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Thank You God For Watching Over Me Quotes

Thank You God For Watching Over Me Quotes: Thank you God for watching over me quotes. Share with your friends and loved ones, this page contains a “thank you God for watching over me quotes” collection of Short Quotes, Inspirational Quotes with Images and Pictures


Thank You God For Watching Over Me Quotes

Thank you, God, for watching over me and protecting me from any kind of evil.

A thankful heart is a healthy heart. Thank you, God, for watching over me this year and for all the blessings You’ve given to me.

I want to thank God for watching over me when I travel. The flight is safe, smooth, and on time. Thanks to Him 😃

There is no greater gift than the faith you give us each day to move forward. No matter how hard things may seem, we always know that you are with us when we face challenges. Thanks for being by our side through it all, God Bless Everyone!

I will recognize my guardian angel every day, for it was he who watched over me yesterday.

I thank God for all the things He has done in my life and for the gifts he has bestowed upon me

I prayed for you today. I asked God to bless your life with everything you need and more.

Hey God, thank you for watching over us today. Let’s go have some hot chocolate and a good book.

Lord, thank you for watching over me and helping me through my time of need.

Dear God, you’ve surrounded me with friends who support, encourage, and love. I am so grateful for these endless #thankyou notes to You.

Praise God for his mercy and kindness. He allows me to be a person of purpose, someone who can make a difference in the lives of others. I will always remember how he has shown himself mighty before me.

God may give you mountains to climb, but he will never let you go through them alone.

Thank you, God, for watching over me and keeping my family safe, when a tree fell on our roof last night.

When you got no one to rely on but yourself, God is always there for you.  Thank You, God, for watching over me.

Thank you, God, for watching over us and guiding us to this haven. Where we are surrounded by your love, heavenly grace, and glory

God, I Thank You for Watching Over Me, God I thank You for blessing me with so much…

Almighty God… Thank you for being with me, watching over my activities, and protecting me all the time

Thank you, God, for watching over me, and thank you for your love and blessings.

Watch over me while I’m asleep, and wake me up when it’s all clear. Thank you, God, for watching over me.

A small thank you to the greatest guardian. Thank you, God, for watching over me.

Thank u Lord for being there when I’m down, thank u God for watching over me.#Blessed

Thank you for all the blessings. I hope this thank you God quotes is enough to show my appreciation.  I hope that this Whatsapp status will help to convey your feeling and love towards your friends and family.

Life is too precious to be taken for granted. Life is a journey, embrace it with your loved ones, appreciate life, and live every moment to the fullest. Because you never know when your time is up.

Thank you, God, for watching over me and allowing me to see the light today!

Thank you, God, for watching over me and keeping me safe, especially when I go out of town.

Wake up every morning with the thought of you in my heart, God is great and he watches over me.

A smile is the prettiest thing you can wear. It’s free and it makes everyone feel good. 😊

I am so grateful for one day and the possibilities that each new day holds. I am so grateful to you.

Thank you God for watching over me, this I know because the other night I was standing out on my balcony and a huge truck came shooting around the corner. He missed me by inches! Amazed, I thanked God for watching over me.”‘― Arthur Conan Doyle

I’m so thankful for you. You’re my strength when I’m weak, you’re my voice when I can’t speak and you’re my eyes when I can’t see. Thank God for watching over me!

This week has been one of the hardest weeks I have ever experienced in my life as we grieve with our community. But God is good, I know he’s got this!

Being thankful for what you have and remembering what you didn’t get, gives us more motivation to achieve greater goals in our life.

Thank you, God, for watching over me, guiding me, and directing me. You always lead me in the right direction. Praise you for your favor and success today. I trust in you and know that you can get me out of this situation.

Thank you, God, for watching over me, no wonder why you can barely see my eyes 😂

Thank you, God, for watching over me, teaching me, and protecting me 🙏🙏. Your goodness is an endless blessing.

I have been where I am today because you were with me yesterday. Thank you, God, for watching over me.

*Thank you God for watching over me*When I say this, I mean that. Thankful to have had a good day, a moment of silence, and a chance to reflect & on my family.

I believe God watches over me. I feel His presence with me as I walk through life. Today, I will be grateful and ask Him to watch over you too!

Thank you, God, for watching over me and guiding me through life. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. You took my soul mate out of his suffering and pain, to a better place. I love you with all my heart.

When I was young, people said I was too sensitive…that my heart was too open. I know now that it’s because your love is so big and so real, it hurt me sometimes.

There is no God in whom I have believed more than you, to Whom I have committed my life more fully than to you.

Thank you, God, for watching over me, and keeping me safe. I hope everyone had a beautiful day with the people they love. ❤

Thank you, god, for watching over me, keeping me safe, and guiding me on my way. Thank you for being there when I needed you to be, and thank you so much for protecting me. God is so good all the time.

Let us celebrate the big things that came from small beginnings. Thank you, God, for watching over me.

Thank God for watching over me and always guiding me through my journey!

Today was another day I made it through! And a good one at that. Thank God for watching over me.

Blessings to you this week. Thank God for watching over me and all those who are reading.

Thank you, God, for watching over me and guiding me in difficult circumstances. I will always be grateful for your guidance and protection. ❤️

Thank you, God, for watching over me and protecting my family through this hurricane.

I give thanks to God for watching over me and bringing me safely through another day.

God, You are the creator of the universe. You are beyond our understanding. We know You are good, and we trust You will take care of us. Thanks for watching over me today.

God has blessed me with an amazing family, close friends, and a chance to do what I love.

I’m just so damn thankful for all the things I have, the people in my life, and everything I don’t even know I need.

Thank you God for watching over me, I am grateful for all your protection and care.

I trust God! He knows how much I can take. How far I can go. How deep I can fall. He won’t let me sink. Thank you, God, for watching over me!

Every day, I’m thankful for this life and the people in it. Thank you, God, for watching over me.

Thank you, God, for watching over us and protecting us from the things that hurt us. Thanks for keeping me out of harm’s way.

Dear God, thank you for watching over me as I grow through life. At the end of each day, I am thankful for your guiding hand, and I can’t wait to see what tomorrow holds.

All good things come to an end. Thank you for the wonderful moments and friends I’ve met along the way. Good bye.

I breathe in, I breathe out. Thank you for all that you’ve given me.

Thank you God for watching over me, Thank you for always being there for me during the bad times, and thank you for giving me the strength to be a better person.

From the sunrise to the sunset, to the stars and back, thank you God for watching over me.

Sometimes the deepest ocean is found in the scars on our hearts. Take a moment to be thankful.

When you wake up each morning, thank God for life and all its blessings: the sun, your family, and the love of your friends.

Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass. It’s about learning how to dance in the rain.😎

Thank you, God, for watching over me and guiding me through all of the challenges in my life. I am so grateful to have you on my side.

Thank God for watching over me and loving me in everything I do. I am blessed to have you always by my side. 🙏

Thank you, God, for the beautiful life you’ve given me, for all your blessings, and for all the experiences and opportunities you’ve given to me.

A good friend will help you move, a best friend will help you move a body.

Thank you, God, for watching over me. Help me to be more grateful each day that I am here with you and alive!

You saved me when I was falling apart, you gave me courage when I needed it. Thank you, God, that you are always watching over me.

I closed my eyes and yesterday came back to me in pieces, I’d forgotten it was this beautiful.

Thank you, God, for watching over me. The amount of trouble I’ve been in, it’s a miracle I’m here to see this day! Thank you 🙏

God is merciful to the merciful… Thank you, God, for watching over me and my family every day.

When I needed your guidance most, you were there. Thank you, God, for watching over me day and night.

I just wanted to say a big thank you for watching over me this year and seeing me through the good times and the bad. Thank you for letting us live another year, and for putting your hand on our shoulders when we need it. You’re the best, Lord, and I’m so grateful to be yours.

Thank you for watching over me when I was in need, thank you for blessing me with this day, and thank you for blessing me with people who care about me.

Dear God, as I gaze at the moon and stars tonight, I am truly grateful for all you have given me. Thank you for being in my life always. Yours forever, _

God wanted angels to help him watch over us, so he found little children and tuned their laughter into wingbeats. #GodIsGood

Thank you for the beauty of your creation and for keeping me safe through it all.

I have seen angels in the fragrant mist of summer rain and heard their deep, sweet voices singing praise to God.

Dear God, thank you for watching over me. I am thankful for all the things you have done for me. Please help me to be a better person by using the gifts you have given me. Please protect my family and friends and everyone else that I care about. Thank you for all that you have done in my life.

This Thanksgiving, we’re grateful for the blessings in our lives—the ones that we see and the unseen ones. Thank you, God, for watching over us.

I am so blessed to be alive. I thought I wouldn’t make it. But God looked down and smiled at me.

Thank you, God, for watching over me, because I apparently cannot watch over myself.

Thank you, God, for watching over me and protecting me from all harm. I pray for wisdom and strength to respond to my present situation.

Thank you for watching over me. I will always be grateful for your guidance and protection.

God is a very small word for this great feeling inside of me. Thank you for everything you do for me.

I wanna thank god for blessing me and making things work out. I’ll never be perfect, but I gotta be me and that’s all God asks of me.

Happy #Thanksgiving to the people who not only make our business possible but also make us better every day.

We are blessed by the presence of our heavenly father. He will always lend a hand and guide us through life’s journey.

As a child, I prayed to God for a bike, but I learned that God doesn’t work that way. So I stole a bike and asked for forgiveness.

Thank you, God, for all the people in my life. Help me give them more of myself today, so they feel more love.

I don’t know how you do it, but every day you find a way to keep my head above water. I can’t thank you enough God—Thank You

Giving thanks for all the things you do each day, and trusting in God to watch over me in all my journeys.

When we think of the word gratitude, we may immediately associate it with food. But in reality, being grateful is so much more. Gratitude is to give thanks and appreciation wherever you are, whatever you do, with whomever you’re with, and for whatever you receive.

May you be blessed with all the love, joy, and happiness that you deserve, whenever you need it most. 😍

You’re braver than you believe and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. —A.A. Milne

No matter how difficult life can be, thank God for watching over your loved ones and filling their lives with happiness.

If you didn’t wake up today, think of the things you would miss. If you did wake up, think of things you’re grateful for.

As I look back on my life, I realize that every time I thought I was being rejected for something good, God was only waiting to show me something better.

Everything you do reflects who you are—even your daily routine. #WednesdayWisdom

Thank You, God, for watching over me when I was in the womb, growing up in my mother’s belly. I thank You for protecting me, and when I need protection.

I just want to say thank you God for watching over me. I’m so glad you’re in my life and I love you with all my heart. Thank you for everything you do for me.

Takes a village. . .and some pretty amazing friends and followers. I feel truly blessed. Thank you for watching over me. #grateful

There are 6 billion people in the world, but I don’t know anyone else who goes to bed every night thinking about me. God does.

Here’s to your health and happiness—always. We’re grateful that you’re watching over us, in big ways and small. Have a wonderful day and enjoy this beautiful weather! ❤️🥑

Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude. – Thomas Jefferson

Thank you God for watching over me, I will never take for granted all the things that you have done for me. Thank you for letting me be free and showing me what happiness is.

Thank God for watching over me and guiding me through the day. Thanks for blessing me with a wonderful family, friends, and health. I’m grateful for your love and guidance.

🙏🏻 Thank you God for giving me the strength and courage to move forward, push through, change direction and grow.

Thank God for giving me the guidance and wisdom to handle whatever this world can throw at me.

The only thing that can be trusted is what God says and the only thing that makes sense is what He does.

Thank you, God, for watching over me. I am truly grateful for the love and strength you have been to me.

Thank you for the vacations, the friendships, and most of all, for watching over me—I’m so grateful to be alive.

Being together is the best gift of all – it’s even better when you’re in our family of believers. #AtmosFamily

I’m going to keep laughing, keep enjoying life and keep my focus on loving the people close to me.

Thank you, God, for watching over me, showing me the way, and listening to my prayers 🙏 💯

Thank God for watching over me, I pray that you continue to guide me all through my life.

Thank you for watching over me today, I know that You are always there when I need You. God bless you and yours today and always.

I’m so blessed to have a Daddy that taught me how to be a man. God bless you, Papi.

God’s guidance is the reason for everything I do. I would not be here without his guidance.

Thank you, God, for watching over me. Thank you for helping me through all my problems and trials. Thank you for always being there when I need your help. You are truly the best!

Thank you, God, for watching over me and giving me strength, guiding my footsteps to make the right choices, loving me with an eternal love that is deeper than the ocean, holding me in your hands, and making a difference in my life.

Grateful for another day to be filled with love and happiness. Thank you, God, for watching over me.

Dear God: Thank you for watching over me. Please watch over my friends and family too. I am truly grateful for each day that You give to me.

We just want to say thank you to God for watching over us, because if not He would not have put you in our ways! we love you and praise you, thank you God for your mercy and grace.

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