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Witty Graduation Captions and Quotes for Instagram

Witty Graduation Captions: Graduation is a time to celebrate all the achievements of students, and it’s also a time for memorable quotes. In this article, we share quite a lot of funny and witty graduation quotes and sayings that can add some lightheartedness to the whole graduation ceremony. Enjoy and be inspired!



Witty Graduation Captions and Quotes for Instagram

It’s graduation day. Congrats and enjoy the celebration!

You did it! You survived four formative years of higher education. Here’s to you, graduating class of [insert year], and here’s to the next chapter in your life. Congratulations!

It always comes down to the last few notes of ‘Shame’ and the feelings of hope for something better. That’s what graduations are about, right? Cheers to the memories and cheers to the future!

Congratulations to the Class of 2022! You’re officially Grad-U-ated from your childhood. 😎

Never forget a moment’s worth of memories that lay ahead. Congrats grad 🎓

Congrats on the graduating class of 2022. No matter what muck you’re wading through, there’s no such thing as standing still. Keep your head up and keep going.

Blingy out your caps and gowns with a little extra oomph 💍 It makes it easier to find in the sea of caps and gowns.

It’s not where you start—it’s how you finish. Congratulations on finishing your degree 👩🎓

Higher Education isn’t the only thing you should be graduating with this spring — get your selfie sticks and grad caps ready because a new adventure begins.

Getting a degree just made me a 33 percent better person.

The purpose of life is a life of purpose. Put your big girl cap on and go get it, grad.

Thank you for the memories and work experience… but I’m wearing a cap and gown, so that’s all you’re getting. 😜

I just graduated, can I get an amen? 😁

How do I go to school here again? Oh, right. First day of college.

The only graduating class this year is the one that’s graduating from food to nap.

Say cheese, party people! Today is your day; treat yourself to the cake 🎂and the rest of the cheese 🥮 you’ve been dreaming about. Congrats!

Yet another success story waiting for the last sentence, not to mention the thesis statement.

I dropped out of school because I couldn’t stop reading.

You’ve worked so hard, you’ve earned the right to play hard in your next adventure.

Graduates, you’ve achieved something we never will. So before you walk across that stage, the least you can do is throw us a bone and share those cap and gown pics.

Smile if you’re feeling as accomplished as this grad. Congrats and good luck 🎓🤳

Class of 2022: if you’re going to walk, walk proudly. If you’re going to talk, talk loudly! And if you’re going to throw a party, make it the biggest one on campus 🎓👨🏾🎓

No matter the size of your diploma, keep sharing it with others until they get the hint.

Class of 2022: keep on laughing along the way. Congratulations!

All I got from grad school was a lanyard and an extra-long commute to the office.

When someone asks how long it takes to get a college degree, show them how long your little finger is. ☺️💍


Graduation Instagram Captions

Wherever life takes you, these will get you there with a smile.

They say ignorance is bliss. I can’t tell if that’s a compliment or not 🎓

It can’t rain on my parade—my umbrella already has a hole in it. 🙂

It’s time to leave the nest, start a new adventure, and never look back. Congrats! 👩🏻🎓

I can’t believe we found like fifteen years of supplies in there. They’re gonna need ’em. When that cap flies off and you feel weightless… Don’t ever let anyone tell you what you can’t do.

There are two things I’ve learned never to discuss with people: religion and politics.

Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.

Congratulations grads, now go to your ten-year reunion and show off that sexy new diploma.

Ever see a sheep in a graduation gown? Neither have I.

Get your caps out, it’s time for a graduation cake smashing!

Congratulations to the class of 2022. Even though college was hard, if you survived your commencement, you can survive life.

I survived three months of finals, two years of school, and five years with you in college! Time to celebrate being a DONE DEAL.

Listen, a university degree can take you a long way in this world. Unfortunately, that’s not one of the directions it can take you—but don’t worry, I still think you’re great.

What’s next for me? Am I going to grad school or getting a real job? #sorrynotsorry 😜

Congratulations to the Class of 2022 on your hard work and achievement and for putting up with all our corny jokes. 😎

I ate, I drank, and I’m still not an expert in this field.

Graduating from one phase to the next is an end, but a new beginning. Congrats and keep going forward.

Passing on the torch of knowledge to others gives us the feeling that we can do anything. After all, we’re only getting started 😎

If you have a dream, don’t just sit there. Gather up your courage and go for it, because if you don’t you will always regret in the end that you didn’t.

Congrats! Thanks for everything, and enjoy all that your new life has to offer. 😊

You got this! Congrats on earning your 👩🎓, and thanks for being a part of the UCLA community!

Congrats on a job well done, as you walk down that ancient staircase. We can’t contain our excitement for what you’ve got ahead of you.

When you need a break from studying, find some friends to sit on the grass with at the quad and let the sunshine warm you’re 🎓!

Congrats graduation! You are ready for the next step in your life. Graduate with style, class, and a smile.

Congratulations on wising up and making it to graduation. You’re a smart cookie.

Congrats grads—your best days are still ahead of you, so keep hustling. 😎

Throw back that super sweet cap, throw out your schedules, and bask in the glory of this awesome day. Congrats to you and your fellow graduates!

Happy Graduation !! ! Now that you are an adult make sure to visit us for your next caffeine fix.

Congratulations on graduating 🎓😀 You’re now a Pepperdine.

Thanks for the memories, school! (Our friendship is like a box of crayons 🎨 📓 🖍)

Congrats on making it this far. Here’s a pat on the back for you and your 1 year of Instagram followers 🎓

Overcoming the fear of failure and landing your dream job is an accomplishment worth celebrating. Congrats! 😋

It’s not the end, it’s exactly as it should be. Congratulations, lovely! 🎓

Congrats on this milestone…Let’s celebrate 🍾🎓

Congrats & May the 4th Be With You. Happy Graduation!

Congrats on Graduation! May your future be bright like the smile of this grad, who is excited about all the possibilities that await.

Congrats to the new graduates—welcome to the real world. 🎓 #graduation #college

Congratulations on your commencement! Now go and change the world! 🌍

Congratulations on graduating from college! What a long, strange trip it’s been.

Congrats to Miley–next stop, the real world. Find out what she has in store at

I’m going to miss you so much it’s kind of ridiculous. Congratulations (insert name)!

Congrats grad! That’s a big achievement—there is so much more waiting for you, don’t let it slip through your fingers. Always keep looking up! 😎

Congrats and welcome to the real world! We can’t wait to see where you go from here.

Ring the bell and throw the caps in the air! It’s your time to celebrate! 😍

Isn’t it amazing what you can accomplish if you don’t care who gets the credit?

Graduation season is upon us. Congratulations to the Class of 2017. Party hard, study harder, and remember: graduating is just the beginning. 🎓

When you can’t decide whether to go back to school or the beach, remember that there’s time for both. Enjoy the summer while you can, grad.

When you’re starting the next chapter—Congrats, grads!

high school may be over but we will never forget the lessons we learned from our teachers. Congrats grads!

Congrats on the big graduation day, young grad! May it be the beginning of a future with endless possibilities and exciting opportunities.

Class of 2022? You made it! Congrats, you’re officially over the hump…in more ways than one. But hey, what’s left to do other than celebrating in style?

Congratulations to all the graduates—from kindergartners to grad students (literally and figuratively) 🎓🎓

Congratulations on your grad! We’re celebrating your accomplishments with this limited-edition coffee collection. 🎓💕

Top of the morning to ya 🍀, Class of 2022!

Graduation is something you celebrate yourself, not a moment with other people. The goal is to graduate from living your life to living by your own rules.

Class of 2022. You made it. 🎓👍

Just as long-term relationships start with a first date, new friendships start with that first coffee ☕✌️

Another year has gone by! Where has all the time gone? The world awaits 😉

We’ll miss your jokes, but we promise not to hold it against you. We wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors! Congratulations, grad!

Graduation is not the end. It’s the beginning of a new set of goals and opportunities. Congratulations!

Congrats, grad! All the world’s your oyster…now you just have to find an oyster in there. #gradschool

So I guess this is what freedom looks like. Congratulations on your graduation!

Congrats to all the recent grads! We’re excited for you and can’t wait to see where you go!

Congrats to me & you! Grab a diploma, grab a drink—might as well celebrate 4 years of working hard and having fun at the same time. You deserve it. 🍾Ⓦⓔⓤⓟⓣ

You’re ready to make your big move—schools included. Congrats and welcome to the best years of your life!

Congrats on you earning your degree!

Hats off to the biggest class yet! Congrats on all your hard work 👨🎓👩🎓

Wishing you all the best in your future endeavors, as well as wisdom and success with whatever comes your way. Congrats.

First day of fall, last day of summer!

What you waited for all year has finally arrived: the month where you have time for cool sips. See ya, sweaty iced coffee

Our priorities may change with every phase we’re going through, but some things will always remain the same. -Family, Friends, and Food

Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are.

Graduation 👩🎓 👨🎓 is essentially a time when the expectations of childhood give way to the realities of adulthood. And, as my grandma would say: it is not a good idea to have ice cream on the same day that you take a driver’s test.

Wisdom begins with wonder. As your very wise commencement speaker, I pronounce you alumni and alums.

Skipped graduation, who’s going to miss me? 😊❤️

Congratulations on your… diploma? I mean, not that there’s anything wrong with it, but last I checked, it was just a piece of paper you bought from the school to congratulate yourself on actually finishing


Graduation Captions

No more tests. No more teachers. Just more free time for more sleepovers and more summer ☀ #graduationday

Congrats to the Class of 2022! 👍 And remember, you know more than you think you do. Just ask your parents or any of your teachers.

As a graduating student: I will never forget three things. The friends I came with, the people who came after, and the lessons that both groups tried to learn.

Congratulations, class of 2022—keep your head high, smile wide, and walk tall. You are now the proud owners of one shiny piece of paper with a whole lot of potential.

Graduating is what you become, but learning is an ongoing process. 🎓👩🎓

There’s nothing like a few years’ hard work and thousands of dollars to clinch a job at the coffee shop…☕🍵

Congrats on your graduation! We’re sure you’ll go far. Maybe as far as your mortarboard will fly when you toss it on graduation day.

Congrats to all you grads—and congratulations to all the parents who survived your teenage years. 😘

So long to the year that was, hello to the year, I’m about to be #gradschool

Congrats grads! Here’s to all the firsts that you’ll come across this summer. 😜👏

Who said they were never coming back? Back to school, that is.

Congrats you graduated! But before you toss those caps and gowns in the trash (please don’t) remember, it’s never too late to fit all that knowledge back into your noggin.

Congrats grad 👋🏼. Now hand over your Halloween candy and don’t look back.

Wishing you the most heartfelt congratulations on your milestone achievement. 😊

It’s not easier if you do it the second time. It’s just a little different. 📝 🎓

You can’t hide from the future; it’s pretty sweet.

I’m not afraid of failing. I’m afraid of succeeding at things that don’t matter.

“One step at a time, we’ll walk together.” – BMO, Adventure Time

If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.

You’re no longer a student 👣 , you’re now officially a grad 👩🎓👨🎓. You’ll always be our little babe 👶🏼

We applaud you for all your hard work at school and for staying on top of the trends #congrats

Made it through high school, woohoo! I’m technically an adult, whoa.

Congrats grad! So proud of your accomplishment? so excited that you won’t be on my do not disturb list anymore?😝

The moment you finally feel ready to take on the world, someone asks for their apple juice in a sippy cup. Congrats! You’re now an adult.

Congratulations, you made it. Remember to smile because there will be plenty of time to be serious later in your life. Congratulations and keep smiling!

Go forth and conquer the world. You’ve got this. 🎓😀

May all your wildest dreams come true and your fondest memories never fade. Congrats on all you have accomplished.

You’ve got to learn the rules of the game if you want to know how to play it. Thanks, CozyDays ☀

Graduation, goodbye to halls and classrooms, Hello ✋️👋🏼☝🏻😉

So I hear you graduate today. Well done! And don’t forget your alma mater; in her eyes, you’re not just a name on a wall – you’re an extra class of ‘01, blooded in ink and gold. Good luck out there in the real world!

The class of 2022 – Break a leg out there. We’ll see you in the real world!

Congrats on that high school diploma, you did it! You’re officially one step closer to being a real adult 😎

Class of 2022: Congratulations!! Now go make some great art. We’re proud of you! 🙂

Nothing says college like that weird smell in the hallway.

I can’t believe I just wasted all this money on a degree!

I know what happens now. I’ll go to school, get a job, fall in love, buy a house, and die. But if you grab my hand, you’ll never die because we will travel across the universe together and live forever.

Haas graduates: no longer golden beets!

Commence the next chapter of your life with a latte ☕️☕️

This is the end of your childhood, but it’s not the end of your life. Go live the dream!

It’s hard to explain how much I love cake. I guess you have to eat it to understand.

Well, it was a great ride. Advice: get experience; don’t let them tell you “Sorry, we don’t have any room”‘


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