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Wedding Message to Bride and Groom from Parents

Wedding Message to Bride and Groom: You may be thinking of a way to say congratulations to the son or daughter on his or her upcoming marriage. But it is quite hard finding the best quotes for this purpose. Here, I have shared some of the best quotes on parents’ and children’s relationships.

Wedding Message to Bride and Groom

We know in life you will have your ups and downs, but we hope that you work hard things through them together. Always remember to speak lovingly to each other, and show that you are there for one another in good times and bad. It is easy to love when times are good, but real love is shown when the going gets tough!

We are so proud of you! We love you both so much and can’t wait to see what the future holds for you. I wish that you both only have joy and happiness in your life. Enjoy and celebrate love always!

You love each other, you have learned and grown together, you have respect and consideration for each other, and you share the same values. Love is made eternal in marriage and that’s what we’re here to celebrate. We wish you a lifetime of happiness.

Congrats! I couldn’t be happier to see you both finally begin your life together. You will do wonderful things, and make a very loving couple. We love you both so much.

We are so happy that you decided to spend the rest of your lives together. You really are the perfect couple, your personalities compliment each other perfectly. We are so proud of you for following your hearts!

We are so happy our children have found each other. They are meant to be together, they fit together in ways that only love could explain. Without meaning they make the whole world smile with their obvious and passionate love.

We couldn’t be happier to see you two finally taking steps to make this relationship permanent! We are praying for God’s blessing upon your marriage, and know that He will certainly answer our heartfelt prayers.

Love is about the little things. The small sweet gestures that happen every day. A gentle touch and a kind word. The patience to listen and the willingness to forgive. Love is the longing for goodness and beauty in another person, so you can be a better person yourself.

We are so proud of you. We have loved watching you grow into the individuals you are today and we look forward to all that you will accomplish in your life together. Our greatest wish is for your happiness, love, peace, and joy. May God bless your union with the best that life has to offer.

To the both of you, may all your days be filled with love and happiness. We love you both so much and are so proud to have you as our children. We wish you the best always.

We couldn’t be happier for you two. We can’t wait to see where your lives will take you, but we will ALWAYS be here to support you. Our precious daughter and her wonderful new husband, we love you both so much!

As we watch you begin your new life together, we are filled with joy. We thank God for blessing us with such an amazing son and daughter. As you embark on this journey, we promise to support and love you always. Congratulations on your marriage. Love Mom & Dad

The time we’ve spent with you over the past few months has been some of the best of our lives. Thank you for sharing yourselves with us and treating us as part of your family. We always knew that you were a special group of people, but today made it official. Congratulations and may your love continue to grow!

I am so unbelievably proud of and happy for you both! I love you, have a wonderful and amazing wedding.

I am so glad you two found each other and I hope that’s an amazing marriage. Love is a wonderful thing when you find it, cherish it always.

Love is a promise, love is a souvenir, once given never forgotten, never let it disappear. Love is the smile on your face when you’re miles away, love is the bond that you share. Love is the enchantment you feel when you fall in love.

We must say it before you say “I do”: our new daughter and son, we love you from the bottom of our hearts. We will always be with you and there for you for anything, no matter how big or small. You’re getting ready to start a new chapter in your life and to make it even better than your wildest dreams. Good luck and God bless.

We are so proud of you. Our hearts are bursting with love for you. You both have worked so hard to get here, and I know it hasn’t been easy. Love is all around you now, and joy and laughter await you both. May this marriage be filled this wonderful new chapter in your life with love, hope, and happiness!

We love you, cherish you, and are blessed to be standing shoulder to shoulder with you on the happiest day of your lives. May your marriage be long, filled with laughter and love.

As we start this journey of marriage, remember that your Mom and I will always be there for you to lean on and guide you, and be loving grandparents when little ones come into this world. But most importantly, remember that our love for you is eternal. We’re so proud of you. We love you both!!

Marrying our daughter/son means more to us than anything else in the world. No one will EVER love you more, or care more about you, than our son

This is a gift for the two of you. For the rest of your lives, you can now look back and realize that no matter what happened, we still loved you. We are so proud of the two of you and all your accomplishments! We hope that every year you can come back together to read this and remember how much we love you both!

We couldn’t be happier for you both! We love and support you and can’t wait to see you both in the new house. Your mama will finally have her first daughter, son-in-law, and grandbaby under one roof so I can spoil you all. We love you huns!

You will have hard times, but I promise you will also have good times. You will learn things about each other you never knew, and you may even fight with others, but when the time comes for you to love each other, your love will shine like the sun.

We are so happy for you both. We love you and are so very proud of you. Enjoy every second that you get to spend together. Share your love, share your passion and memories with us. We will always be here for you. Remember always to TRUST, LOVE, and CHERISH each other.

Congratulation – We are very happy that you two found each other. Wherever life takes you two we will always be there no matter where you go or whatever you do. You will have our undying love and support!

We are so happy that you found each other. Life is short, and love is the best thing to remember. Have the time of your life and enjoy every second, there is nothing more important than this. Go live your dream together and be happy. We love you!

I wish you all the happiness in the world. You are a perfect couple and I am glad you found each other. If I could make your day even more special, I would. But since your parents are doing that enough for both of you, we decided to simply say “congratulations”.

We are so happy to see you two go on this journey together. We are your biggest fans, and we couldn’t be more proud of the adults you have both become. We can’t wait to witness your love for each other grow deeper with each day. Be sure to always share your trials and joys with us, as we will always be here for you.

We may think we are old, but really we are still pretty hip. And we have always been cool; taking a chance on each other and making our own way – but honey let’s just tell it like it is! We are feeling pretty dang lucky these days!

We are so happy you found each other [bride name] and [groom name]. Our hearts fill with joy every time we see you kiss and hold each other. We wish God’s blessings on your new lives together.

We were honored to be a part of your very special day. We love you so much and we are so excited for the wonderful journey ahead of you as husband and wife.

You are the light of our lives. We are so happy that you found each other and that you brought your love into our lives. You make us happier than we ever thought possible. We love you so much!

We are so happy for both of you. We love you so much and are so excited to see what your future holds! Whenever you need us, for anything, don’t hesitate to call. Love, Dad, and Mom

Congratulations to our beautiful daughter! What we find most amazing and wonderful about you, is how much you love and care for your husband. We have always been proud of you, but your love for one another shows us just how special you really are and we are so happy that you have found each other.

You are both in our hearts. The greatest joy in life is the love you have given us, the honor and respect we have for the two of you, and your happiness. We are always thinking of you and we are always proud, proud to be your parents!

Today you have taken a very big step into your future as husband and wife! We are so proud and happy to support you on this amazing journey that begins. It is our honor to give you the gift of…

We are so happy to be celebrating this day with you! We love you both and can’t wait to see what life has in store for you! Best friends forever, Mom and Dad.

We are so proud of you both for following your hearts and taking the first steps to a wonderful future. May all your dreams come true!

To Our beautiful son and his bride, we know how happy you are with the decision to spend your lives together. We feel the same happiness for you, as parents and grandparents, we love you both so dearly. You have not only found each other’s true love and soul mate but we have found yours as well.

We are so honored to be your parents and to have raised you from the little babies that you were. We truly love you more than you will ever know and we hope for nothing but happiness for you and your future together. Hope you have a wonderful marriage!

We are so happy you two found each other. We wish you both a lifetime of happiness and joy. Love, Mom, and Dad

To our beautiful children as you start your new lives together today we want to say congratulations! We are so excited about all the new things that are coming your way. We wish you love, happiness, and kindness. May you be blessed abundantly with joy, good health, and continued success for a long and happy marriage of forever!

We couldn’t be more proud of both of you. When we started this journey together, Amanda and I knew that you both were the ones. We never dreamed of how beautiful and happy you two would be together. Your wedding day was magical and we are so excited to watch your lives unfold with happiness!

We are so happy you’ve found each other, We can’t wait to see the love you will make in your life. May we be as blessed as you have been and may every year get better than the last.

Congratulations to you! The love of your life has found its way into your heart. May you live a happy and long marriage with lots of love and comfort. I wish only the best for you and happiness forever in your marriage!

We are so proud of the two of you as you take one step closer to starting a new life together. Life can be long and difficult but with good people by your side it is so much easier and worth every smile, tear, and laughter. We pray that God will guide you both through all the good times and bad that life may give you.

Thank you for giving us the gift of our first grandchild. We are blessed to be able to share this moment in our lives with you. We have watched you grow up and fall in love. Today we see you pledge your lives together as one. Like gravity, love is eternal. With all of our thanks, and most of all, our children.- Mom & Dad

Our son! We are so thankful for you joining our daughter and starting a new chapter of our lives together.

Traditionally a wedding card is to the bride and groom, but you are both equally important to us. We are so excited that you have found each other and can’t wait to see what life will bring. You will always be our baby, no matter how big you get. Enjoy your day and know that we will love you forever.

We now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride. We are so happy to have you two as our son/daughter-in-law. The day you two wed is the best day of our lives. We want you to always be as passionate in love with each other as you are on your wedding day.

We have watched you grow into the kind, loving and beautiful people that you are. You have made the decision to share your lives with one another and we could not be happier for you. We feel a joy that is like nothing else, knowing that we will be sharing that joy with you. May this marriage be as happy as you two are beautiful. Love always, Mom and Dad

You are the only daughter we could ever hope for and so glad that you are marrying such a kind man. You will make a beautiful bride and to your groom, my son, we love you!

Our Dearest Son and Daughter, We are so very glad to see the two of you together in matrimony. May your wedding be the beginning of a life filled with happiness and love, long upon this earth. May the Good Lord bless you now, for years to come!

You have always been an amazing daughter and student, but it is now time to build a new family with your soul mate. We have never been more honored and proud! As always we love you!

You are both so wonderful. We have watched you grow from babies to fine adults and now fill our hearts with joy as we watch you take another step in your sill and standing lives. You are the light of our lives – the love and the joy in our home. Our greatest wish for you is a long, happy, healthy, and successful life together!

Nobody told you it was going to be this hard, 4 months and counting! But I think we should remind each other how lucky we are and what an honor it is to be sharing a life together. I love both of you so much!

Dear (bride and groom’s names), We are so proud of the wonderful young adults you have become. We still remember when you were little, the first time you said, “I love you,” the day you graduated from high school, and the day you said your wedding vows. We will never forget any of these moments. Love, Mom, and Dad

We are so proud and happy for you two. We want you to know how much we love, respect, admire and appreciate you. We have so much faith in your future together and look forward to seeing you as the happy couple you already are! We wish you all the happiness and joy in life.

We are so happy for both of you. We wish you all the joy in the world. Your love and devotion to each other are astonishing and we wish you many years of happiness forever.

We love you both very much and are so happy to have shared this special day with all of our family. The joy on your faces as you stared across the room at each other gave us chills! You are perfect together, and we can’t wait to see what the future holds for you both.

As a father of the bride, I’m so happy to see my daughter so happy and in love with her new husband. We couldn’t have asked for a better man for her. He will make you laugh through good times and bad. He will be there when you need him the most and when you’re feeling low he will lift you up as no other man could. Be happy my children and love one another with all of your heart!

We love you so much and are so proud of everything you’ve done. We wish you all the happiness in the world because we just know it will be overflowing in your life!

I cannot begin to tell you how excited we are for this new chapter in your lives. Your mother and I are so proud of you both for coming together as one and making the decision to live life as ONE. We could not be happier for you both!…

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