💕

• When you love someone, it’s hard to explain because the object of your affection doesn’t treat you as an object.

• The best kind of love is the kind that brings out the best in you.

• The difference between the perfect date and a bad date is the perfect date will never get old.

• A good relationship is when two people, kept apart by fate, fate and separation, find their way back to each other

• Love is like coffee. You have to pay for it, grind it yourself, and then you have to drink it before it gets cold 😁

• Life is not about finding yourself, it’s about creating and exciting your moments together.

• My heart belongs to you, my life and all things good in it.

• If you love something, set it free. If it comes back, it was meant to be.

• I realized if you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.

• The only thing constant is change.

• To find your greatest happiness, you must be prepared to do without your comfort.

• All the cute couple quotes you should see.

• I’m sorry your relationship is not cheesy enough to be in the dictionary.

• You’re not going to find two people with more of a sense of humor than us. That’s why we’re so perfect for each other.

• We say all the cheesy things 💛

• Few things compare to the feeling of being in love.

• Love isn’t about finding the other person to complete us, it’s about learning to love ourselves.

• The best kind of love is the kind that knows no borders.

• Love is like a kiss – once you get the hang of it, it never grows old.

• “You can’t count on love, unless you love more.”

• No one will ever love you more than you do.

• A strong, loving relationship is one that encourages both partners to create and be exactly who they are.

• There is no one better to walk the journey with than someone you love.

• Love is a promise to be faithful.

• Be the change you want to see in the world~ (Mahatma Gandhi)

• Always remember there’s always room at my table.

• Every marriage needs its own cheesy couple quotes.

• I love you more than cheesy pick up lines, cheesy puns, cheesy everything.

• saying I love you doesn’t hurt. It’s making your heart bleed that does.

• The only thing better than kissing is meeting new people who make you want to kiss them. 😊💋

• We’re not the type of couple who sits at the end of the table and says, “Okay, let’s break up.” We don’t like talking about it either. So when it happens, we make sure it doesn’t happen again. That’s why we love each other so much.

• Love is a verb. It means to do more than just think about someone and smile. It involves action, courage, and sacrifice.Love is what inspires us to walk through fire

• Life is full of beauty, love, and laughter. Smile.”

• Happiness is waking up with the person you love.

• Love is a process of learning how to let go and just be.

• When two people met, they were each incomplete. They needed each other like two sides of a coin.

• Let’s see if the stars can align to make your dreams come true.

• “Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.” – Oscar Wilde

• There is a saying in Chinese that says, “If you love something, set it free. If it comes back to you, it’s yours. If it doesn’t…it was never yours to begin with.”

• Life is short. Have an adventure.

• We sometimes have to go through hell to get to heaven. But there’s no place I’d rather be.

• When it comes to love, you don’t have to be cheesy.

• Love is not just about finding the right person. It’s about finding yourself again.

• They say you can’t buy love — but we don’t believe that.

• Life is better when you’re together.

• I’ll be your cheesy cheese 🍆 🥖 🍬 and we will happily crumble together.

• Love is when you look at me and see the world.

• Love is the thing that makes you smile when all else fails.

• You can do anything you set your mind to. And that’s one thing I’ve found—you can’t put a value on the love you have for someone else.

• Love is the kind of thing that makes people do stupid things.

• You’re always my favorite, no matter what.

• I fell in love the way you fall into a dream, a little at a time.

• I love you more than french fries.

• It’s not the destination we’re headed for, it’s the journey that matters. #quote

• If you love something, set it free. If it comes back, it’s yours.

• Life is a wild ride, don’t let anyone keep you down.

• I’m not cheesy. I’m just passionate.

• You’re the romantic, I’m just a girl who loves her rom coms.

• “You know you’re in love when you don’t need anyone to confirm that it exists.” – Unknown

• Love is not about you and me. Love is about two people who are stronger together than apart.

• True love doesn’t need a reason. It just is.

• The best part of love is the beginning.

• Never in a million years did I think I’d find someone like you.

• Nothing makes a relationship stronger than when two people share the same goals and expectations.

• Happy anniversary to the love of my life, I never want this day to end.

• Some couples are like a fine wine; they just get better with age.

• “You know what they say: When you love someone, that’s when the magic starts.”

• Love is an open door. Let it in, even if you don’t know what’s behind it

• The best relationship is the one where the two of you can sit down, look into each other’s eyes, and say, “Do you want fries with that?”

• A relationship is not a dress rehearsal.

• A promise is a promise. A dog is a dog. That’s all there is to it.

• Never have I ever told a lie. Never will I ever make you believe that I love you more than life itself. Never will I ever think that being together is a lie. Never will I ever stop loving you just because time flew by.

• Getting married is not just a piece of paper, it’s a promise that two people made to spend the rest of their lives together.

• No matter how long you’ve been together, there’s always room for better.

• She is the one who makes my heart beat faster. She is the one who makes me go crazy. She is the one who made me fall in love with life, and love that I have for her. 💕

• “Glow to the world, and light up your love for each other.”

• Thanks for the cheese, but I’ll take the romance.

• In love, we do what we must. In marriage, we do what we want to.

• When you put your love into something, it turns into something else.

• A marriage is not a museum, but an adventure.

• The best things in life are free. The bad ones cost money.

• Forever is a long time. But not that long… Happy anniversary!

• There’s no better time than now to commit to being kinder and more compassionate.

• Don’t settle. Find your passion and stay there.

• Love is like a chicken salad sandwich—there’s a little bit of everything in it.

• Let’s face it: we are all a little cheesy. But there is no better time than now to fall in love with your partner, and with yourself. #Goals

• If you’ve ever seen a couple embrace, it’s like they’re giving themselves an award.

• I want you to know that I love you more than words can say. I am here for you no matter what, and every second of every day. I will never forget all the tears and struggles we’ve been through, because they make me who I am today.

• When you’re in love, it’s like being on vacation. The only thing you want to do is go back home and get away again!

• The love you have is the only love that lasts.

• Let love be your guide.

• “You can’t choose who you fall in love with, but you can choose how hard it is to get up again.”

• Life is short. Love is long.

• Love is a commitment to the days when you’re not sure if you’re going to make it.

• There’s a reason why we’re best friends.

• We’re here to stay. Together forever.

• Life is like a box of chocolates: you never know what you’re gonna get.

• We’re not perfect. But we can try to be better.

• This is the life we’ve chosen. You may not understand it, but you have to go with it.

• Every moment of your life is a choice. And every choice creates an opportunity.

• be all you can be, together cuz that’s where the magic is. #‎couplequotes

• In love, there is no other option than to be cheesy.

• True love is when you take care of someone that takes care of you.

• This relationship is not about how we look, it’s about what we do for each other.

• I’m so glad we’re together. We make each other smile.

• If you’re feeling cheesy, just remember there’s always the cheese section in the grocery store.

• Two people, two lives. Two hearts, one love.

• Love is the most powerful force in the universe and it will conquer your fears.

• The one thing that lightens my heart more than your smile is the knowledge that somewhere, someone is thinking of you.

• Love is like a cup of coffee. The stronger it gets the more you have to drink.

• May your love be stronger than the storms and tides, more solid than the mountains and deeper than the oceans.

• Two people together can have better conversations than a hundred people apart.

• Keep it real. Find the good in every moment.

• Life is a journey, not a destination. Not every day will be perfect. But you’re doing everything right by making every moment count 😊

• together through thick and thin.

• There’s no such thing as cheesy love quotes.

• Because the world would be a much better place with more cheesy couples.

• The only thing that should be cheesy about your love is the way you show it.

• It’s not about the cheesy-ness of its relationship. It’s about the fact that it works 💕

• It’s the little things that make a relationship great. It’s the moments, the magic and everything in between.

• You can’t choose who you fall in love with. But you can choose who loves you back.

• Yes, I’m cheesy. Yes, I know it. But it’s ok—because we’re together.

• If you’re not making time for the love of your life, no matter how busy you are—you’re not spending time with the one.

• If you love someone, set them on the highest mountain and tie the most powerful rope around them.

• “When words fail, love will find its way.”—Robert Fulghum

• Life is not about finding yourself, it’s about creating yourself.

• Life is a game of inches. You either win or you learn to lose by being good at just missing the goal.

• I’m in love with you. I don’t need cheesy sayings to tell me that. Just look in your eyes and tell me how much you mean it.

• I just want to be a good friend, you don’t have to make it cheesy.

• Couples who love each other stay together. ❤️

• the best love stories involve cheese 🥚😍

• As a couple, you are more than just two people who can get along as long as you don’t try to tell me my job.

• Love is not about who you want to spend your life with, but who wants you in theirs.

• Marriage is a challenge, but it’s also an adventure. There are days when you’ll want to tear each other apart, and others where you’ll be amazed by the things you find in common. The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

• No matter how far apart we may be, distance can’t keep us apart. I miss you more than words can say.

• Just because you’re in a relationship, it doesn’t mean that you can’t take care of yourself.

• Love is never wasted. It’s a gift and a blessing, like everything else in life.

• True love is like a pizza with every topping under the sun 🍕🍞

• It’s not what you say, but how you say it that matters.

• Life is not a series of perfect moments, it’s a sum of all the good ones.

• Life is a life of choices, the choices that we make impact us long after we make them.

• The heart is a muscle that needs to be exercised.

• Nothing can replace the love you feel for someone when you’re together.

• we’re here to stay and make up some new heartbreak quotes

• I love you more than just a person, I love you more than just a friend.

• When two people are meant for each other, the good times are always worth it. When two people aren’t, no amount of happiness or fun will ever be enough to make it good again.

• The best kind of love is the kind you can’t return. The most beautiful thing in the world is to see someone smile, even if it’s just for a moment. You’ve got the power. Embrace it.

• Let’s make a toast to your life together.

• You can’t fix a broken heart, but you can fake a smile and put on your best face.

• Love is patient. Love is kind. Love does not envy. And so the saying goes, love is just like a rose that never fades.

• A relationship is the success of two people who share the same dreams and aspirations.

• We go together like peanut butter and jelly.

• Life is a journey. You may not see the destination, but you’ll know you got there by the people you meet and the laughter you share along the way.

• You don’t have to be perfect to be amazing.

• Sometimes the very best things in life are the most simple.

• “There’s no right way, but there is a right now.”

• Nothing is impossible. That’s why we’re doing it.

• Nothing is more beautiful than a happy couple.

• You’re the kind of person that makes my heart smile with every hello, and my life better in every way.

• Because the best things in life are cheesy, cheesy ❤

• A good relationship doesn’t need to be complicated. It just needs to be right.

• Your love is like a fine wine. It gets better over time…

• All the love you need.

• Life is short; love is long.

• You’re enough. You were made for forever.

• It’s not just the death of a loved one, it’s the birth of something new that’s more precious than ever.

• You can’t love someone like a parent unless you have the capacity to love yourself first.

• Love is the fruit of love.

• A relationship is like a lawn; it’s got to be mowed at least once a week.

• What the heart wants, the mind can’t deny.

• Cutting through the noise, one touch at a time.

• If you don’t take the time to appreciate what’s right in front of you, then how in the hell are you supposed to enjoy it when it’s gone?

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