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Happy 1st Birthday Prayer to My Daughter Quotes

Happy 1st Birthday Prayer to My Daughter: Been looking for a special birthday prayer for your daughter? Well, look no further. There are many special quotes and poems you can use to help personalize your child’s special day. You’ll find quotes from famous authors and poets.

Happy 1st Birthday Prayer to My Daughter Quotes

God has given you this day to enjoy life and the world around you, my dear princess. In return, he wishes you to be a true smiling angel in the coming days of your childhood. I just pray that God keeps our family protected from all the bad and evil things in life. I wish you a happy 1st birthday!

Happy first birthday to my lovely daughter! I wish you all the happiness in this world. I pray that your whole life will be filled with love and tenderness, the kindness of friends and family. May you become a caring, loving woman with inner peace and a joyful outlook in the future. Happy Birthday!

I will always love you as long as there is breath in my body! I am much more than a mother to you and you are my pride and joy. My joy just turned one, thanks for praying for his protection on me always.

I may not be able to spend much time with you now but I promise you that I’ll make up for it when you are older. Today should be a very special day for you and me. I await your first words, your first steps, and all the other things that you’ll do. From the bottom of my heart, happy birthday!

Thank you, God, for a world full of happiness. Thank you for good health, thank you for a beautiful daughter like her. I wish you new beginnings and happy moments with her. I pray that she keeps her child-like heart and laughs without worrying about tomorrow!

I feel lucky to have a beautiful daughter like you. The world would be a better place if there were mothers like you. You always see the good in people and ensure that bad things don’t happen to them.

My sweet little Princes, you were such a blessing when I gave birth to you. You were not massive in size, but you brought a huge smile to my face the moment I first laid my sight on you! You are our little angel in heaven and I know, even from there you worry about us. Thank you for everything, I love you a lot!

My daughter, what to pray for you on this important day? Would I pray for a happy year ahead or a successful life ahead? Whatever the case might be, I ask God to bless you with all that. However, the below prayer is all that I have. May God bless you with Good health! And may this first year be memorable in many ways.

Dear Lord, you are the best. Thank you for blessing me with a child who brings joy and laughter to my heart each day. She is smart, beautiful, and kind. Her laughter melts my heart every moment I spend with her. All I want is to make sure this special little girl remains happy and healthy.

Lord, watch over my baby girl and make her life a happy one. Let her know that she doesn’t have to achieve great things to be the most beloved person in our family. May your protection and love be with her for eternity. Amen.

I have spent a year with you and to be honest, it is the happiest day of my life. I love you more than words can ever say. I just want to wish you a happy first birthday. I pray that God will continue to make me the best father for you!

May God be with you and give you grace and power through prayer to celebrate this special day. Happy first birthday, my angel. Keep your head held high and look God in the face in all that you do because YOU ARE A BLESSING TO EVERY MOMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m so proud of you!!!

Dear daughter, you are now a year older. I couldn’t be happier! I never thought such joy could fill me up and make my heart leap out of its cage in pure excitement. It must be the first time in my life that I have been truly happy!

May you have a very sweet dream, and wake up to a beautiful tomorrow. As your parent and a, He celebrates your first birthday this day, I do not know all the adventures that await you in life, but I know one thing for sure: my love for you will always be there.

Dear baby girl, today is the first day of your life on Earth! And I wish to thank the Almighty God for the gift of life he has given you, and the gift of strength to walk through life. On this special day, I want to celebrate your birthday, and I pray for your health and well-being for many, many years to come.

Dear daughter, I want you to know that I want the best life has to offer for you. You deserve it all, and I will do everything in my power to see that you get the chance to live your dreams. Happy birthday my child! Many blessings and happy life ahead of you.

The day you were born was the most special day of my life. From learning what it takes to be a parent, to seeing this world in a new light. You have taught me so much and have also made me realize what matters in life. You are my world and I will always love you. Today, I pray for your happiness in the year to come. Wishing you a very happy birthday!

A prayer for my daughter I pray for her happiness. I pray for her health and well-being. I pray you will grant her patience and understanding to all living things. And I pray that you will gather all those she loves around her in the comfort of your arms.

I will give you all the world has to offer for you have done that for me. Thank you for making me what I am today, my little daughter. Mommy loves you very much and is glad to see that big smile on your face. It feels like yesterday when I bore you in my womb, and now today you are a year old.

May God grant you all that is good, enrich you with his blessings and keep you safe. As we stand around your crib today, let us remind ourselves that in a few years, you would be a grown-up and the one who will take care of us. Enjoy your babyhood deep breaths of fresh air. It would not always be this easy.

My little angel, I would like to wish you a very happy first birthday. You have completed changed my life in this single year and have made me a different person. You will stay in my heart, even though you have moved on. I leave this prayer for you so, Lord may protect and bless you as long as you shall live!

Dear daughter, you have been away from me for a year now. You gave us immense joy and pain at the same time. Your smile makes us happy; your tears make us worry. We advise you to trust father god with all your heart for he will always come through for you in the future.

Life was never perfect. But you make it more perfect than any other thing that is doing. You are my sunshine, my joy, and my pride! And consider yourself blessed to have a daughter like you! On this special day, I pray that God bless you with more happiness. May he make all the desires of your heart come true! Happy Birthday, Darling!

My pride and joy is one year today. Happy birthday my darling child. Thank you for bringing great joy and happiness into this house. I wish you all the best as you grow.

Dear Child, I pray for your progress in life and your love for God. I pray that you are more than enough for money, friends, family, and health in your life. Happy birthday to you!

Dear God, I want to thank you for the gift of my beautiful daughter and that you gave her a long and healthy life. Happy birthday, girl.

Almighty God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference. Happy birthday my baby girl!

Dear daughter, I am your mother who loves you so dearly. The day you came into this world, my life turned upside down. You gave me sleepless nights with your cries and many early mornings. But somehow I handled it all because every minute I spent with you was like a pause button for the rest of the world.

Honey, I’m almost certain that you are turning one today! How time has flown! You have been so full of energy that it’s like having a tornado in your arms. Today, you’ll surely be spoiled by your family and dear friends. And I am sure, you will be given only the best stuff.

Father, thank you for giving me my beloved daughter on this special day. I pray you will continue to bless her life with your divine guidance. May she be a good parent, wife, and friend in the future. May she have every happiness in this life and the next.

You were nothing short of a miracle. I remember the first day you were born as if it was yesterday, the doctor handed you over to me and all I could see was this tiny bundle that loosely held her pinky finger. As time flew by and life happened, we both changed drastically in appearance but never in our bond.

I offer this prayer to bless your journey through life and help you stay on the right path. May you have good health and a strong body. May you have a head that is filled with wisdom and an open heart. May you be surrounded by people who love you and show it in their actions.

Dear daughter, my prayers for you today is that you may go from strength to strength and achieve your destiny in life. Happy first birthday!

Happy 1st birthday to my sweet little girl! I pray that you will continue to grow healthy and strong, full of goodness.

My daughter, you have been a gift from God. You have also been a joy to have around. As I look at you, I can’t help but think that your arrival has brought about a change in my life. I now know what it is like to love someone. You were a great blessing! I am so happy on this day of your first birthday. Take care always my dear child!

Birthday is your day so have all the fun you want. And stay away from any stress. This special day is just for you, my baby girl. We love you and wish you a happy birthday!

Lucky is the day that you were born. You have brought a smile to this world. Today is a special day and you are no longer just one year old. You have become an angel among us, a true gift from God. May you live long, happy and healthy…

God has blessed us with a beautiful daughter on this special day. I hope that you will always know that all of your father’s prayers will be answered by God if you abandon yourself to his care and live according to his will. On this special day, I pray for all those who are in trouble or are suffering.

God, thank you for blessing me with a daughter. I pray that you guide her in all her endeavors in life.

Today is the first anniversary of your birth, and I am very happy. You have made my life easier and happier with each passing day, and I hope this lasts forever.

Dear baby, thank you for the best year of my life. I love you so much and I will never stop loving you. I am grateful to be your mother, your friend, and more importantly, your guide.

May the Lord give you grace and glory to achieve your goals in life. May your future be as amazing as you are, and may He be with you always. Let His word guide you continuously and let His love lead you to victory. God bless my baby and all of us on this special day.

You have given us a priceless treasure! We pray that you will guide her footsteps through life, and shield her from all forms of danger. Fill her with your hope to spread joy and peace to all around her. Grant us wisdom to raise her as she grows. Lord, I ask for the wisdom to raise my child into adulthood. May she be triumphant in every endeavor she embarks on. Amen!

Dear daughter, I just wanted to say a quick prayer for your early 1st birthday. May you grow up as a beautiful person who will make the world a better place when she is older. May your dreams come true and may you be happy along the journey.

Dear baby, you are the reason for my life and the only thing I can’t live without. You have brought so much joy to our house that I feel sorry for those who don’t know what true love is. You have been the best gift I have ever received. I am glad to be your father. Happy first Birthday!

You are such a beautiful little princess, I hope you will live a long and happy life. You have brought so much joy and happiness to me and your daddy on your first birthday. I pray that you will be loved, cared for, and protected all your life!

You are my pride and joy. The sweetest stars out of my sky, the fruit of all my hard work. I rock you to sleep with a smile on my face every night and receive you with an outpouring of love among all mommies. And now, you have celebrated your first year on this earth. I pray for your health and a life full of happiness for you my darling daughter. Happy Birthday, sweetie!

Dear baby, Happy birthday to you! This day is your special day, a day that you’ll always remember. We all love you so much and we hope you live a very happy life

Lord, on this momentous day my little girl is celebrating her first birthday. I am thankful to God for gifting me with a healthy girl, though she has not talked yet, I know she will soon. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DAUGHTER!

Dear daughter. You are growing year by year, and I can’t help but wish you a very happy birthday! You make me feel even more proud to be your mother. I know that God has blessed me with an amazing gift, and I’m glad He chose me over all the other mothers across the world.

I have seen you grow from infancy to a young adult, and today I am celebrating your first birthday! May this day bring joy and happiness to you that will be remembered for the rest of your life. A prayer for all families.

Dear daughter, you are a precious gift from the Almighty. Today, I pray for your sound health, and happy, healthy growth. May all the angels keep you safe and guide you in your path through life’s journey. With love.

Dear god, this is my first prayer to you. I thank you for giving me a beautiful daughter. I know, raising kids isn’t easy, but with your love and support, we will make it last. Thank you for blessing us with her innocence. Please look after her always and keep doing miracles in her life.

May Almighty God grant you a life of fulfillment and happiness. May he heal you, bless you, help you and keep you. May you achieve your dreams and aspirations in the world today. May heavenly angels watch over and guide you every moment through your life on earth. I pray that no harm will befall upon your person, health, or wealth as long as you live but that all things work together for good.

Thank you for the blessing. I was so concerned about having her, only because I wasn’t sure that I will be able to take care of her successfully. You made me realize that she will get everything she needs, and then some more! Thanks for all the support!

Dear daughter, it was such a delight to see you as a baby. I am happy that you have grown beautifully. Mommy loves having you around. I hope our relationship will blossom brighter than the flowers in spring. From the bottom of my heart, I wish you a special first birthday!

My sweet little angel, the day you were born was the happiest day of my life. You made me feel so proud for being a mother. It is only because of your precious love that I can keep going through every day. Today you turn one year old. All I want for this birthday is for you to always be happy and healthy.

I can’t believe my baby daughter is now 1 year old. It seems like just yesterday, the doctor handed her to me. Today, I want to make of prayer for her long and healthy life, by the will of Almighty. May God bless you with all the happiness in the world, baby!

My heart is full of happiness and gladness that God gave me such a gift as my baby daughter. Am so excited to see you growing up, developing your personality, and having your vision about life.

Wishing you a very happy first birthday with my family. You have been such a gift to us. I am proud of your achievements and wish you luck in your future as well.

Dear daughter, you are the pride and joy of my life. You are my light in the dark, my warmth in the cold weather. I hope you grow up to be a thoughtful and loving person like your mother always tries to be. I pray that the experiences of your childhood shape you into a wonderful adult. Happy birthday

My prayers are with you as you celebrate another year of life. May your days be filled with joy, success, and happiness. May the Lord bless you and watch over you as long as you live on this earth. I love you, my dear daughter. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Dear daughter, you are beautiful and innocent. May the Lord protect you always and shower you with love. You bring great joy to me and your dad, who is thankful for you.

My dearest child, your life has brought tremendous meaning and light to my life. All I do is to make everything possible for you to be successful in the world. I have finally found a reason to smile and hope for a brighter future. I will always live my life so that you are proud of me, now and forevermore. May God shower his blessings on you as you turn one!

Today, I praise the heavens for giving me a gift as extraordinary as my daughter. I thank god for blessing me with a child that is compassionate and understanding, kind-hearted and well-behaved. I pray that you grow up to be an honorable person just like your father, who was a man of high principles and integrity.


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