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Thank You God For This New Day Prayer

Thank You God For This New Day Prayer: oh, what a joy it is when you wake up in the morning and realize that today is the first day of a new day. What an amazing feeling thinking about the opportunities of tomorrow! I know that may sound cheesy but it’s true! Every day we have the potential to make something great happen.

Thank You God For This New Day Prayer

Thank you, God, for this new day. You’re already up and moving. Thank You for being here, now. Thank You for seeing me through thick and thin.

Thank you, God, for this new day and all the possibilities it holds. I am grateful for the people you have brought into my life. Please bless them today. Help us to forgive one another, and to move on with grace.

Thank you, God, for this new day, and the opportunities it brings. Remind me that your love is always with me and to take time to honor you in all that I do today.

Thank You, God, for this new day, for the gift of life, and for the many blessings that you have bestowed upon me as I continue on my journey through life. Thank You for my ability to use this platform to serve you and help others on their way.

A new day is a chance to make things different. A new day is a chance to begin again. Thank God for another day and for all He’s done for us.

Thank you, God, for this new day as we forgive, give, and obey you. I pray to be on the blessings path of life. Dear Lord, keep me strong & healthy and make me a blessing to all those around me.

Thank you, God, for this new day, and all the opportunities I have to make a difference in the lives of your children.

Thank you, God, for this New Day. I’m ready to be blessed and prosperous in all that the day has in store for me . . . .

Thank you, God, for this new day, for the gift of life, love, and joy.Thank you for your family, friends, and all that I have.

Thank you, God, for this new day. Thank you for breathing into it the breath of life and making every moment possible. Thank you, thank you, thank you

Thank you, God, for this new day and all the opportunities it brings. Help me to always be faithful in its face.

Thank you, God, for this new day, the gift of another sunrise, and the chance to fill another heart with love and gratitude. 🙏

Thank you God for this new day and thank you, especially for a night of rest and a morning of gratitude! Take this day and use it to accomplish your will.

Lord, thank you for this new day, and all its possibilities. May your presence lead me to a deeper understanding of myself, others, and the world. I am ready to receive your gifts today.

It is wonderful to wake up on this new day, a day which you have made. I offer thanks for the gift of life and for all that you have given me. I am so grateful for another chance at living each day.

Thank You God for this new day, thank you for the gift of life, thank you for another 24 hours to fill with things that matter 🙏❤️ #thankyougodforthisnewday

Thank you, God, for this new day. Thank you for all the blessings you’ve given us. We pray that, as we walk down this road, we will be at peace, and enjoy every little moment of our life.

Thank you, God, for this new day. Thank you to my family, my friends, and all the blessings you have bestowed on me. Today is going to be a great day, I can feel it already. You are so good to me.

Thank you, God, for this new day. Thank you for giving me the strength to make it through yesterday; for guiding me on this new day

Thank you, God, for this new day, and for the strength to carry on. May the plans you have for me be great and glorious. May your gifts and blessings abound in my life each passing day.

Thank you, God. Thank you for this new day. And thank you for the gift of my family and friends.

The Highest God–Creator of the universe, Giver of all good gifts, we thank You for this new day. We give You thanks and praise as we journey through another day. God, you are so Good! Grant us many more days to come

Lord, thank you for today and for the many blessings you have given me. I know that with your help, I can face anything.

God, thank you for the guiding light of your Godly knowledge that leads me to a brighter day

Thank you, God, for this new day, and the opportunity to fill it with acts of love, kindness, and beauty.

Thank you God for this new day, a day to do your will and not mine. God give me strength today to live and motivate others, so that they may see Christ in me and be blessed.

Thank you, God, for this new day and for the many blessings you have given me. I am forever grateful.

Thank you, God, for this new day and for the many blessings you have given me. I am grateful for your presence in my life and my heart, always.

Thank you, God, for this new day and the days that are to come. I pray that you will become my strength, my courage, and my wisdom as I go through this journey life has put me in.

Thank you, God, for this new day and I thank you today that you have blessed me with many opportunities to do great things.

Thank you, God, for this new day, these new changes. Thank you, God, for giving me this opportunity to spread your works to every human being on Earth.

Thank you, God, for this new day and the gift of life. May your presence be felt in everything I do and may I share your love with all that I meet today.

We thank you, God, for this new day. Thank you, God, for the gift of life. And thank you, Lord, for blessing us with this food to eat and these hands to feed others!

Lord, we come before you asking for your grace and mercy for each of us to make a difference in today’s world.

Thank You, God, For this New Day.Thank You for loving me and thank you for loving everyone around me. Help me to use today in a way that will be pleasing to you. I want my words, my actions, and my thought to please you.

Thank you God for this new day and thank you for another opportunity to make a difference in the lives of people around me. Guide me through the decisions I will make today, so that I may help others find the way to a better tomorrow.

Thank you, God, for this new day and all its blessings. Bless my family and friends, and help me to be a blessing to others.

Thank you, God, for this new day, and the gift of life. Please protect me when I travel today and give me the courage to know that you are always with me. I pray that I will live each moment in love, joy, and peace.

Thank you, God, for this new day and for giving me the chance to be an instrument of your love, hope & freedom.

We thank You God for a beautiful new day and we pray that our company and products help people to be more healthy and happy in their daily lives.

God, thank you for this new day, and forgive us for our shortcomings. We ask that you guide us on the right path, lead us away from evil, and help us to grow in wisdom.

God, I have so much to be thankful for. Thank you, Lord, for this new day and all that it brings.

Good Morning darling, thanks for the good weather we’ve had all through these weeks, it’s a great pleasure to open my window and get fresh air.

Thank you, God, for this new day and all the opportunities it brings. Guide me to do your will. Help me to live a life of peace, joy, and love!

Thank you, God, for this new day. Bless me with the strength to be the person I need to be, to show compassion, gratitude, and grace towards others. Be with me in all my thoughts and actions so that I can be a light in this world, one that shines Your love and joy.

Thank you, God, for this new day and for giving me another morning to be thankful.

Thank you, God, for this new day, for the gift of life, and for the strength to carry on.

Thank you, God, for this new day. Thank you for the opportunity to once more face the world with poise and confidence, courage and humility. Thank you for another day of grace to make right those things that I have done wrong, to continue to grow and learn, and help others along their way.

Thank you, God, for this new day and the gift of life. Lead me on my way to achieving all that you desire for me.

Thank you God for this new day, Thank you for the light returning after the darkness. We praise you for our children and families 🙏

God, thank you for this new day and the possibilities it brings. It is in your hands now. Give us the courage to walk our true path, forgive us for our mistakes, and help us grow more each day. We love you, God! #ThankYouGod ❤

Dear God, Thank you for this new day. Thank you for this chance to show your faith and love in my life. Help me show compassion to everyone I meet today.

Lord, we come before you today thanking you for this new day. We pray that you lead us in every way possible. We know that without you nothing is possible. Thank you for our life and all the things that we have.

Thank You God for this new day, thank you for the gift of life. May your presence fill me and guide me with the strength that I need to face in the coming hours. May my heart be open to receiving your wisdom, love, guidance, and grace.

Thank you, God, for this new day. Thank you for the gift of life and health and love. Thank you for faith and trust, and all the blessings that you shower upon me daily.

God, thank you for this new day. Thank you for all the blessings that you’ve given me.

Every morning when I open my eyes, I thank God for giving me another day to live. Another chance to do the things that I want to do and most of all another opportunity to love someone.

Thank You God for this new day, it is Your gift to me. I will use it well and live my life in a manner that’s worthy of You. Help me to be the person I want to be and make all my dreams come true.

Thank you, God, for this new day. Thank you for answering my prayers. Thank you for this day and all that is good in it.

Thank you, God, for this new day and all the possibilities it brings. Please continue to bless me with your grace and mercy, and help me be a blessing to others.

Thank you, God, for this new day, for the sun that warms my face, the wind that fills my lungs, and the birds that sing as I wake.

Thank You, God, for this new day. Thank you for the gift of another opportunity to make all my dreams come true and to do your will. May I remember that every moment spent in planning and preparation is also time spent in worship?

I thank God for this new day and my many blessings. He sends me strength and courage to face the trials of today.

Heavenly Father, thank you for this new day. Help me to see the world through your eyes so that I may live and love as you do.

I pray for God to create a new day every morning, let his hand of protection be upon me and guide me through my day. I also thank him for all the things he has given us today.

I am so grateful for all that you have done for me. I pray for your help and guidance as I go through this day Lord. You are an awesome God and I worship you

Thank you God for this new day, thank you for the light in my life, thank you for another chance. Thank you for making me stronger when I’m weak, thankful for the lesson that made me cry. Thank you to the person that makes my life worth living. I’m truly blessed to have them in my life.

Thank you, God, for this new day. I pray for strength and courage to face whatever life may bring me. Help me realize every hour of the day that my faith in You is never misplaced.

Thank you, God, for this new day, and all the possibilities it brings. May your presence guide me through this day.

Thank you, God, for this new day and all its possibilities. We ask that you guide us with courage as we strive to fulfill our dreams, and give us the strength to overcome any obstacle.

Thank you, God, for this new day. Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Thank you, God, for this new day, and thank you for all the many ways you have blessed us. Help us to remember the glory of your creation when we see the morning sun shine through the trees in our neighborhood or the fresh flowers on a neighbor’s front porch.

Thank you God for giving us another day, to be thankful for all the lovely things in our lives, and please help us to spread the goodwill around.

Prayer is such a powerful and uplifting way to start the day. Raise your voice in praise and thanksgiving.

Thank you God for this new day and thank you for being in it. Each day is a gift, may I never take it for granted.

Thank you, God, for this new day, a fresh start. Thank you for this breath and the strength to carry on. Thank you for the love I see around me, thank you for the love I feel inside of me.

Thank you, God, for this new day. Thank you for the beauty of each new morning. Thank you for all that we can experience and learn on this day. Please open our eyes so that we may see your love and care for us everywhere in life.

Thank you God for this new day and thank you for the many blessings in my life. I ask that you keep my family and me safe, protect us from all harm, and guide me to what you have planned for me today and every day.

Thank you, God, for this new day. Thank you for waking me up from my sleep. I will use the gifts, talents, and abilities that you have given to me today to serve others in great need.

Thank you God for this new day, to have another chance to do your will; to think and act in the ways that please you.

Thank you, God, for the new day, and for new opportunities to work together for Your glory

Every morning when I wake up I say a prayer of thanksgiving to God and ask Him to guide me through the whole day.

Today I have most to be grateful for, for it is without you God I would have nothing. #grateful

Thank you God for this new day, to reach out and touch someone, and make a difference in the world.

Thank you, God, for this new day and all the opportunities it will bring. We give you thanks for our health, our family, and our friends.

Thank you, God, for this beautiful new day and all its blessings. Guide me in my decisions today and help me to be the best that I can be.

God, thank you for this new day that you have given me. I pray that I will not waste a moment of it, but use it in the best way to know your word and be like you.

Thank you, God, for another beautiful day. May this day be filled with wonderful blessings!

Today I will speak with kindness, pray with gratitude and act with love. Help me create a world that works for all.

Thank You God for this new day, I pray that your spirit will guide me in what I say and do. Please lead me to those who need my help, and bless me with the needed wisdom.

Thank you God for this new day and bless it with love, joy, peace, and happiness and make me a good person.

Thank you, God, for this new day, the chance to do what’s right, and Your loving guidance every step of the way.

Thank you, God, for this new day. I pray your grace and mercy upon me and my family as we begin this adventure called life.

Thank you, God, for this new day, but more so thank you for this new ME. For I can walk and talk and read and study because of the grace you have given me.

Thank you God for this new day and the many ways you reveal yourself to me as I grow.. let my faith be stronger and my spirit is brave.

Thank you, God, for this new day and all the possibilities it brings, Thank you God for the gift of life, eternal love, and endless opportunities.

Thank you for this new day and for all the opportunities to spread your light. May this day be a chance for me to grow closer to you.

Every day, God puts a new beginning in front of you. Today, begin your day with a prayer to thank Him for this new day, this new opportunity, and make it count.

I want to thank God for blessing me with this new day to do all the things I need to do and fill my new day with love and joy.

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