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Best Senior Year Captions for Instagram


Senior Year Captions for Instagram

Senior Year Captions for Instagram: Senior year has always been described as a time of uncertainty. Uncertainty in your grades, your future career opportunities, and you’re even unsure about your next destination. But no matter how uncertain you feel, there’s one thing for sure. Senior year will never be the same as the previous ones. It will always remain special and cherished.

Senior Year Captions

• Senior year. When you’re at the height of your careers and your friendships. How will you spend your senior year? Check out The Freshman Class on Netflix to find out! Best

• Being close to my college friends has really made senior year one of the most memorable of them all. I love how God has brought us together and I can’t wait to see what He has in store for us! Thanks for always being beside

• Class of 2018, how you live your senior year is what will set the tone for the rest of your life. Make every day count and make it count. Best of luck to everyone in their future endeavors. #lookingforwardtoit

• As school winds down and graduation gets closer one year passes you by but the memories stay with you forever. See ya senior year!

• This is my senior year; I’m about to make history.

• Together we spent the last four years doing some pretty wild things. This senior class will shine brighter than any of our stars ever will. #senioryear#topnotch#bestyear#seniors2017

• Dear Class of 2018 – congratulations! You’ve made it through those intense high school years! From the first day of kindergarten to your final days in the halls of high school, you’ve seen and experienced a tremendous amount.

• Back in my day, we had one dream: To be a lawyer. What are your plans for after college? Let’s find out.

• Being away from home is a workout for the mind and body. Here’s to new beginnings, here’s to us getting out into the world and living our wildest dreams. Cheers, Class of 2020!

• On commencement day, we honor you for all you have given, from memories to movements. Thank you!

• Here at Tultitlan, our class of 2017 is about to become the future leaders of Mexico. Go Tigers! 🇲🇽

• It’s the end of an era. For the last time, our days are filled with all of the things we “used to do.” Even if those certain things may take more time to enjoy at this moment, they will.

• I keep on falling in love, but every time it’s with the same person.

• Here is a sample of a senior year caption for an Instagram account aimed at celebrating an upcoming high school graduation

• What happens when you mix a teenager with a legit job? 👱😁📀 #SeniorYear

• This senior year is flying by! It will be here before you know it! ¶📚: @xxxxxx

• Putting nostalgia in a postcard to Mom and Dad. #seniorswebseries #seniorscomingsoon #collage #memories

• Three things left to accomplish: the senior prom, getting into college and making sure I do not gain one more pound before the summer.

• Y’all we are just 11 days from the end of the year and I am feeling so, so ready for Christmas break. #senioritis #senioryear

• Capture the moments that make you feel like it’s just you and the world.

• Happy graduation to my sweet friend! I love you and cannot wait to travel the world with you ❤️

• It’s the most wonderful time of the year.

• Oats are good, but these Blueberry Cobbler Overnight Oats with Elbow Macaroni are better.

• Though it’s hard to believe, the next year will be the best yet. Thanks for being a part of my senior year!
#senioryear #doitforthegram

• We’re already dreaming about our #senioryear, so excited for what’s to come! #BigDecisions2017

• Chin up. We’re seniors now and we can’t wait to see where our last year takes us. #seniors 💫

• It’s the last year in high school, and these teens are really feeling it.

• Dear Class of 2018, we cannot wait to see what you will do next. You have the world at your fingertips.

• It’s a bittersweet feeling knowing the adventure is coming to an end. Soon high school will be over and we’ll have to face the real world. But with such great memories and amazing friends, I know I can do it.

• Get insights into the lives of the Class of 2017 in just 90 seconds. Find out what it means to be a senior:

• Last day of school. Last day of senior year. It’s the last day of my teens. So glad I got to live it all…and can’t wait to see what’s next! 😊


Senior Year Captions for Instagram
Senior Year Captions for Instagram

Senior Year Instagram Captions

• Think of the moments your freshman and sophomore year, how it felt like life was so big and ahead of you.

• Celebrating memorable high school memories one last (and best) time.

• To my friend, best friend, star student, and sister from another mother (and home galaxy): We don’t have to be clones of each other to be fiercely loyal to one another. Love you always and forever ❤

• Through the winding roads of life and love, what remains is a true friendship that will never fade.

• Captions for the senior year can deal with themes like the future and the process of aging. It can be a caption that talks about a defining moment in your life or a mental leap, you’ve taken since last playing high school volleyball or soccer.

• #SeniorYear | It’s almost time for the best 4 years to be over, so we can fully embrace our non-summer lives. #SeniorYear #Dipset

• TBT: That time our photographer dressed up as a ghost for senior pics. #seniortears #📷: @xxxxxxx

• A caption for a high school football team that made it to the championship

• When summer ends, the countdown to graduation begins, and looking forward to everything left to do.

• Happy birthday, class of 2018. Have an awesome year!

• I am so excited for this next chapter in my life! Bring it on!

• There’s no time like the present. Make each day count, and you won’t miss a thing.

• Snow days hold a special place in our hearts. We ♥️ you, seniors—and wish we could’ve spent today with you #senioryear #snowday

• This year has really flown by but I’m already looking forward to evening more memories next year. #senioryear

• We don’t own the beach, we are the beach. We are seniors. #SHHS2017 ❤️ #senioryear

• Tommy was a senior in high school when Brandon was a freshman. Clueless, Tommy wrote on Facebook that he was “missing” Brandon, unaware that the status would be public and then be discovered by Brandon’s angry father.

• The best things come to those who wait… for the bus, until spring, that cool down from summer heat, and senior year!

• At the end of your senior year, you should feel proud of everything that you accomplished. You’re ready for what comes next!

• This year has been good. But it will get better. So, let’s make it count 🙌💯 #seniors

• Hey Seniors, we all made it! 😌 Thank you for the good times. This is looking forward to all of the awesome things ahead 👩❤️

• There’s no time for dilly-dallying when you’re on the brink of graduating from high school, where’s there’s nothing left to do but laugh.

• *Insert the name of your friend*’s last year in high school before they depart for *college, distant city, exotic location, summer program*.

• Time flies, right? It seems like it was just yesterday we were pulling out of your driveway and now here you are—walking across the stage and graduating! We only hope that you have had as much fun in high school as we’ve had watching

• I would have gotten to sleep earlier last night if I knew I’d have another senior skip day.

• With only a few more months left, take time to cherish the simplicity of high school. Take a last look at an unforgettable four years.

• It’s almost that time. Senior year!!!! You only go to college once in your life so enjoy it!

• The best of our senior portraits together👨👩👧❤️🙌 #HighSchoolDreams

• There is so much to do. Be present every day, create change and build upon your experiences! The time we have spent together will not be forgotten. -Senior Class of 2020

• Sophomore → Junior → Senior. Another year of memories and stories and excitement for the next chapter is about to begin. I couldn’t be more excited, ready for this amazing senior year!

• Saying goodbye to those four years of achievements, friends, and experiences when students are about to graduate.

• Down those last precious hours of your final year.

• Packing up my babies. I’m gonna miss you forever ❤️ #OldLadyProblems

• 2018, you’ve been a wild one—and we’ve loved every moment. 🎉

• Roll tide! Spring break started about an hour ago. #college #rolltide #break #🏔


Graduation Instagram Captions Funny

• Celebrate and Cherish each moment you have with your class because you never know when it will be the last moments together. #SeniorYear

• Wishing you all the best as you embark on a new chapter in life. May your senior year be filled with memories and adventures as you enjoy being a senior. Let’s celebrate these last four years and have fun while transitioning into your next level.

• Pack up your pencils and put away your books. ⏰ It’s time for senior year to start!

• What I wish I knew before senior year.

• She wouldn’t be caught dead wearing a t-shirt and shorts to her senior prom, so why do it at graduation? Add a little flair to a cap and gown and take some pictures the way your personality shows, not other people’s.

• Cheers to another year of school behind us, and of best friends by our sides.

• May you forever be changed by this year’s last chapter __

• Life is like a box of chocolates and I’m that kid who won’t eat them all.

• We’re soaking up every minute of the senior year before it’s a distant memory. Won’t you join us?

• Happy Senior year from the squad to you. Keep on rocking those future plans!

• Time is flying by, but these moments will last forever. #senioryear photo: Maren Elizabeth & Veronica Volmar

• If our lives are a book, then these are the best pictures in our yearbook. 😌😍🕓 #senioryear #senioryear #classof2017

• It’s the best time of year, and the last. Will I ever be able to say that in real life? #senioryear #senioryear #seniordecade #senioritis #overitamirite

• We’re all gonna make it✨💛 #senioryear #keepliving

• Made some great memories with this group of people. We got each other’s backs during midterms, finals, and those cringe moments freshman year that no one talks about. Here’s to an awesome final year.

• Good morning! It’s finally the last day of my sophomore year!! Let’s make it a good one 😉 Have a great and productive day everyone! #senioryear #wemtncl #shs19 #pink

• Can’t believe this is Senior year! #senioryearcaptions

• Are you ready for senior year? We sure are. There’s a lot to be excited about – new experiences, exciting challenges, and countless memories to be made! Make the most of your senior year at Southwest Senior Year Academy…


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