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500+ Instagram Captions & Quotes for Cheating Boyfriend

If you’re looking for Instagram captions for cheating boyfriend, we’ve got you covered.

We know it’s tough when someone you love is doing something that hurts you. It’s even more difficult to find the right words to say about it in public. But we’re here to help! We’ve done all the work for you, so all you have to do is copy and paste these Instagram captions into your next post about your cheating boyfriend and watch the likes roll in.

We promise we won’t judge if you want to use some of these Instagram captions for a cheating boyfriend in a more private setting—after all, who hasn’t been there?

Instagram Captions for Cheating Boyfriend

• My boyfriend better love me, or else I’m taking his phone and posting a pic on Instagram of this caption. 😉

• if you’re cheating, I don’t want to know – just know that I already have the best boyfriend in the world.

• The worst part about being cheated on is that I don’t even get to pick my next boyfriend.

• Has your boyfriend ever cheated on you? If so, call him out for his hypocrisy and stupidity. Make sure to tag @addthis

• I’ve found a man who makes me feel beautiful and loved. He’s also very attractive and understands what I need. How do you not cheat on a hottie?

• Don’t apologize for cheating. You deserve better than a cheater, and you deserve someone who will love you unconditionally. But if you feel like the thought of ever giving your heart away makes you want to throw up, then maybe it’s time to give yourself some space and time to heal.

• I will cheat on you with my phone and all of Instagram.

• It’s time to take a stand. I’ll be honest, I’m cheating on you, but that’s not my real problem. It’s the fact that you’re a cheater who isn’t loyal to me.

• Cheating is a choice. I’d rather you be honest and up front than a liar and a coward.

• A cheater is a man that chooses to be dishonest and only lies to his lover.

• He told me he loved me. I believed every word. Until we got into bed together.

• I asked him to take me out for dinner and a movie, then I took him. 💕

• I love you as long as I don’t have to think about you.


• I’ve been so busy with work, I’ve forgotten to put my mixtape together for you.

• The biggest mistake a cheating boyfriend can make.

• A cheating boyfriend always makes me feel like the biggest of failures.

• I don’t cheat, my boyfriend cheats on me.

• When you have a new boyfriend, but still think about your ex.

• If he’s cheating, he’ll only cheat on you again. If he has to cheat again, then you should probably get out of his life.

• You’re not my boyfriend, but I’m not sure what you are.

• You’ve been cheating on me with someone else.

• Cheat-proofing your relationship.

• I never thought I’d find myself in this position, but it’s not my fault you’re a cheater.

• I was too busy getting my cheat on to notice you were cheating.

• Cheaters never win.

• You’re not mad at me. You’re mad because I made a mistake.

• I’ll never forgive him. He had a choice and he made the wrong one.

• Another day, another time.

• I got caught cheating on you, but I want to make it up to you by giving you some free time.

• Maybe she’s the one who will crack the code of your cheating ways.

• I’ve been cheated on before and I know what it feels like. But this time, it’s not going to work.

• You’re a cheater. I’m staying faithful as long as you are.

• If you’re cheating, you might as well try to look like a boss.

• the good kind of cheating

• Life’s too short to be with someone who can’t keep their hands to themselves. 🥺

• If a man will cheat on his wife, he’ll cheat on his girlfriend.

• How do you feel about your partner not taking care of his body? 😊🤷♀️

• I miss the days when you were mine.

• Don’t worry, you’ll forget him soon enough.

• You’re not going to get away with it, come on.

• You’ll never see me again.

• Hanging on by a single thread.

• He doesn’t want to be wrong, but he can’t help it.

• My cheating boyfriend has a secret social media account filled with selfies of me and other girls. He’s still single because he can’t stop trolling us. I’m okay with it though. I think he might have a thing for one of them 🤦🏻♀️

• Don’t blame your cheating boyfriend for the mistakes he made. Take full responsibility yourself.

• Just because you’re my boyfriend, doesn’t mean I have to fall for your lies.

• You’re going to feel like a cheater and deserve to be one when you cheat on your boyfriend.

• I’m not a cheater, I’m just a girl who likes to have fun.

• Give yourself a break. Life goes on, and so does your relationship. You two can continue to be great together if you just stop cheating on each other 😉

• He’s your boyfriend, but he’s also my newest best friend 🌼🌸 💕

• Cheating is never a good idea. I don’t believe in one true love, let alone two.

• The best revenge is finding someone else.

• If you love someone, set boundaries. They’ll appreciate it, and you can keep the magic alive.

• I hate everything about you and my life!

• I’m not cheating, I’m just looking for the next best thing.

• I’m ready to play the field again.

• I don’t know how you did it, but I’m very impressed. ☺️

• You’re not the only one who can make this “thing” happen.

• When your cheating boyfriend doesn’t have to say anything.

• Cheating on your boyfriend is not cool, especially if you’re the one cheating.

• My boyfriend cheated on me with his ex but he still has time to go surfing.

• I love my boyfriend, but he’s a cheater. I’m cheating on him with a series of other men.

• He has your heart, now time to make him jealous.

• He’s not cheating on you, he’s cheating the system. #HasslefreeHoops

• You cheated. I’m not falling for it again.

• No, I’m not cheating on you. But I am going to do everything in my power to give myself the best opportunity to cheat.

• Cheating heart: you know what this is.

• I don’t care what he has to say about me, there’s no way he’s the one.

• You’re so sweet, I’m almost tempted to cheat on you with your brothers. But then I’d have to lie to them, and they have far more integrity than that.

• I can apologize all I want, but I know you’re not sorry.

• Don’t be fooled by my smile, I’m not happy.

• When your cheating boyfriend says he’s going to be away for three weeks, but you don’t see his plane ticket.

• I’ve been cheated on and it sucks. But please know that I’ll never leave you for another man, because I don’t want to be replaced.

• No cheating. No strings attached.

• I cheated on my boyfriend the other night and felt really bad about it.

• Cheating isn’t easy, trust me.

• You know what they say: when the cheatin’ starts, it never stops! 😉 #cheating

• If you believe he’s cheating, then chances are you’re.

• I’ll always be your best friend, but never again will I be your #1 priority.

• Cheating is the coward’s way out.

• 💦 💦 It’s never too late to go back in time and tell him what he’s missing.

• Cheater: You’re my favorite person.

• All I want to do is hold you, kiss you and leave the rest up to fate.

• he said he was gonna call but didn’t.

• I’m gonna have to cheat on you with your best friend because I love it when you call me a moron, makes me feel like someone’s finally listening to me.

• I don’t want to talk about it. I just want to forget it ever happened.

• I don’t want to talk to my cheating boyfriend. But I feel like I have to text him.

• No, I won’t apologize. I never said sorry to the cheating girlfriend who broke my heart when she lied and betrayed me.

• Me: I know he cheated on me. Him: How is that possible? We just started dating yesterday!

• If you’re cheating on me, I’m breaking up with you. ❤️

• I just got off the phone with him. He’s cheating and I’m not mad, I’m jealous.

• Cheating is the ultimate form of disrespect. And it doesn’t matter if you’re the one doing it or if you’re just watching from afar: You’re still a coward.

• If you cheat on me, I know exactly where to find you.

• If you cheat on me, I will find out.

• I’m not a cheater, I’m just very honest.

• Cheaters always end up getting caught.

• Every time you cheat, the universe gets that much closer to ending our relationship.

• I don’t know what to say. You’re a cheater.

• There’s a little bit of cheating in all relationships.

• I was going to leave him, but then I thought about how I could make him feel better.

• I wish I could dissociate myself from him, but he’s stuck to my blood like cocaine.

• Every cheating boyfriend needs a reminder of what he can never have.

• Move over, cheating boyfriend. Here’s your new best friend: me.

• The cheating boyfriend is out there. The relationship you had with him is no more.

• Cheating is not cool. I will always choose you over any other guy after all your done for me, ever think about that?

• When a girl says “cheating” and doesn’t mean it, but you still get the shivers every time.

• Cheating means being in a relationship that isn’t real, whether it’s physical or emotional.

• I know it’s not your fault. This is what happens when you cheat on me.

• He’s been cheating on you with my heart.

• It’s a sad day in the world when cheating calls for ice cream.

• I vowed never to cheat on you, but the universe clearly had other plans.

• Cheating is always the easy way out.

• Make sure you’re in a position to take credit.

• If you’re going to cheat, then cheat big.

• No matter what I say, he doesn’t listen. But his actions and words speak louder than ever.

• I don’t regret the way I acted; I regret how I handled it.

• Cheating is a serious offense. But this girl does not care

• He’s not over you. He’s just realized he likes cheating on you more.

• Cheating is not something that should be taken lightly. It’s a sign of a lack of trust and respect for your partner.

• Cheating is never okay. But if you have to cheat, make sure you’re cheating on someone better than me.

• I regret the amount of times I’ve cheated on him. I really do.

• I’d like to continue the relationship, but you’re not allowed to cheat on me. 👋

• If you’re not willing to be cheated on, don’t cheat.

• I’m not mad at you for cheating, I’m mad at you for lying to me.

• It’s not cheating if I’m doing it with someone else.

• You’ve been lying, and I’m not OK with it.

• You got caught, now it’s over.

• He said he needed space. I came home to a blank text and all of his stuff gone.

• Don’t let him play with your heart.

• I’ll always have your back, even when you’re not looking.

• How it feels when your cheating boyfriend leaves you a series of messages on Instagram.

• If he’s cheating, his Instagram won’t be the same.

• The only thing worse than a cheating boyfriend is the cheating girlfriend 😱

• When you’re with your bae, but you have someone else on the side.

• Caught cheating again? There are no excuses for double standards.

• We’re not gonna lie, cheating is the worst. But you know what’s worse? Not cheating at all.

• We might be cheating on him, but it’s also ok if he cheats on us.

• Cheating is never an option.

• It’s not cheating if I’m still in love with you.

• I bet you thought this was going to be some sweet love story. Oh, how wrong you were.

• I’m going to be straight up with you— we’re over.

• I feel like I’m cheating on you. 💜

• I thought we had a deal. Says you don’t cheat, I says you won’t.

• I’m having second thoughts about you.

• It’s hard to stay mad at someone who’s always in your heart.

• I don’t need a cheating boyfriend for my favorite ice cream.

• Cheating on me with a guy who doesn’t know what he’s missing.

• I’ve cheated on my boyfriend with another dude, but at least he was cute.

• You were my first kiss, my first love…and I can’t cheat on you.

• I’m glad we decided to take this slow. We’ve only been together for a few months and I’m already in love with you—and with the way you make me feel, too.

• You know I’m not a cheater. You just want to know what it feels like…

• If you’ve been cheating on me, I want to know.

• Hey, this is not a breakup post. It’s just that I’m not used to seeing such a sad face on my IG story 😒

• Stay away from the cheater.

• Life is too short to be cheated on

• If you don’t do the dishes, I won’t buy you a plane ticket to visit me in Morocco.

• Oh, honey. There’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you.

• You can’t have love without trust, but you don’t always have to be faithful.

• Hurts a little bit, doesn’t it?

• Cheating boyfriend? Only if you’re worth it.

• A cheating boyfriend is a bad boyfriend. #CheatingClicks

• Cheating on you? It’s so much better than you deserve.

• When the cheating involves your phone 😐

• I knew he was lying. I knew he was cheating on me. But I kept smiling. And for a few moments at least, I pretended that his lies didn’t matter to me. Then one night it all came crashing down.

• Cheating on your significant other? Be sure to check the date on your pill bottle.

• I’m not a cheater. I’m just really good at lying about it.

• Cheating is just one way to stay true to yourself.

• The only thing I regret about cheating is letting you go so soon.

• Cheating is like a handshake… you don’t know what they’re going to do to your hand next.

• He’s not cheating. He’s just trying to change the way you see yourself.

• Cheaters come and cheaters go but the world always forgives you.

• A cheater will do anything to get out of the relationship, even hide from their partner. Don’t let them run from you.

• I have done something I know is wrong. I am sorry. But I will never stop loving you.

• Don’t let them fool you. You know they love you, but they just can’t admit it. I’m not the kind of girl who cheats. I don’t go home with dick heads, and I don’t take nude selfies with married guys. So don’t come crying to me when you do.

• Cheating isn’t just a thrill. It takes a lot of courage to be with someone else, when you know you can never be together

• Cheaters are just like everyone else. No matter how hard they try, they can’t get into my pants.

• Take a look at the guy who cheated on you.

• Cheating means more to me than you. Good bye.

• Don’t waste your time on a cheater – because there’s no way he’s worth it.

• Cheating doesn’t have to be an invasion of your heart or your trust.

• Cheating is like a pat on the back to our self-worth.

• He’s not cheating, he’s taking a class.

• you know how you’re supposed to wait for the ring? I’m going to wait for the text with my phone at my ear.

• How is it cheating if you guys just met?

• What’s wrong with making out? I swear you look like you’re enjoying it.

• You’re better off with someone else. I’ll be waiting for you on the next flight home.

• I’m cheating on you. By giving myself a cheat day.

• I’m not over it. I’m just done with you.

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