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Remembering My Father on His Death Anniversary


Remembering My Father on His Death Anniversary


Remembering My Father on His Death Anniversary: The death anniversary quote samples provided in this article will help you to express your feelings to the person who is no more. Losing a special person in your life is one of the most difficult things that can happen. We have tried to compile some of the most powerful quotes and sayings on death anniversary below, to express how each of us feel at that moment.



Remembering My Father on His Death Anniversary

• Father, I will never forget the ways you changed my life. Your love and guidance are something that I will always cherish. You were someone who always taught me right from wrong and to stand strong in my faith. May you be at peace and know that I will always remember and cherish you.


• Life is a gift, love is a gift. It wasn’t a perfect father-child relationship but loved each other. Thank you, dad, miss you every day. You are always in my heart.


• I love you so much, dad. I wish you were here with us more often. But I know that you are with us in spirit. We miss you and we love you! Rest in peace and know that we will meet again someday.


• Today would’ve been your birthday. It was only four years ago but it feels like ages longer. I miss you so much dad and I will never forget you. I send this message especially to the middle of the ocean – to the place where you now reside. My love goes out to you and I know, we’ll see each other again someday. We love you dearly Dad!


• When I describe my dad I think of two things: his kind-hearted nature and the way he taught me how to take care of myself, my family. He was the most loving father I could ever wish for. He gave me the strength to be strong and taught me that life is something we need to live to the fullest. Though he’s gone, he’s still here in my heart.


• I love you, Dad. I miss you more and more every day. I wish you were here to see me graduate college. I wish you were here to celebrate my wedding day. Even writing these words makes me cry because it hurts so much to know that I’ll never see your face again.


• Daddy, I will never forget you. I know that you are now in a better place. That you have finally found the peace and happiness that is missing in this world. I wish you were here with all of us. Seeing your grandchildren grow up, sharing my wedding day with you, and celebrate your years with me, but having you gone doesn’t stop me from loving you as if we are together.


• My father was not a perfect man, but he was a man of integrity. He loved us with all his heart and did everything in his power to make sure we were provided for. He always tried to give me good advice and led by example. May you rest forever in peace my beloved father. We love and miss you a lot.


• I miss you Dad, but today I remember you with love and pride. I am who I am because of the love you have given me and of the dreams you have given me. You have always been there for me and I will never forget it. I love you so much!


• Daddy, four years have passed since you left us. I miss you so much that the pain doesn’t fade away. You were always by my side. You gave me advice about my choices in life and helped me become the person I am today. You were everything to me, and I will never forget you. One of the greatest lessons you taught me is that of a father’s love—the kind of unconditional love for his child that is bigger than anything in this world.


• Daddy, you are my hero and role model. I hope someday I can live up to the man that you have been for me. You sacrificed so much to make sure we always had what we needed and never wanted. You are the most amazing man! I love you so much daddy and you will forever be in my heart. You left us all too soon and I miss you every day!


• Daddy, I miss you so much! I think of you every day and try to make you proud every day, because I know if you were here we’d be doing this mission together. But I know that you are up there watching over me and guiding my actions. The love we share is everlasting and never dies. You will always live in my heart. Thank you for choosing me as your daughter, for loving me unconditionally, and for making me your family!


• I think about you every day and I miss you terribly. I treasure the time we had together, with your help I was able to find my way in this world. When they say all pain eventually fades away, they were wrong. Every day that goes by is one day closer to being in your arms. I know that you are at peace now, but for me, it’s just a momentary pause in the storm.


• I miss you, Daddy, there isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think about you and wish I could just talk to you for a minute. It was the greatest day of my life when you were born. You were my best friend, companion, and confidant. I loved spending time with you throughout my whole life. It’s hard to believe that our time together is gone now and that all we have left are the memories we shared.


• Dear Dad, it’s been three years now, I miss you every day. Every single day I wish you were still here so I could tell you about my week. I know you want me to be happy and healthy just like you would have wanted for all your children. Happy 3rd-anniversary dad!


• When my father died, I was very upset. I wanted to cry as anyone else would. But I just couldn’t. It seemed like the pain was too much and it took all my strength just to keep from breaking down. I’m so glad you’re here, though. You make life a lot easier for me and I don’t know what I’d do without you.


• We have lost the sunshine from our lives. He seems to have taken the color from our world when he left us. We feel so lonely without him, so troubled and so hurt. We miss him whene’er we go. They say that time will soften the memory of his loss, but time is only needed by the cheerful heart, and he was always one whose rare smile was worth a thousand words.


• Dad, I know I didn’t get to spend much time with you these last few years, but there’s one thing that I want you to know. You were a great dad. You loved your family with all your heart and we always felt it. We still feel it every day, even though you are no longer here.


• Thank you for always being there, through the good times and the bad. I know you’re happy where you are now, but I miss you more than ever. I wish I could talk to you again and not just in my dreams. I love you so much daddy, more than any words can say.


• You were the best father in the world. You would do anything for your family and friends. If you had one wish it would be to see us all together again. I miss you so much daddy, this year is going to be extra hard but I know you will be watching over us and giving me strength. Although like most people dad you didn’t believe in writing things down, I want you to know that I love you and always will.


Remembering My Father on His Death Anniversary
Remembering My Father on His Death Anniversary

Missing My Father on the Anniversary of His Death

• I remember you father, and we all miss you. It doesn’t seem like it has been 3 years since we last sat around your table to have dinner together, or played cards, or talked about our days. I can still smell the aroma of coffee that I made for you every Sunday afternoon. You were a pillar of strength in our family, and an inspiration we will all never forget.


• You are my hero, the one I admire more than anyone in the world. I miss hearing your voice telling me stories of your trip to India or about the time you almost crashed your car into a telephone pole. I miss watching you work on the computer and seeing your eyes light up when you talked about new inventions. I miss seeing little gifts you left for me around the house. I love and miss you so much, dad!


• My father was my hero. He was larger than life to me. We had a very special relationship. Every day I miss his wisdom, his stories, and laughter. He is gone from this world but never from my heart.


• You took care of me, loved me, and supported me. I know you are watching over me, I feel your presence every day. Thank you for being there for me and thank you for never giving up on me. I love you and miss you so much, dad.


• I miss you Dad… I think about you every day and wonder what you would say or do. While my brothers go on with their lives, I’m left behind with an emptiness that can never be filled. I will never get over your death, but every time I feel like it’s too much to bear, I look up at the sky and think, “If there is a God, he picked the best man for me to have as my father.


• Father, you were taken from us so suddenly and with so much irreversible pain. You left an impression on my heart that I will carry forever. I love you and miss you, and hope that you can see me grow up into the beautiful person you’ve molded me for.


• Hello dad. I am writing this message on your death anniversary, but even after so many years, it’s hard to believe you are gone. It seems at any moment I will look up and see you walking through the room, but it’s better that way. I will never forget the times we spent together or all the things we did. Good-bye for now.


• I miss you Dad and love you very much. I still remember you in whatever I do and whenever I think of you a smile appears on my face; your face is engraved in my mind that never gets erased.


• I may not have always been the best daughter, I may have forgotten a lot of things but rather I didn’t forget the way you held my hand and told me “I love you, my princess, now go play.” A decade has gone by since we lost your presence but your memories are as fresh as ever and I look for your guidance every time I am in trouble. Though it took me eight years to be able to say these words sincerely, “I love you”


• Dad, you have always been my hero and I am forever grateful for all you have done for me. You are still the best dad a daughter could ask for. In my eyes, you will always be the best man on earth. I look up to you. You were the most amazing father I could have ever asked for. Rest in peace daddy and I’ll see you later on grandpa!


• There isn’t a moment in life I don’t think of you. I miss you so much I would give anything to have you here for just an hour. But God has other plans, plans that will always keep you close to me. You are my hero, my father, and my friend. I love you daddy and never forget it!


• I love you more than all the words in all the books ever written. I love you with a love that will last longer than time. I will cherish and love to my dying day. You have been an amazing father and I have always looked up to you. I can’t wait for our next adventure together! May we always love and laugh, and do life together.

• My father, you were my everything. The day you died I broke but with your gift of life you gave me hope. Though we have never met, through our connection in life, I feel as if you have always been with me. I loved seeing your face on the day of my birth and even more as an adult. You were a great father and I am sure you continue to watch over me and make sure that I am doing okay.


• There is not a day that I do not think about you. You’ve been an inspiration to me, even after you have gone. Your sense of humor still makes me laugh even though I know that someone else will always have it, and your eyes can bring me up or tear me down with just one glance. You may not be with us in the body anymore but you are in spirit, and your love lives on through us all.


• Dad, I know you are resting in peace now and are with the loving arms of our savior. You always gave me the strength to follow whatever dreams I had. I will always keep you close to my heart and remember the good times we have had together. You are my hero.


• You were the best man I ever knew, the kind of dad we all want to be… Little did I know that I would see you for the last time in my dreams. That night was so surreal and vivid. I could feel everything that transpired between us before we went our separate ways. You came to me on that dreamy night and told me you are okay now. That you are happy living in a distant place with your mother and brother. It was so hard waking up from that dream.


• Someday I will find the strength to forgive you and I hope that someday soon my heart will let go of the pain that fills it. My dad was the one person I could count on, someone who comforted me when I fell, wiped my tears when I was sad, and loved me when nobody else would. To this day his defenseless death continues to haunt me. The pain has not gone away and it probably never will.


• We lost your dad last year, but in a way, we still have him here. We miss him and love him more than words. I know he is up there in heaven watching us and smiling down. He would be so proud of the way you turned out. I’ll never know how you got so lucky to have my dad as a father, but I’m glad you did. Love you with all my heart!


Remembering Dad on His Death Anniversary

• There won’t be another day that goes by that you won’t be in my thoughts and my heart. I want to thank you for being such an amazing father to me, your children. You treated us all with the utmost respect…with care and with love. You poured your heart into our upbringing and gave us the tools we would need to live our lives successfully.


• I love you, dad. I wish you could have stuck around a little longer, but you never got the chance to meet my children. Today on your death anniversary, I’m going to teach them all about you. They will learn about your love for God and family. I hope they make you proud! I love you and miss you so much every day. Thank you for everything that you did for me!


• Today is the anniversary of your death. Ten years ago you left us and not a day goes by without thinking about the great loss we feel. I miss you now more than ever, but I don’t let it show. Everyone else is happy, always smiling and laughing, but I know the truth. We all miss you – mom especially does. She thinks about you every day, but on this day it’s even worse because of the memories that come back to her.


• You are my inspiration, my hero, always in my heart and never to be forgotten. I love you more than words could say and miss you every day. I know you are always watching over us and I will do my best to make you proud. You are a great father, husband, brother, and friend, and I will always remember your love and be forever grateful for the lessons you taught me. Thank you for everything! Love you daddy!


• I loved my father very much and he passed away. I miss him all the time. He was the funniest man I knew, a smart businessman, devoted father, loving husband, and a great big brother! I will never know another man like him, but I have his memories to cherish forever.


• I love you, my father. I miss you. I wish you were here, but I know you’re looking out for us, your children, in a place far better than this. I love you all the days of my life and nothing will ever change that. You taught me what it meant to be a man and how to love like one. Your memory will live on through us as we carry on your legacy. Thank you for giving me such a precious gift and enduring legacy.


• Your words were so thoughtful. Just like you, full of love and care. Thank you for always taking the time to make me feel cared for and special. I will never forget all of those memories we shared growing up. You are a wonderful father and I couldn’t have asked for a better one.


• Words can’t express how much you loved me and the joy you brought me in my childhood. The memories that made me who I am and shaped my life are so many but there is one thing you always told me that has always stuck with me: Everything Happens For A Reason! Even when I didn’t understand your words, it was clear to see that you believed in them. I miss you so much father, I hope you are happy where you are!


• Daddy, we will all miss you forever and ever. I was only 3 when you went away. Although I didn’t know you that long I remember your smile and smell. When you died they put my small hand in your big warm hand and they told me you weren’t going to be there anymore. I wish I got to know you better because I love you so much.


• Every time I see the inscription ‘in loving memory’ at a gravesite, I think of you. It’s been six years since you were gone and every night when I go to bed, I say one last prayer for you and lay the world’s heaviest pillow on my chest and cry myself to sleep. But we are older now, more grounded. You would have liked me much better now than when you were alive; that was your greatest fear.


• I never told you I loved you. If I had, it would have sounded just like every other time you reassured me everything would be alright. My guilty conscience won’t allow me to say a word. You were my beloved father – and my best friend. I love you forever.


• I have always loved you and I will never stop. Despite the times, we argued I always knew you were there to help me. You taught me a lot about life, but it was because of your unconditional love that I could do anything. You’re with me every day and nothing has changed throughout the years. I am so glad I had you as a father and I’m glad to call you my role model.




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