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Prayer for a Depressed Person

Prayer for a Depressed Person: Sometimes we need to remember that our thoughts become things. This can work both ways, positive or negative. It is important to be aware of what feelings we are praying towards. Here are some quotes about prayer for a depressed person


Prayer for a Depressed Person

I pray that you find peace and love, that your life will be filled with joy. You are such a good person, I know you will find happiness again. Love and prayers to you!


I pray God will lift you, comfort you, and make you smile again. Your life is worth living, and I pray that from this very moment on you start anew. May peace find you and happiness knock on your door today.


You are my last thought before I fall asleep and the first thing on my mind when I wake up. You are my happiness, my joy, my heart. You are my everything, baby. I just want to hold you in my arms and never let you go. God, please bless her with hope and patience. Let her know that she matters most to me.


I pray for you to find happiness and peace in your life. You are loved by so many that can’t see it or neglect to show it. I pray that once you’ve had your fill of tears, you will smile again. I’d give anything for us to be together but I know that some things are meant to happen differently.


Oh Lord, please watch over your child. Fill him with strength and confidence to fight through this difficult situation. Guide him and let him know he has friends to help. Let peace fill his mind and give him a better outlook on life!


My brother, I am praying for you today. I hope God will bless you with a miracle and cure your depression. I know without a doubt that he is doing just that. I want to help you be happy again.


Please say a little prayer for me. I’m lonely and heartbroken. I have nobody to talk to in person, so I’m reaching out to you guys on the internet. I know you guys are all friends out there, and you can help me, can’t you? Please send good thoughts and positive energy my way.


I hold you dear to me and pray you to have peace in the coming days. May angels surround you, for you are an angelic soul. I wish upon the stars of hope that you find happiness within yourself, for it is a priceless treasure! I love you always.


I felt alone and scared…I didn’t want to tell anyone how I felt. I know there’s a lot of hurting in the world and it’s hard to accept help sometimes…but you’re so loved by me and by God. He wants to heal your broken heart, even if you don’t think you deserve it. All you have to do is look up and ask.


I pray that God will heal your heart and fill it with only love and joy. Your family misses you here on earth, please find the strength to come back home. We all love you very much.


I know you are going through a rough time right now, and I wish I could be there to help. I pray for God to send you strength, comfort, and if it is His will, healing. Even though I am far away I will always love you and support you. You are in my thoughts and prayers.


Dear God, bring joy back to Matt’s heart, help him see the sunshine in his life, lift the burden he feels and make it easier for him to breathe. If a soft voice and warm hug can help, please let him hear my words of love and give me the strength to hold him tight. I hope we can be together again soon!


I have never known anyone like you, who can bring so much laughter to a group of friends, or just one person. You are such an amazing and caring person, you always seem to know what to say to cheer up someone who is having a bad day. Just want you to know that I care about you and love having you around. Stay happy!


God watches over those who are closest to his heart, and I know that you are there. I hope that you will take care of yourself and find what you are looking for. I love you.


I’ve been trying to think of the perfect thing to say, but it gets harder and harder. I want you to know your mom and I will always be here for you, we love you so much!


Dear God, please send me a sign. I have been searching for a long time now, and I just can’t seem to find what I am looking for. Please help me find the happiness I seek. Give me a sign, a reason to keep looking, or maybe even a gentle nudge to let me know its okay to let go.


Dear Lord, Please help my friend find peace and happiness. Let them know I am here for them no matter what. Please take away all the pain and suffering in their life. Give them courage, give them clarity, and above all else….let them have hope. Amen


I hope you can find some joy in your heart again. I hope you can once again be happy. I pray for you every day and I hope that you are as well. I hope that you can experience once again the joy of friendship and love.


Dear God, please take away all my pain and suffering. Change my attitude and help me to love life. Thank you, god.


I know that you feel like you have hit rock bottom. But no matter how bad it is and how bad it feels, you can make it through this! There will be better days ahead, I promise. You are strong, and you are loved!


I hope you feel better. I miss you. I know things will be okay no matter how bad they seem now. I will continue to love you, even when you don’t


You are my friend. I love you. I feel your pain, I hurt when you hurt and I cry when you cry. If there is anything that I can do to help, please let me know.


Dear God, please give my friend comfort throughout this trying time. Give him strength and courage to face what is ahead. Guide him through each day and lead him to happiness. Lift his spirits and give him hope for the future. Bring strength to his friends and family that they may bear their burdens.


I can’t believe it’s been another year! I hope this year is your best and healthiest one yet. Remember, if you need a friend to talk to, I’m here. Love always, Bill


God give me the wisdom to know what my friend needs, the courage to face my shortcomings, and the strength to be there for him.


I pray for you so that you can find some inner peace and happiness. I pray that you can believe in yourself, and find the strength to go on. You’re a good person and someone out there cares about you…


Beloved God, I pray for Ricky who is so depressed and sad. Please show him the way to be happy again in his life.


Dear Lord, Please lift my friend, who is so lost in this world. He’s depressed and feels like no one cares. I beg of you to show him, Your grace. Take all of his pain away and give him a reason to smile and laugh again. Thank you and Amen.


I pray for you. I will keep you in my heart until it’s time for me to see you again, on a brighter day. I don’t mean to sound like a broken record, but I love you and am always thinking of you.


You’re so amazing and mean the world to me. Nobody in this world knows you like I do, though. I know that things may seem tough right now, but I want you to know that you will get through it. Everything happens for a reason. You know I’m here for you no matter what, don’t ever forget it.


Please pray for my friend…please keep him safe tonight and help to remind him that there’s still good in the world.


My prayers will always be with you. I know they reach God’s ear and that He always listens. Let Him take over and do what only He can do! His love is beyond measure!


You came into my life, you gave me hope again. You are the reason why I smile every day. Now don’t get all teary-eyed, I’m just trying to say that I love you in my way. No one is as amazing as you and I will never stop loving you.


The world is a dark and scary place. I want you to know that I love you, and remember that the light is always there. Don’t ever forget that whenever you need me, I am always there for you, and will always be. You are never alone!


My friend, I don’t know whether you are asking me to pray for you so you can feel better or if this is just a way of letting someone close to you know that you’re feeling down. It doesn’t matter though, I will always listen to what you have to say and eventually, it will grow into a huge bond between us.


I was looking for a card to send you and came across this. I hope it gives you hope and assurance that someone, who is thinking about you, loves you very much.


I know that life can be difficult sometimes, but you have to keep fighting. And all I have to say is that I love you and there’s nothing more important than your life and living it. If you ever feel like giving up just remember that I’m here for you, whenever you need me.


I know you are going through some rough stuff right now, I am wishing and hoping that you will be able to battle through. Remember that I am always here if you ever need to talk or whatever. You are awesome, keep being awesome, and don’t take life so seriously.


I pray that the Lord gives you peace and tranquility, to chase away your sorrow. I pray that the sun warms your heart and melts away all your tears. I pray that your soul is at rest and that you begin to feel joy and happiness once again.


There is no pain more severe than what you are going through right now. When I think of your sadness and despair, I just want to hold you and cry with you. I have never done that before, but if it will help bring you comfort and peace, then I am more than willing to do so.


I pray that the Lord lets you know how important you are to him. He loves you. He has an amazing plan for your life and an amazing reason why you are here. He wants to show you his love more than anything.


You are strong. I know it is hard right now, but that is how life is sometimes. There will be good times and bad times but through everything you have me. I will stand by your side and pray for you during the bad times and encourage you during the good. I love you and miss you lots these days.


I’m thinking of you and hoping you are feeling better soon. I know it’s hard right now, but things will get better in time. Whatever you’re struggling with, please know that I am here for you. I don’t have any answers, but I have a listening ear and a hug when it feels hardest.


Dear God, please be with me today and guide me to a safe place. Don’t let me be too afraid and lost to find my way. I am having such a hard time getting through it all. Thank you for all your help!


I care about you. I do. If things don’t go right today, know that I’m here to talk and that you have a place safe to take your troubles out on. Call me if you need to talk. And remember


Never let the darkness steal your light. Never let the sadness haunt you. Never let your past define you. Never forget that you are here for a reason. Never forget that there are so many people who love and need you. Never forget that tomorrow is a clean page to start over.


I want you to know that I am here for you through this. While your road may be difficult, it’s nothing compared to the strength a person shows by fighting depression. You are my friend and I just wanted to let you know that I am praying for you.


I pray that God will protect you in his arms, and comfort you in his love. When you are at your lowest point and feel completely alone, remember that we are always here for you. No matter what. I love you!


I pray that you will feel better soon. That you can be happy and smile with ease again. The world needs to see your beautiful smile and warm heart. I believe in you! You can do anything you want if you put your mind to it!


Dear God, please take care of him and comfort him. Let him know he is not alone and let our love surround him.


You are so important to me. I am grateful that you are in my life and that every day I get to spend with you. I pray for your happiness, safety, and health and that you can find peace within yourself. I love you very much and want the best for you.


I am so glad we met, you have helped me through some really tough times. You are a great friend to me and I truly love you for all that you are. I pray for your happiness and well-being always. Please keep in touch!

Please take care of yourself and surround yourself with positive thoughts. Remember that the spirit can heal aching hearts. I am sending you my very best wishes and prayers, and know that you are loved.


I know that you have a lot on your mind and I know that you are hurting. I don’t know what issues pain your heart and what troubles overwhelm you at night. I wish I could take them away, but I can’t. However, there is one thing that I can offer and that is my love.


Dear God, I’m so sad right now. I have lost all hope in the man I love. He is hurting so bad and I don’t know what to do. Please help us get back on our feet again and make him realize how much he has to live for.


I pray that one day you will find happiness. I will keep you in my heart and always remember our friendship. My thoughts are with you and may God bless you.


May the world keep you safe, may your wishes always come true. I love you today, tomorrow, and for the rest of my life.


I pray for you, my friend. I pray that the Lord will give you strength and peace this week. Take deep breaths and know that all is well.


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