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Pregnancy Announcement Captions Funny Quotes

Pregnancy Announcement Captions Funny Quotes: We’ve all been there. We receive a pregnancy test and are thrilled with the results. What should we say? It’s been years since your last pregnancy announcement, but you still want to tell everyone; your friends and family members will be thrilled for you! You can make this happen for your friends by creating funny pregnancy announcement captions that make them smile.

Pregnancy Announcement Captions Funny Quotes

You may not be the most photogenic pregnant lady, but you are the most beautiful one I see.

When you feel the need to tell everyone your pregnant

Say it loud and say it proud: We’re pregnant!

I just can’t wait to announce to the world that I’m pregnant. #babybump

Pregnancy is the most beautiful thing in the world.

Hey babe, I’m pregnant! And yes, we both know it’s a boy.

Can you keep a secret? I’m pregnant!

We’re expecting! We are so grateful for all that you have done to make this possible and we cannot wait to meet this little baby

I thought I was just having a baby but turns out I got pregnant twice.

We’re expecting! This is going to be the best year ever.

Baby on board! #ComingSoon

This little one is so excited to be a big brother.

No matter what the outcome, we’ll always be there for you.

A friend is someone who knows all about you and still wants to be your friend.

I didn’t think I’d be here. But now that I’m here, there’s no place I’d rather be!

She’s pregnant! What do you know about being pregnant?

The best news of all is I’m pregnant, but if you don’t like that then here’s something else: the next thing will be: we are having a baby!

I’m pregnant and I think it’s time to make a change.

I’m pregnant. In case you were wondering.

A baby bump is a sign that you’re finally getting your act together, and that’s pretty great.

The journey to motherhood is the best time of your life.

There’s no such thing as ‘leftover’ baby. Your little one is here to stay!

It’s a girl! We’re so excited for you.

My husband and I are excited to announce that we are expecting a baby!

The expecting parents have been found.

I can’t wait to meet you, little one.

She is a #WOBBLY, which means she’s all around the ball.

You made it. We’re so excited to meet you!

Here’s to the first step in a thousand.

When life gives you lemons, ask for a pregnancy announcement.

I’m going to be the one to tell your mom and dad that you’re pregnant.

Pregnancy is a gift. It’s not a curse, it’s an opportunity.

This is it. This is the time. The second you start “seeing” the man, that’s when you’re officially pregnant.

I’m just not ready to be a mom yet. 🤷🏻‍♀️

I was happily surprised to learn that we’re having a baby, but I’m more excited about the fact that it’s finally time to get out there and find it.

When I was pregnant, I did this thing called “belly dancing”. It involved no belly dancing whatsoever.

This is how our baby’s gonna look like, next to my leg.

“The sooner you embrace this little one, the better. Because it will only get bigger as time goes on. Your baby is a very, very good egg.”

This baby is all ready to grow.🤸

When the baby is grown, the diapers are done, and life is too short to wear those hats anymore.

You’re going to be so much fun to live with.

Life happens, so let’s not make it a big deal 😂

Thank God for the life of your child.

I’m ready to make a big splash.

The most amazing thing about being pregnant is the way you are finally able to keep a secret

Oh, you didn’t know? I’m pregnant.

How’s the weather outside? We’re all pregnant here.

It’s not easy being a mom, but it’s the best thing in the world.

I’m so ready to be a mom.

Congratulations on your new arrival! What a beautiful time to bring a new family member into the world. 🕊

Hey, everybody! We’re having a baby.

“I’m right in the middle of my fourth trimester and I think I feel different. I’m tired, moody, and sore all over.”

we’re going to have a stuffed animal baby!

The right to have a child is the greatest gift of all.

We’re very excited to welcome you into our family!

This is what we call a happy moment

I’m not sure what I’m doing but I sure hope it’s with you.

I have a feeling this is going to be the best year of my life.

Are you pregnant? Yes, I’m pregnant. No, I’m not pregnant. Yes, but it’s not my fault.

The question that everyone’s asking is: “How pregnant are you?”

You’re pregnant. That’s all there is to it.

When your pregnant, you’re the perfect size for a tea party

You’re going to be a great mommy. And we can’t wait for you to spoil us with your crazy baby stories

When you’re screaming in the delivery room, this is what your partner will say to you.

You might think you’re too busy for a baby, but I’ll be damned if you’re too busy for this.

I’m so excited for our baby to start growing. I know it’s not much, but I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

When you’re expecting, all you want is for life to slow down and make the most of every moment.

A baby is a gift from God, but like any good gift, it’s easier to love when it’s wrapped.

A word to the wise: Babies are not a one-size-fits-all proposition.

I’m so excited for this big, big news to be announced

Let’s start a new tradition.

You may not see the world just one way, but there is always a way to look at things.

Your baby is growing in your belly and I can’t wait to meet her!

I’m a little pregnant on the outside, but still my innocent little self on the inside

I could get away with wearing a leopard-print t-shirt, and it’s not even maternity.

You’re going to be the coolest mom ever.

This is the story of a baby that was so handsome, it cried on cue.

My Belly isn’t the only thing growing these days.

You’re not just a bump, you’re my bump. You better be ready for what’s coming.

I’m so excited and I’m so in love.

You’re going to have a big bump on your back for the rest of your life, but I promise it’s worth it.

You can’t sit with me, I have cramps.

It’s hard to go back to being a size “0” after all this growth.

When you just can’t find the words to say what’s on your mind.

We know what you’re thinking: “Where’s the picture?” Well, we have lots of pictures. And they are…

So this is what the future looks like

I’ve been expecting you for a long time.

It’s okay to be a little bit pregnant.

My wife is pregnant. I am excited, terrified and thrilled all at once.

I’m not pregnant! I’m a little big for my jeans.

“My husband and I are expecting a baby girl. We feel so blessed to have met you, and can’t wait to see you grow up.”

My baby bump is so big, it’s like I’m wearing my own body.

Getting ready to be a mommy is hard, but so worth it.

Baby, don’t worry. I won’t think you’re too big to carry

If you’re going to be a mom, you might as well do it right.

Your baby is the cutest thing ever. But if you don’t stop talking to your mom, she might mistakenly think that they are twins! 😂

The morning sickness is showing, but so are my new curves!

We had a big announcement to make. We are expecting a new sibling

I’m so excited I could just pee all over myself.

This is it. The moment you’ve been waiting for: us.

Never fear the future, it always comes too soon.

“Had a big, giant feeling inside me”

You are still a tiny, tiny baby inside. But I can tell you’re growing. You’re making big girl noises and I can picture your binky in your mouth. Are you ready for this baby?

We’re expecting a little bundle of joy. We’re so excited to meet this little one, and we can’t wait for all the moments that are coming!

“The more you worry about the pregnancy, the more likely it is to go wrong.” – Mark Twain

I got some news for you, baby. I agree to be your mommy.

If you’re going to be a mommy, you may as well do it right.

I can’t believe I got a baby bump.

I’ve had a surprise baby bump, but I’m not sure what it is yet.

We’re having a boy!

I’m bloated and I’m proud.

I’m just not that into you.

I’m gonna be your biggest fan this season.🤖

I’m so ready for this.

I’m expecting my imaginary friend to be a real one.

No matter how far you have to walk, always make sure you are looking up.

You’re pregnant. You’re growing a human being in your body, and they don’t come with instructions!”

Pregnant? Congratulations! This is the perfect time to say “I do” with a wedding registry that makes it easy for you to buy just what you want, when you want it.

“Congratulations, you’re going to be a mommy!!”

I’m pregnant, which means I can neither confirm or deny that I am a little bit obsessed with the @wholefoods_market Instagram account. 😍

When you’re having a baby, there are two things that are certain: the first is that you will be tired and the second is that your belly will be rounder than ever before.

When you find yourself in the middle of nowhere, and all you can think is “I’m gonna have a baby”

When you’re expecting a baby, the last thing you want to hear is, “Are you sure?”

When you’re pregnant, everything seems to be in slow motion.

I’m in the family way 💀 🔫

Before you say yes, make sure it’s the right time for you.

Love is a lie. Relationships are often a waste of time.

We are thrilled to announce that Winter was born and we couldn’t be happier!

I don’t know how you’re going to take me, but I’m ready!

Here’s to the craziest, most wonderful journey of all.

This is the only pregnancy announcement you’ll ever need: “You’re expecting a baby! Woohoo!”

The best part of getting pregnant is not having to think about it.

I’m pregnant, what a coincidence!

I’m pregnant and you’re going to have to love me more than I love myself.

When your baby is a girl, you will be known as The Coolest Mom.

When there’s a baby 👶 on the way, you can do anything.

We’re having a baby

Baby on board! We’re so excited to have a new little one on the way

Your baby is growing stronger, smarter, and more beautiful every day. Happy 9th month!

Congratulations, you waited for it and now you can’t wait for it to get here. Love, your soon-to-be mother (or father).

“Been there. Done that. Got the T-shirt.”

Here’s to the little moments that made us feel like we were a family.

I have a feeling that this is going to be the best year of my life, so far.

In the beginning was the G-string.

I never said this was a walk in the park—I just said it was worth it.

“My hands are so big that I can’t fit in my pockets anymore. #pregnancy”

The best part about pregnancy is that you get to eat whatever you want, whenever you want.

I’m pregnant, and I’m going to have a baby

Pregnant? Say it with coffee.

I’m a little nervous to be a mom but I’m also excited and SO ready.

The best way to tell people how many months along you are is to buy a new calendar.

Congratulations to the proud parents of one, two, or three!

Be honest, your life has officially been turned upside down.

Celebrating the little miracles that make our days brighter.

Two things are infinite: The universe and your stupidity

Congratulations! Here’s to the next chapter—and the one after that.

I’m already thinking about all the cute outfits I’ll make you wear during my pregnancy 😍

I’m pregnant and I’m so excited.

We’re pregnant!

Pregnant? I’m in my second trimester and feeling pretty darn cool about it.

I’m pregnant, and so is no one else.

I’m pregnant. I’ll probably die soon.

“We’re having a baby!”

I like to think of my baby growing inside me as a little monster, snarling and spitting out insults.

someone’s getting a little extra attention today

I’m sorry we’re late to the party but you know how it is. We had to get married first, before we could become parents.

This is going to be the best nine months. And no, I’m not just saying that because it’s my last one.

This is my proudest moment of the year…

You’re already my greatest achievement and I don’t think it’s even close.

We’re going to need a bigger car, because we can’t fit in this one. #MustacheVentures

The best things about pregnancy? It’s like having a purse for a belly and a credit card for an arm.

I am pregnant with a baby that makes me laugh, cry and what do I know but here we are. ☺️

Every smile is an opportunity to show off my belly

I’m gonna be a mommy.

You can’t be pregnant and not drink. There is no “don’t drink” phase of pregnancy.

Baby on the way, my uterus is angry because it’s got no place to shop for baby clothes. It has also been punishing me with some wicked indentations.

I’m pregnant. And I don’t know what’s the matter with me.

You’re going to be such a good mom.

I’m just sooooooo happy to be carrying you around

There’s only one thing I know for sure: that this little human is going to grow up fast.

This is not my child. It is a future of all things wonderful—and terrifying—that I hope to continue growing with for the rest of my life.

This is how I learned to love myself: through the darkest times, I saw my own light.

You’re changing my world. I’m changing yours, too.

Sometimes the hardest thing to let go is yourself.

You can never be too prepared.

Like a pregnancy announcement, my belly is getting bigger every day.

I’m gonna say it: I’m pregnant.

There’s a baby in your belly, and it’s getting kicked every day.

I’m so sorry, I accidentally got you pregnant.

I thought I was pregnant but then it hit me.

Can’t wait to meet this little one grown up. Can’t wait to meet you, or her

We did it! But don’t forget to feed our baby.

No matter how you feel, the baby is gonna be fine.

Baby on board!

Be a part of this new life, it’s gonna be fun!

Only two people make me happy 💗 🍼

A new chapter is about to begin. Can’t wait for all the stories about this one-of-a-kind little human that we’ll be telling.

What’s in a name? Let’s not even get into that.

You’re going to ask me a question, but I’m not sure if I can answer it.

Life comes at you fast, but don’t rush. Take time to smell the roses.

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