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Graduation Greetings for Girlfriend Quotes and Saying

Graduation Greetings for Girlfriend: Graduation is a special time of life for you and your friends. It’s one of the biggest accomplishments in anyone’s life. You would like to congratulate her on this achievement. Here is a great collection of graduation greetings for my girlfriend.

Graduation Greetings for Girlfriend Quotes and Saying

Hey baby, I wanted to wish you luck on your exams and tell you good luck with finding a job. If you need to talk please call me because I love hearing your voice. Wish you the best of luck!

I want to tell you something like this for over five years, but I always forgot. You are the first girl I love in my life and probably the only girl I will ever love. I can’t expect to find such a pure person like you. I hope that you will always stay with me and love me forever as I do with you.

You’re as beautiful on the outside as you are on the inside. You have a beautiful soul, my heart! I hope your studies pay off and you will always succeed at everything you pursue in life. I love you so much and wish I could be there to support you at this special time!

Congratulations on your graduation! You’ve worked so hard, but now the real work begins. Have a successful and happy life.

I have great memories of us together. Will never forget the time we spilled green tea on the new carpet, or when I moved and you came over every night for a month to make sure I was OK. You were there for me and supported me through everything. I’m so lucky to have been able to have you as my girlfriend.

I am so proud of you and the achievements you have made. You are a beautiful girl inside and out and I love you. Congrats, my dear!

I just wanted to write you a quick note on how thankful I am for you in my life. I have so many dreams and goals that I have been able to achieve because of your support and love. I am finally graduating after all these years! Thanks for always being there, we made it baby! Now I can’t wait to see what the future holds for us.

It’s not goodbye, it’s just a see you later. I’ll always be your friend. No matter if we’re far apart, and even if we have to say goodbye. I’ll still be thinking about you, your smile, and the kindness in your eyes. Thanks for being such a great friend!

Graduation is one of the most exciting times in a person’s life. It means that you have accomplished one goal and now you are moving on to bigger, better things. I am so proud of you for this accomplishment.

Happy Graduation Dear! I can’t believe how far you have come in such a short time. You have grown from an awkward teenager to a beautiful intelligent woman. I am so proud of you and who you have become. Each step was an incredible lesson in life and I thank the Lord for the chance to learn with you.

I can’t believe you are graduating this weekend! I know it’s been a long road and a long year, but you’re almost there! Looking back over the past months I only have to say one thing. You are a stellar person with a passion for life.

I thought about you this week and about our time in high school. I guess it was a great time for us to be young and free with not much responsibility to worry about. It’s been so long since then and I realize that now I am an adult! You kind of started me on the path to adulthood so I am thinking of you as I graduate today! Congrats always my friend, thanks for everything!

You are my best friend and the one I choose to spend the rest of my life with. To you, I have to say thank you so much for choosing me. Yesterday was a very special day, as we graduated from university together. We have come a long way baby.

I am so proud of you! Way to go – now keeps going! I’m always here to support you, no matter what the future holds. You are beautiful and wonderful and the best girlfriend in the world. We will never be apart again, ever.

You make me smile in the morning, and think of you at night. You hold my heart forever and have it eternally. Our love will never fail but only grow with time. You are a blessing to me, I just wish that I could do my part. But in the end, I know eternity will bring much more.

I am so proud of you for all that you have done. You are one of the most amazing people I know. I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you have done for me in your love.

My beautiful friend, let me tell you how proud I am of you on this very special day. You’ve come so far and have faced so many obstacles. I know it hasn’t been easy, but you have shone through and have found success. Keep moving forward because working towards your goal will make you happy! I love you!

I just wanted to say thank you for being such a great friend. I will always be there for you if you need anything. It’s weird not having you around anymore but I am happy to see what the future holds for you. Good luck with your new adventures and I hope that everything goes perfectly.

As you walk across the stage to accept your diploma and look at all the people cheering for you, know that I am cheering the loudest! It’s a huge accomplishment and I am so proud of you. What a journey it has been – but you have worked so hard and will continue to do amazing things in your future!

Your friendship has been the best of my life. I’m going to miss you so very much, but I just have one request… Since your name is Stephanie, you should live as if you’re going to “Step Up” and follow your dreams.

I’m proud of you, and how you stuck with your goal and changed the person you are. I am so glad that we met – believe it or not – because without you my life would be much different. I love everything about you.

Happy Graduation. I hope you found the man of your dreams. And by the way, thanks for being my friend. You have played a huge part in my life and I will always remember you, even though we live far apart now.

This is your day, light up the world with your brilliance. I am so proud of you. May your heart be filled with love and may the lessons you’ve learned and the knowledge you’ve gained, give you a bright future ahead. Happy graduation.

I have missed you, been dreaming of you, and thought of you so much my mind is exhausted. Yet I still think of you, like no one else I’ve ever known. You are the love of my life and the best thing that has happened in my life. Thank you for bringing so much joy and love into my days.

Happy graduation. I am so proud of you! I remember the day you got accepted into this grad program. You were so close to tears and it made me want to cry. I can’t wait to watch your name crawl across that big board up there, it’s going to be a great day. No matter where you go in life, I am always with you.

You’re a good-looking woman with the heart of an angel. Each day that I see you, my love for you grows. Do you know what I like about you most? You make my life seem so complete. I am glad to be able to share these moments with you.

Everything in my life revolves around you, and I mean everything. Without you I’m nothing. Not only do I love you for who you are but what you bring to the table. You are my rock and my best friend, thank you for staying by my side through thick and thin.

I’m so excited to see you today. I can’t wait to walk across the stage and then celebrate with you. I am forever grateful that we met ten years ago because without you my life would be incomplete. I love you!

I just wanted to take the time out to let you know that no matter what happens in your life, I will support you. Whether it’s going back to school for even longer, having another baby, or just going through a breakup, I will be there for you.

We have shared laughs, tears, and last but not least some of our most intimate secrets. You are one of my dearest friends and I am so honored to have a friend like you. As you begin the next step in your journey I just want to tell you how much I appreciate you! Good luck!

I can’t believe I’m going to say this. I mean, it seems just like yesterday that you were in diapers and being potty trained, carrying your baby doll around. You were first in line for the slide and you wanted to be the star of everything.

When life sends its storms, we strengthen each other. We survive the hard times as long as we stick together. We’ll make it through anything as long as we have love, laughter, and each other!

Dear girl, as you graduate from high school and receive your diploma, I want to make sure you know how proud of you I am. I’m confident that your dream will come true and you will be successful. You’ve captured my heart and filled it with love and joy.

It’s your last day before you start your new adventure! I can’t believe you’re graduating. You were just a small freshman the day I met you – now 6 years later I see a woman who’s ready to conquer the world. I love you so much and wish you nothing but success on this next journey of your life!

you are amazing, fun, smart, and just so beautiful. those words can never express how I feel. if only I could let you know how life-changing it is to have found you and shared this with you. your love is something I will always treasure, my love for you will last through lifetimes

I hope that your graduation is filled with wonderful adventures, joy, and happiness. Forever know that I am by your side cheering you on and supporting you through it all. I’m so proud of you!

Happy graduation! I’m so proud of you! I’ll always be here to support you in everything you do, and I hope that you’ll never forget that. You know you’ll always be in my heart, right? Good luck, now go party!

Hi there! I hope you had a great time in school. The graduation ceremony was a success and we all had fun. I know life will be challenging, but you can make it through! With love, your friend~

Gosh, I haven’t seen you in forever! I miss you so much and can’t wait to finally go out on our first real date. You mean so much to me and always know that I am thinking of you!

Yes, we have been through a lot of ups and downs. It took us a long to realize the fact that we are meant to be. I love you sweetheart and I can’t wait to have a nice life with you.

I wanted you to know how honored I was to be your friend. I knew from the first time we met that you were a special person and I feel like we grew up together. You have made an incredible impact on my life.

How can I ever tell you what you mean to me? You are my life and my joy. You are the one that makes me smile every day, and I would be lost without you. Hoping you had a great day and a great year!

I’ve loved you since I met you, and that was a very long time ago. I am glad to see you grow into such a beautiful and intelligent person. Remember that you are the smartest person in the world because you are MY world.

I hope you’re having a great day, I just want to let you know I think about you every day. Even when I’m busy, you’re on my mind! I can’t wait to see your face when I walk up there to get my diploma. Love you forever and ever plus some more years.

Wish you good luck in your new work and happiness. May you achieve all your goals, just like what grandpa and I wish for you. Wish we could celebrate the big day together with you!

As you begin this new phase of your life, may the future be filled with triumph and good fortune! You will always have my support, love, and guidance. There is nothing I wouldn’t do for you and I know that you feel the same way about me.

Hey! How’ve you been? Congratulations on graduating. I don’t know what I would do without your jokes and laughter. I love you to the moon and back.

I can’t wait to see you tonight baby. You look beautiful in your dress, and I will be the envy of every guy there when I walk you across the stage. But don’t worry, I won’t let anyone else take a peek at my beautiful soon-to-be grad.

You are so amazingly fun to be with. Your eyes, laugh, smile, and everything about you, just makes me melt. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you so much!

You have truly made my life complete. You have always been there for me. Thank you so much. I love you with all my heart and soul.

It’s graduation time, and I know that this is a major accomplishment for you. I would be even more excited if I could have been there to see you walk across the stage! I am so proud of you and can’t believe how grown-up you’ve become.

Congratulations! I couldn’t be more proud of you. You worked hard to get where you are and now you can reap the rewards. You’ve earned it, baby! I’ll always be here to support you in whatever you do!

I’ve been with you through it all, whether happy, sad or just being lazy together. Thank you for always being there for me. Here’s to whatever comes next!

You have to do everything that you can so that your future will be bright. And while I can’t be with you physically, I hope that today you will feel me next to you and that I am encouraging you every step of the way.

Congrats on graduating and all the best in life. You gave me hope that I can do it too, you were my inspiration always, I will do my utmost best to achieve success like you!

Dear partner, I am so proud to call you mine, and I just want you to know how much I love and appreciate you. You have been my best friend and lover for the last 5 years and I couldn’t imagine a better way to spend my time.

I am so proud of you! You have worked so hard to get where you are now. I know it was not easy and it took a lot of effort, but you did it! Congratulations on your graduation. You deserve it!!!

Every day I fall more in love with you, your voice, your laugh, your smile, and just everything about you. You are beautiful, kind, caring, and talented. I’m so lucky to have you in my life. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for us.

I’m so happy to have your friendship. There are a lot of people here but you are the only one that matters most to me. I am lucky that we can continue this great friendship for years to come. Thanks for being my friend!

It’s been a pleasure knowing you and sharing the last few years with you. You are such a sweet and wonderful person, and I will always cherish you. Congrats on your achievements; they are well deserved!

I would like to let you know that what I do every day is thanks to you. If it weren’t for your love, care, and continuous encouragement, I wouldn’t be able to try my best and accomplish all that I set out to do. Best of luck to you in the future!


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