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Short and Unique Captions for Instagram

We hate to break it to you, but Instagram is more than just a place for selfies and food photos. It’s also a great place to post quotes, sayings, and other inspirational messages that can help you get through your day—and maybe even make it better!

But if you’re like most of us at [company name], trying to come up with something great to say can be a bit stressful. That’s why we’ve put together this list of short and unique captions for Instagram. You’ll find something here for every occasion: whether you want to motivate yourself or cheer someone else up, or even just add some humor into the mix!

We hope these captions will help you find your voice and express yourself in new ways on Instagram.

Short and Unique Captions for Instagram

• Leave a lasting impression, one caption at a time.

• We’re not playing around. We’re serious about insta—so start adding us to your stories.

• A selfie is a picture you take of yourself with your phone.

• Find your #lovefeelslikethis vibe across our collection of everyday essentials.

• Don’t be afraid to be different. It might take some time, but it will pay off in the end.

• Master the art of a simple life and spend less time searching for meaning.

• Be who you are, say what you feel and do what makes you happy.

• The best way to put a smile on your face is through love.

• The only thing I want to be is beautiful.

• The friendships you build in the sun are ones you never forget.

• Energized with the promise of a good day ahead. Have an O!

• You’re the best. The very best. You are my inspiration, my star and I’m so thankful that we met.

• It’s a rough world out there. Don’t let it get you down. Be more like this little guy ☘❤

• The best way to find a great photographer is to be a great photographer.

• We are not the same. We are unique. We are different. We are you and I, but we aren’t the same. So just go ahead and make your mark on this world!

• We’ve got your angles covered 🙌

• The world is full of beautiful people. Here are my favorite pictures of them.

• Words can’t describe how much I love this post.

• The life you’ve always wanted is waiting for you.

• The coolest people are always the most interesting.

• Live your best life. Feel the wind in your hair. Laugh out loud.

• Life’s a party, and every day is a celebration.

• You don’t have to be perfect to be a winner. You just have to keep going…

• Sometimes you’re the windshield, sometimes you’re the bug.

• At the end of the day, all we want to do is be our best selves.

• We have a lot to be proud of. You do too, right?

• A simple caption can be just as powerful as a complex one.

• Short and sweet. Thanks for the visit!

• A world of possibilities awaits you. And so do all the things that make your life amazing.

• Festive, fun and outgoing. The life of a party animal.

• There’s no time like the present to change things up.

• Life is short, live it up.

• You will spend more time here than you want to admit.

• Life is about exploring, not knowing where it will lead. The adventure continues!

• The most important part of your life is already lived. The rest is a bonus.

• Something about that moment when you’re on the way to do something awesome and realize you forgot your coffee.

• You don’t have to be a certain age or wear a certain hat to look like an old soul.

• You know things are getting real when you’re not only wearing your heart on your sleeve but also on your face.

• There’s no better time than now to stop being afraid, and start living.

• Instagram is a great place to post all your best moments with the people who matter most. Tag your friends who are feeling like this too

• Short and to the point—just like you!

• Life doesn’t have to be complicated. All you need is a good bottle of wine, some friends and Instagram.

• Your days are filled with so many exciting, fun and interesting things to do. So why not make them pictures?

• We’re always looking for that one pic that makes you stop and say: “Wait, is this a cat?”

• The greatest things in life are short and sweet.

• Life is the only game in town. So do what you love and play hard.

• Life is short, make sure you take the time to enjoy it.

• The secret to success is hard work + dedication. The secret to happiness is simple. Do what makes you happy.

• Be brave, be bold, and be you.

• What is a day without adding an extra dose of love?

• The secret to being truly happy is to make others so.

• Nothing compares to a good road trip.

• The only thing you have to fear is fear itself.

• Life is too short for boring captions.

• A photo captures a moment in time. A caption is what makes it stand out from the crowd.

• Life is too short not to be creative and have fun. This is the perfect time to try something new and explore your world.

• #itsalittlebittersweet #thebesthappenthewhenyoufindyourhappyplace

• I may not be the best at making coffee, but I am always grabbing a cup.☕💦

• No one else has it quite like you.

• The best thing about today is that I’m here and not there.

• Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain! #happyweekend

• Nothing is more beautiful than a woman who truly enjoys life.

• Passion runs deep, and it can guide you to your best work.

• Life is too short to drink coffee as it cools.

• Little things can make a big difference.

• You’ll never see the same sky twice, so why not wear it?

• If you can make a plan, you can make an epic life.

• The only thing that will outweigh the sun is a good wine.

• the perfect caption to spice up your IG story.

• This is what happens when you post a picture on Instagram and your phone battery is dead 💆🏻‍♂️

• The hardest part of a story is getting started. So make the most of this moment, right now.

• Let’s be real, it’s hard to look hot while reading a book. But we don’t want you to stop reading.

• Fall in love with everyday.

• The best part of waking up is the beautiful sunrise

• The best part about being an artist is that you have to work hard to be good at it. The bad part is, when people see your work, they expect you to be bad at it.

• What if we told you that every single thing you need to know about life is in the subtitle?

• Life is too short to live without your best friends.

• Living on the edge, loving every minute of it.

• Everything comes with a story. And everything has a beginning.

• Following is not a dress code. You do you.

• Life is beautiful, and then you get old.

• A little sunshine in your day can go a long way.

• The difference between a good shot and a great shot is the angle.

• Life is like a box of chocolates 🍫🤯

• Something’s been missing on your feed. Something you haven’t seen or felt before. Something that makes you smile and say, “I’ve got to share that!”

• There’s no greater feeling than when you get to share a moment with someone you care about. Life is better shared.

• Discover our latest makeup collection.

• Life’s too short to waste time on the same old things.

• Sometimes you just have to stop and appreciate the little things

• I’m always up for a good quote that inspires you to make something amazing.

• If there’s one thing we learned from our travels, it’s that everyone has a story.

• Don’t let the dog days of summer get you down. Keep smiling and stay positive, it’s showtime!

• You might have seen this picture before.

• The best things in life are not always complicated.

• I’m kind of obsessed with my hair!

• Inspired by the beauty of nature, we make our rings from sustainable materials.

• Life is a journey and we make our own. We are the architects of our own reality.

• We know what you’re thinking: “I’m going to need a bigger basket.”

• Here’s why you should quit your job and start Instagram-ing.

• The sky doesn’t say I love you, but the stars above do. ☁️

• The best way to spend your time? Wasting time with you.

• I’m going to bed with a smile on my face ✌🏻

• I’m not saying I’m perfect, I’m just saying I’m perfect for you.

• We’re here to make your life a little more fun.

• Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it’s better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.

• It’s the little things that make life awesome.

• You already know how to be a boss, what are you waiting for?

• I saw the world for what it is and started living my life.

• “When you can’t stop smiling, you know it’s a good day.”

• When the unexpected happens and you find yourself in the center of it all.

• Space is big. The solar system is big. The universe is big. And you are big. It’s good to be big.

• Not every day is a win. But if it’s even half as good as today, it’ll be worth pushing through.

• Ranging from sweet to spicy, these Instagram captions will keep your feed interesting.

• Showcasing the beauty of everyday moments.

• You’re not a bad person. You’re a great one, with a lot to give 💕

• I’m trying to be a better me, one photo at a time.

• Don’t just take a picture—take a moment.

• Life is short. Say it with your hair.

• Be bold. Be brave. Be you.

• Stop by our store to get your own unique piece of art!

• We’re living in a time where we have the ability to change things. The future is ours to create, and we will…

• We all have a certain amount of confidence in our own streets, but when a stranger gives you the confidence and support to go out there and be happy, it feels good.

• The most powerful thing we have is our mind. We don’t need a bigger house, just a bigger thought.

• Summer is short, and so are these shorts.

• The only thing we must fear is fear itself. ― Franklin D. Roosevelt

• Let’s face it: Instagram is a visual medium. That’s why we have captions to accompany any photo, no matter how small.

• Celebrate the beauty of the mundane, by capturing it with your phone and posting it on Instagram

• “A photo is worth a thousand words, but it only takes one to make you feel alive.”

• You know what they say: less is more. So just go ahead and keep it simple. You can never go wrong with that, right?

• There are always so many things going on at the same time, but only one thing that matters. You! 😊👋🏼

• Stoked to be making new friends and reconnecting with old ones.

• Remember who you are and what is important to you. Life is too short.

• Here’s to a new you, a new me and the exciting journey ahead

• LIFE IS A MESS. Can you forgive me? I promise to never be late again.

• The most important thing is to never lose sight of the facts. ♥

• Your thoughts matter. Share yours today.

• Life is too short to feel bad about yourself.

• The only thing that matters is your story.

• Boldness. Heart. Style. All in one package.

• Life is too short to be living someone else’s dreams. Go make your own.

• Life is a beautiful crazy thing. Do it today, live in the moment and embrace the madness.

• This is my home. This is my crown. Don’t leave without taking a photo with me.

• The best way to plan a trip? Plan it with words.

• I have a dirty mind, but I’m a good girl at heart.

• You know you’re in the zone when you can make a bowl of cereal look cool.

• We love being a part of the beauty summits that help others create, grow, inspire and achieve their goals.

• The little things are the big things.

• Life is not about finding yourself, but creating yourself.

• The sun was always shining on me. Now it’s gone and left a cold, empty space in my heart.

• Life is a journey, not a destination. Don’t get comfortable where you are—keep moving forward!

• What do you do when you’re bored? Turn your phone sideways and take a selfie. 😎

• Go ahead, take a selfie. It’s the 21st century.

• Every second is a chance to trick your brain for more impact.

• What would life be without a second chance? ☀💫

• What would you say if you were to describe yourself?

• If you can’t find me, look for the two pups with their heads together thinking about how much fun they had last weekend.

• one person can make a difference. And we all want to be remembered for being that person.

• The simplest things are often the most beautiful.

• More than just an outfit, it’s how you live your life.

• You are what you wear, and so am I.

• “A day without sunshine is like night.” -Voltaire

• We are more than a haircut. We are an art form.

• Short and simple, just like the best in life. You only have so many seconds on this planet, why not make them count?

• Get ready to take a look at something that is short but sweet.

• In our world, nothing’s too short or too long.

• It’s all about the details. Every day, every moment is a chance to be unique.

• The shortest day of the year, just six minutes.

• Embrace your unique beauty and the time to enjoy it.

• The most unique and beautiful places are always around us, if you just take a moment to look.

• We’re not the perfect couple. But we’re perfect for each other.

• We’re not your perfect picture. We’re a work in progress.

• If you want to be remembered, you have to act like it.

• The only thing we can guarantee is that it won’t be the same again. 🏅

• So many things have happened in this world since I got here.

• Short and sweet is the best way to describe this little beauty.

• Let’s change the conversation about short hair by embracing it, loving it, and living it.

• You don’t have to be a big fan of tiny house living to appreciate this one.

• The best way to stay warm? Embrace your individuality and look cute while you do it 😍

• Life is short. Wake up and live.

• One of our favorite things about the future is that it’s coming so quickly.

• If you’ve never tried it, you don’t know what you’re missing out on.

• We’re on a mission to bring you more content. Here’s our logo.

• Look past the mind games and focus on what’s real.

• Not every day is meant to be long, but a week without a sunburn should never be mandatory.

• Don’t let your past define the person you are.

• The way to your heart is through your stomach.

• A short and unique statement made in a single color, that makes you stand out with your personal style.

• Life’s too short for boring clothes. And I’m wearing them in my life and for this picture 😜

• No matter what you’re up to, you can always count on us for a shot of inspiration.

• We’re not afraid to be a little different.

• It’s only a few inches to the left and your life will never be the same.

• This is not just a selfie, it’s an experience.

• Stand out above the rest in the right pair of shoes.

• Got a minute? Take our quick survey to help us understand what’s important to you before we share more.

• The art of a great haircut is finding the balance between something that’s interesting, but not too complex.

• Sometimes all you need is a little simplicity.

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