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Thank You Lord For My 30 Years Of Existence

Thank You Lord For My 30 Years Of Existence: I know this psalm is not supposed to be as long as this, but I just wanted to thank you Lord for creating me. I know it hasn’t been easy being me because at times my heart has been hard and thin-skinned, but thank you for all the good things you have given me. I am very grateful for most things in life and for those who love you more than anything on earth.

Thank You Lord For My 30 Years Of Existence

I thank the Lord for my 30 years of existence. I have been through a lot but I keep on pushing through. I love being alive, but most of all I love my family.

Wanna Thank You, Lord, for giving me 30 years of existence. It’s been a wonderful 30 years; here’s to 30 more.

To the Bean Family; thank you Lord for 30 years of existence, here’s to many more. #celebrate30years

Wow, it’s been 30 years since I was created. Thank you so much, Lord, for all the great life You have given me!

I turn 30 today. I could say how old I feel, but it wouldn’t be true. God, thank you for all I have, and all that’s to come. You are great. You are good. You are faithful.

Never forget where you come from and what you’ve been through to get here 👶🏾 #30yearsandcounting

30 years ago today, I entered this world, and thank you Lord for everything: the light, the dark, and the shades of grey in between.

30 years ago today, I made my way into the world! So thankful to God and my momma that I’ve made it this far. Looking forward to what the future holds, as long as it includes family, friends, and plenty of coffee 😉

I’ve lived a life outside the lines and beyond my means. Today I have nothing to show for it besides happy memories.

Life was created to be enjoyed. This is but a small window of time where I can experience it. Making the most out of every moment on earth is what I want to do as this is a very short ride indeed.

The Lord has done great things for me. His goodness continues to be fresh and new every morning when I awake. I will praise Him, my God, with everything that is within me.

Thank You, Lord, for my 30 years of existence. I am grateful for being here like this and being able to see the beauty you have created. I have lived a life full of love, peace, and joy.

Thank you, Lord, for my 30 years of existence. Thank you for the opportunities I have been given to contribute to society and make a positive difference.

Thank you, Lord, for my 30 years of existence. Thank you for the people and things that have helped me grow, learn, and develop.

Thank you, Lord, for my 30 years of existence, and for the opportunity to fulfill your plan. I praise you for giving me the strength to overcome the challenges that come my way and the courage to persevere despite setbacks.

Thank you, Lord, for my 30 years of existence. You have been faithful to me in all ways, good and not so good. I thank You, Lord, that I am still here today.

Thank you, Lord, for my 30 years of existence. I have learned a lot in this short time, but most importantly it’s taught me what it truly means to be thankful.

Thank You, Lord. Thank You for my 30 years of existence. I’m thankful for how far I’ve come, how much I’ve learned and grown, and for all the friends I’ve made along the way.

Your love is a fountain of Life, Your kindness flows over us. Thank you, Lord, for my 30 years of existence.

Thank you, Lord, for 30 years of existence. Thank you for the people that have changed your life, and thank you for this opportunity to say thanks.

Thank you for 30 years of existence. I am grateful for the many blessings that have been bestowed upon me throughout my life, and I pray that Your goodness, grace, and love are always upon me.

I give you my love and gratitude for 30 years of existence. You have blessed me with a life that is full of love, joy, peace, and happiness.

Thank You for 30 years of existence. I’m grateful for each day and every moment.

Thanks for 30 years of existence. I wouldn’t have made it this far without you and your help.

Thank you God for the last 30 years of my life, thank you for all the blessings and opportunities that have come my way.

Thank You, Lord, For My 30 Years Of Existence! I’m grateful for all your blessings and mercies in my life.

Thank You, Lord, for my 30 years of existence. For making me a unique creation. For giving me purpose and value in your world. So much love and gratitude to you, my creator.

Thank you, Lord, for my 30 years of existence. I’m grateful for the push and support from my parents who raised me well to become a strong woman that can inspire others with her words and actions.

Thank you, Lord, for my 30 years of existence and I am thankful that I can still contribute something to your world.

I thank You, Lord for my 30 years of existence, with all the blessings and opportunities that have come my way.

Thank you, Lord, for the 30 years of my existence. I want to thank you for everything good that has happened to me and for those who have touched my life.

Thanks to my Lord, I’ve been around for 30 years. He’s blessed me with opportunities and a life I love.

Thank you, Lord, for giving me the strength, hope, and courage to live every day of my life.

Thank you, Lord, for giving me a purpose in this world. It has been an adventure of the highest order and I feel blessed beyond words.

Thank you, Lord, for my 30 years of existence, 30 years of laughter and tears. I have seen so much in my life. I have been through so much in my life. There is so much to learn from the past and so much to look forward to.

I’m 30 years old today! Thank you, Lord, for my 30 years of existence. I know it’s only the beginning, that there are many more exciting dreams and accomplishments ahead.

I’m so grateful to God for giving me 30 years of existence. Another milestone comes in my life, 30 this year!

I’m celebrating 30 years of existence. What are you going to do today to celebrate YOUR life?

It’s my birthday again! I am happy to share with you that today is my 30th birthday. Praise be to God for His mercies and blessings.

I’m turning 30 in 8 days, and I can’t help but thank my Creator for all the beauty he has put inside me…

Thirty! Thirty years on this planet! I am grateful for life and for all of the people who have come into it.

I am 30 years old today and I still have a lot to learn. I am grateful for the people who have been part of my life so far and who continue to be a part of it.

Thank You, Lord, for my 30 years of existence. I have enjoyed every minute of it. I have learned so much about myself and how to deal with life’s challenges. Most importantly, Your word has always been there for me and guided me through any situation throughout the years.

Thank you, Lord, for my 30 years of existence. May I always stay in the Light and continue to grow.

Thank you, Lord, for my 30 years of existence. You have blessed me with amazing friends, family, and a career that I love so much.

Lord, thanks for my 30 years of existence. I didn’t know what I was missing until you came into my life. I am grateful for everything that you have given me and I pray that you will bless every day of my life here on earth.

Thank you, Lord, for my 30 years of existence. You have been with me through good times and bad. I praise and thank you for every bit of my existence.

Thank You, Lord, for all these wonderful 30 years of existence, I am grateful for every moment of it.

Thank you for my 30 years of existence, Lord. You’ve given me beautiful friends, food, and love. I pray that through my time in this life, I may be an instrument of Your will and overcome all obstacles so I may serve You more completely.

I’m thankful for the 30 years of existence I’ve had. Thank you, Lord, for all that you’ve done in my life.

Lord, thank you for the 30 years of my existence. I’ve been blessed with many things, even with family and friends who love me. Thank You for making this earth a beautiful place to be.

Thank you, Lord, for 30 years of existence. I am blessed to serve you in your kingdom and praise you throughout my life.

Thank you, Lord, for 30 years of existence. Thank you for the lessons learned, and thanks for helping me develop into a better man.

Thank you, Lord, for the last 30 years of my existence. I am thankful for everything that has happened to me, made me who I am, and everything that came with it.

Thank you, Lord. For thirty years, I’ve been on this earth. Thank you for all of my accomplishments and blessings.

Thank You, Lord, For My 30 Years Of Existence. I am blessed to have had the opportunity to spend these years with you, through your word and other people’s prayers.

Thank You, Lord, for my 30 years of existence, Thank You for my many blessings and opportunities. I’m grateful to be a part of this world.

Thank You, Lord, for my 30 years of existence. I am so grateful for your love and guidance.

Thank you, Lord, for my 30 years of existence. May all my days be spent praising your name and spreading your word in a way that will glorify your kingdom.

I give You thanks, Lord, for my 30 years of existence. Thank You for blessing me with a beautiful family, friends, and a loving husband. I love You!

Thank you, Lord, for my 30 years of existence. I am grateful for being able to take advantage of every moment of this wonderful life.

Thank You, Lord. Thank You for my 30 years of existence, for the people I’ve met, for the places I’ve seen, and for all of the experiences that you have allowed me to enjoy! Thank You for the innumerable blessings and opportunities that I have had so far in my life.

Lord, for my 30 years of existence and for everything I’ve been through, thank you. Thank you for your love, grace, and mercy. I am forever grateful for this gift of life.

Thank you, Lord, for the 30 years of my existence. I am grateful that I was able to experience such a beautiful life and be around happy, joyous people.

Thank you, Lord, for the 30 years of existence. Thank you for helping me to grow and develop as a person. Thank you to the people in my life who have touched my life so deeply.

WOW. 30 years? That is a long time to spend existing. Thank you—thank you Lord for the gift of your creation and especially thank you for each moment that has touched my life over these past 30 years.

I know you have been with me through all the ups and downs of this 30-year journey, and I’m so thankful for you.

Lord, on this day, I give thanks for the blessings of my youth. Thank You for all of the experiences that have defined me and helped to shape who I am today.

Thank You, Lord, For My 30 Years Of Existence. I Praise You For The memories that are yet to be made and the unknown adventures to come.

Thank You, Lord, For My 30 Years Of Existence And I Know That I Will Be Able To Do Great Things In My Future.

Thank You, Lord, for my 30 years of existence. I have been on this earth for so long—and I am thankful for all the memories and experiences.

Thank You, Lord, for my 30 years of existence. You have blessed me with many gifts and opportunities.

Thank you, Lord, for my 30 years of existence. You have blessed me with a life full of hope and opportunity.

Thank you, Lord! I am so grateful for my 30 years of existence. You have been honest, dependable, and faithful through it all.

Thank you, Lord, for my 30 years of existence, for all the lessons you have taught me, and for my journey so far.

Thank you, Lord, for 30 years of existence. I’m grateful for each day and each step. Thank you for the lessons, trials, and victories; For the long nights and the long days. Thank you for life itself…

Thank you Lord for the 30 years of my existence, I thank you for blessing me with a bright future and much success.

Thank you, LORD, for blessing me with 30 years of existence on this planet. I am grateful for your guidance, love, and support through all of your blessings.†

Thank you for 30 years of existence. I am grateful for all these years spent with my family, friends, and loved ones.

Thank You, Lord, for all that I have been through and am about to experience. You have blessed me with the gift of life and it is only a continued blessing when I share my love for You.

Thank You, Lord! 30 years ago today, I was born. Thank You, Lord, for bringing me into the world to live and grow in Your time.

Thank you, Lord, for this wonderful life I have been given. Thank you Lord for the many blessings You have bestowed on me.

Thank you, Lord, for my 30 years of existence. Thank you for this birthday, thank you for all things I’ve been through and learned, and thank you for all the blessings on me.

Lord God…Thank you for my 30 years of existence.  I hope to keep succeeding in the future and be a blessing to others.

Thank you, Lord, for 30 years of existence. I am grateful for the gift of life and the blessings I have received.

Lord, thank you for these 30 years of existence, I believe in you, and I trust in your plan.

God, Thank you for blessing me with 30 years of existence. I am so blessed to be alive and have been able to experience all the joys of life.

Thank you, Lord, for the blessing of my 30th birthday this year. You are faithful and Your Word has proven to be true time and again. May I continue to follow You and may I continue to have faith that You have good plans for me.

30 years ago I was born. Thanks for the time we’ve shared, Lord.  I’m so grateful for every aspect of my life.

30 years ago, I was born into this world. You’re the one who gave me my tongue and my voice, my mind and my heart. Thank you, Lord.

Today I celebrate a momentous birthday… 30. 30 years ago, the doctors told my mother that she would not have another child.

#HBD to me! God is good all the time. Thanks for the many years of strength, health, and blessings. I’m so grateful.

30 years ago today, the universe blessed us with a massive, funny, and amazing person-you.

Thank You, Lord, For My 30 Years Of Existence! It is time to celebrate the past and look forward to the future. I’m grateful for all that you have blessed me with.

Thank You, Lord, for my 30 years of existence. I am so thankful to have been chosen by You and blessed with the opportunity to live such a wonderful life.

Thank you, Lord, for my 30 years of existence. Thank you for the time I’ve spent in your presence and thank you for the time that I have yet to experience.

Thank you, Lord, for my 30 years of existence. You’ve blessed me with wonderful friends and family, a loving and supportive spouse, and the opportunity to share your love through serving in the mission field.

Thank you, Lord, for my 30 years of existence. You have blessed me with many blessings that I can never repay. I’m so grateful for every moment of my life and promise to give back what I can.

Thank you, Lord, for my 30 years of existence. I am so grateful to you for giving me life and also the strength to become a better person. You are the best there is!

Thank you, Lord, for my 30 years of existence. Thank you, Lord, for being a great dad and husband, for all the ways you’ve taught me and shown me how to love people.

Thank you, Lord, for the 30 years of my existence. I’ve been on this earth and grew up, some might say.

Thanks for my 30 years of existence, Lord. You’ve given me a lot of blessings and answered prayers; we are grateful for all that you have done for us.

Thank you, Lord, for the 30 years of existence you have given me. Everything is good and beautiful in this world, just like how I want it to be. Bless me with your love and light in all my future endeavors. Thank you, Lord!

Lord, I thank you for each day of my existence. Thank you for taking care of me and making my life better.

For the past 30 years, I have been blessed with a very loving and caring family who’s always there for me in times of need #thankyoulord

Thank you, Lord, for every single day of my existence. I’ve been blessed with so much, and I can’t wait to see what the rest of this life has in store!

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